10)Helen Das:

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'Good evening ladies' he greets

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'Good evening ladies' he greets. The man who shot P is also present. Wonderful. Both the man rake their eyes all over our half naked bodies. I can feel Pearl shiver in disgust and so do i. After a few seconds of silence the man speaks again. 'Have a seat, dont worry we dont bite' he smirks at us. 'But we do' Pearl mumbles under her breath clear enough for me to hear. I internally laugh before looking over at Pearl for confirmation. She nods and we both shuffle over to the seats furthest from the men.

'What do you want?' I speak up once settled down. 'Straight to the point Das?' the man with green eyes asks. 'We have a offer for the both of you, since you both can be very useful to us i hope you pick carefully'. 'Offer? Why cant you just let us go. We already answered all your questions so there should be no use for us.' Pearl speaks up. The man who shot P seems to be amused by her question as a smirk lingers onto his face while he keeps his eyes on her.

Mr Green eyes shakes his head before answering her. 'Ms Grey right? I suggest you keep your mouth shut before i blow your head off because frankly this does not concern you, but no letting you two go will not be a option i will be opting for'. At that our faces drop. They seem to notice that as they send each other approving glances. 'Now you both either help us find your mother' he says pointing at me. My Mother why?. 'Or...Die' he speaks without hesitation like he threatens people almost every time he wants something.

Fuck me, i mean not literally ha ha-

Pearl grips onto my hand from under the table. 'And why would you think we would help you?' I state firmly even though i am shitting bricks. 'Well first because you value your lives and secondly because i wont mind sending men down to street 81 downtown alley or Greys bakery in Los Angeles' he finishes the sentence sipping on his whiskey.

My breathing picks up. How does he know our parents address... . 'So what shall it be?' He asks with a eyebrow raised. He just threatened our loved ones and he is asking us this?. I will not put any of my family members at risk. Pearl squeezes my hand assuring me that her answer is probably the same as mine.

'The first one' I mumble trying hard not to let my voice break.

'Good choice ladies' he states with a cold expression. 'You may get out now, Noah should be outside to escort you back to your room'. As soon as i get up to leave with my heart in my hand Pearl speaks up. 'We answered your questions and its only fair if you answer ours since we are going to be staying with you against our will might i add'.

Where does she get the confidence?

Mr Hazel eyes looks at her before taking out a cigarette and lighting it. Mr Green eyes looks annoyed before leaning back and motioning her to continue. Can't this guy show any ounce of respect. 'Why do you want to find Helens mum? And how is she supposed to help you find her when she hasn't talked to her for years?'. Smoke fills the room causing me to cover my nose from the foul smell. Pearl takes it in and exhales a breath of relief. How isn't it affecting her?.

'Well lets just say Maria took something of mine and i want it back and no mother can forget her child can she?'he replies in a grumpy tone before looking at me. What was Mother doing with people like them?. 'Care explaining?'. My words come out harsher than expected. He keeps eye contact with me digging deep into my soul. 'No'. I scoff at his response catching his attention. 'What?' He ask grumpily. 'Nothing i knew you were a jerk but I didn't now you were this big of a jerk'. Shit.

I think Pearls confidence is contagious.

His jaw clenches anger swarming in his eyes. I know i should apologise but jerks like him dont deserve it. His grip on his glass tightens as his knuckles turn white but he doesn't say anything. 'So you are using us?' Pearl asks.I tilt my head waiting for a response. He just keeps on looking at me with a cold expression.

'Fine but one thing i dont get is why are we stripped from our clothes?'. At that his smirk returns before glancing at Pearl for a few seconds than settling his eyes back on me. He doesn't even look at her while answering but purely rakes his eyes all of my body. I am going to puke. 'It was basic security calls nothing severe'. His eyes have a mischievous glint in them. Her frown turns into a glare. 'Than it would have been nice to have our clothes back on' she seethes at him.

'Maybe we liked the view' Mr Hazel eyes speaks up for the first time giving Pearl a seductive grin. I dont even want to know what he's thinking.

Pearl has a full on staring contest with him for a whole minute before breaking it herself. 'Will that be all?' Green asks impatiently. This time i decide to speak up. 'No actually,it would be nice to know your names'.

'This is Bernardo and i am Edoardo'

'And we are the Ferrari brothers'

Realisation hits me like a truck.

'You know Sofia' i ask eyes widened. 'Yes now if we are done i will be going, the maids will arrange some clothes for you in the meantime' and with that he walks out brushing shoulders with me. When i look back at Pearl for her reaction but her eyes are on Bernardo more like Bernardos cigarette.

'P' i shake her shoulder. Her eyes snap back to mine. 'Chalo hamaare kamare mein vaapas chalate hai'(lets go back to our room). She nods her head moving out of the room with me. Blondie catches my eyes aka Noah. 'Ready to go Ms?'. I nod my head 'lead the way' i reply smiling. My dad thought me to always be nice and plus Noah doesn't deserve my bitchness that's specially reserved for Edoardo.

Once we arrive at the room he opens the door for us. Inside on the bed 2 shirts are laid out which are big enough to cover our exposed skin. If this is what he meant by clothes i wonder how his closet is like?. Although the suit he was wearing made him look gorgeous.

What are you doing?he is your kidnapper!

I turn back around to thanks Noah. 'Thanks Mr....' i give him a weak smile. 'No problem, you can call me Noah' he responds looking down at the floor. Is he blushing?. 'And you can call me Helen' i state. 'I dont think Capo would like that' he mumbles. 'And i dont care what your capo thinks'. 'Haha you have some guts, welcome to the famigila. Goodnight' i nod before closing the door. I dont think i can ever be in their circus called famigila.

I turn back around to see Pearl looking at me dead serious.

'We are escaping tonight' she deadpans.

Authors note:
Damn so now they all have been introduced hmm?
Also whats up with Bernardo looking at pearl like that?
Helen just loves poking the bear doesn't she also thank you so much for letting Never again reach 100 Plus views!!

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