26)Helen Das:

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Fuck Edoardo

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Fuck Edoardo. Fuck everything. Fuck everyone.
My life has been a shit show ever since I stepped in Italy and the worse part is I don't even know why?.

This was supposed to be a fun holiday for our best friends bachelorette party but things took a turn of events and now Pearl and I are kidnaped and stuffed in this prison which is a very beautiful mansion.

But that's beside the point. It's been a month, almost a month and it's the same routine everyday. Wake up,shower,brush teeth, go down with Noah, have breakfast with the most gorgeous men,come up or walk around the mansion.

On the bright side we still get to continue studying. It's took a whole lot of convincing or dancing for Edoardo to let us online study. Our exams are coming up in a bit which we should have been studying for on our comfortable desks but no we are on silk sheets seated cross legged typing away.

My encounters with Edoardo haven't been the best so far and should stay that way but for some reason whenever he comes around my body becomes flushed. He has this rippling effect on me and I have to keep reminding myself how he is the Devil.

Walking on earth.

All that dies down as soon as he opens his mouth. Sometimes I feel like punching the shit out of his symmetrical face.

But when he touches me. It's like my skin lights on fire burning me and yet all I can do is smile. I am becoming psychotic living with theses Italian  assholes or as they say in Italian stronzo.

Idk Italian don't judge.

Bringing the steaming hot cup of coffee i continue reading the paper. That's literally the only source of entertainment here as they won't give us our phones back. The only reason I haven't said or done anything against them is because of P.

She is the only thing matters to me right now and I can't let her go. I can't let more people go. Yes I do believe mum left because of me. She probably thought I was a burden dad left for her for him to go and fuck the neighbour.

And now he has a happy family. With the slut neighbour. Fuck her,she tore my family apart. I was the result of love once now I am just the result of hatred.

I have one cousin in India who I am not that close to but he is approachable. After mum vanished I left for Singapore with P. She agreed as she also wanted to get away from her family as much I did.

And now I am in Italy. Fun isn't it?. To say that they are treating us like shit is a lie. Even though on some occasions there have been heated encounters but nothing insane yet. Yet...

All I know is that they have guns and we don't. Is that a normal thing here just to have guns on you?

Folding the newspaper I place it back where I found it. It's all in Italian but I really don't care. Anything that can occupy my mind.

I realise it's almost dark so I better be heading to my room. Don't wanna run into a Devil by any chance.

We used to beat up guys like him in school. Not anymore I guess.

Hopping of the stool I take quick steps to my bedroom. I am lost in my thought when I hear a familiar voice creep through it's way of the door.

Curiosity seeps through my blood as I lean in to listen. All I hear is muffled voices. 'Yes that the plan' 'Tell him about the shipment' and blah blah.

My ears perk up at the mention of Pearl and I. 'It's easy just bait them' Edoardo speaks. 'Isn't it risky? They could die, if the French find out who they are the next thing we are going to find is their dead carcasses'.

'Maria should have thought of that before she stole from me'.

Stole? Mama stole?

'Yes but it's not the girls problem Ferrari' this voice is unrecognisable.

'I don't care, once we are finished with them they are going to end up in the cut anyways might aswell be sooner'.

My heart drops. They are going kill us. After using us as bait or some bullshit. And for some reason I trusted them a little thinking they would let us go realising that we are useless.

But apparently we aren't. We are needed for something big and that's the reason why we can still breath.

I don't want to die. But I want to know why they need us. Why us? What did mama do that caused him to go to such lengths.

Knowing that it was risky standing there I started my move down the hallway but I stopped in my tracks as I heard Edoardo release those words.

'I don't care if Das is the daughter of Louis. The day the French Mafia broke the alliance with us was the day they all were dead including the lost princess'

All the oxygen gets stuck somewhere along my windpipe as I hold a hand over my mouth from gasping. What's does he mean by lost princess?

Who is this Louis? He's my dad? But my dad is Aryan. The man who raised me. The man who left me.

'Does the girl know?' that voice speaks again.
'No' it's a firm yet calculating no. But he's right. I don't know anything. Why am I here, where am I, who am I?.

Taking a U turn I head straight to the kitchen to stop the upcoming headache. I don't do well with surprises and this certainly hit me like a atom bomb.

Pouring myself a drink I gulp it down with shaky hands. I have to make the decision now or never. Leave this place or explore my curiosity. Both involves risks but at the end of the day I have to make a decision because I cannot deal with this new bullshit that's been dropped right at my feet.

Lost princess my ass.

Authors note:
Okay I finally posted after like what? A few weeks. It's exam period but still Ik I like procrastinating at the weirdest times. Damn Helen the lost princess or is she?

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