Two brothers, a hero and a villain

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"This is a surprise." The villain said, blonde hair tossed by the wind on the moonlit night.

"It is isn't it, after all, we always said I'd be the villain, you'd be the hero."The hero calls, back to the back of his brother, forever intertwined by their DNA.

The villain snorts, purple hood dropping from their head, "Ironic, isn't it? And yet we're the exact opposite, chaos is mine, and freedom is yours."

"Freedom does not belong to me, brother." The hero retorts.

"Freedom doesn't belong to you as much as chaos does to me. My name is Royal Chaos isn't it?"

"Chaos is not yours just because you control it, just as Freedom is not mine even as I wield it." And the hero turns towards his brother, brother until his dying day.

"For being free, you seem locked." The villain stares back, the world collapsing beneath him as power drips from his hands, eyes beating with the purple and black glare of corrupted life.

"For being chaos, you seem restrained." The hero destroys the corrupted world with a flick of his wrist, white and blue flowing from the eyes as blue as the day sky.

"It's sad really, brothers in arms, but yet on opposite sides, even as you had always dreamed of seeing the world fall into your hands, run by a villain."

"I run the world as a hero, the world is free, and yet you resist the freedom I give you, why brother?"

"This was our prophecy wasn't it? Our destiny? Until dying days, the two brothers fought? And yet, we have lived a thousand years and have not seen the spark and true freedom of death."

"The world is less slow causing chaos, destroying civilians freedom as the gods they worship did to me, the world moves faster getting revenge on those who have wronged me."

"The world moves faster giving the freedom and light of the above to the newborns and elders."

"And yet the world is always better in the raging fires of the below, you can't stop the natural forces, dear brother, but you can assist them in destroying."

"And yet I still try."

"And yet you still try."

The two brothers stare at eachother- one evil, one good. Two brothers, a hero and a villain.

Brothers until their dying days.

Too bad they were immortal.

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