4)Helen Das:

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'3 0,clock hottie with black hair' Pearls shouts over the music grinning

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'3 0,clock hottie with black hair' Pearls shouts over the music grinning.

I turn my head right,looking at the direction she pointed surprising myself that i could hear her over the loud music. 'Yah totally...'i reply nodding my head. 'We are getting laid tonight!' She exclaims. I grin at her energy.

The club is roaring with music.Drunk people here and there. Strippers sliding on poles. You can say it was a crazy night. Getting inside was easy considering Sofia just had to say Domanic's name to let us ahead of the line in the club. The club was packed as it was a Friday night.

I decide to wear the cardigan i brought along because i am freezing my tits off. P scowls at my cardigan before rolling her eyes. We are guided to a table on the first floor.

Yes you heard me right FIRST FLOOR. This place has 2 floors. The second one is probably where the owners stay when they come by.

'Guys excuse me for a second Mr Ferrari wants to meet me'Sofia whispers in our ears. 'Mr who?' P asks in a confused manner. 'The owner of the club well one of the owners,Mr Ferrari'. 'Oh' we reply in union. After she walks away Pearl leans down to whisper in my ear. 'Do you think he invented the car Ferrari...DOES HE OWN ONE?' She looks at me shocked. We haven't even started drinking yet how is she drunk? I think to myself.

I look at the rest of the ladies on the table. Blondies seem to be chatting,Red is on her phone and I learnt her name is Isabella. P is checking all the men out in the room while I sit here bobbing my head to the music.

Sofia goes up a set of stairs disappearing into the second floor. 'Hell what about that one,would you want to fuck him?'. 'Why are you hell bent on getting me laid?' I genuinely ask as that's i have heard ever since we set foot on this land. ' sweetheart because someone has to pop that cherry of yours and it may aswell be Italian dick' she exclaims. 'Yes why dont you shout louder i think the people upstairs didn't hear you'.

Completely ignoring my remark she continues her hunt for "italian dick". After a while Sofia comes back down looking more confused than ever. 'What's up Diaz?'P asks her voice laced with concern. 'No nothing its just weird..' she mumbles deep in thought. 'What's weird?'. 'Okay its just that Mr Ferrari was asking weird questions like "what are your guests names?"it's probably nothing'. 'Yah dont stress on it to much,he probably was making sure if no one bad was in the club' blondie  numero dos replies totally unfazed by the situation. Yes i did not make the effort to find out their names because its fun that way..right?.

'Lets do shots!' Red shouts jumping up from her seat before heading to the crowded bar. After practically shoving her tits in the Bartenders face to cut the queue she brings back a tray of shots. We each do a shot after another.

Blondie numero uno seemed to reach her limit as she stumbles her drunk ass over to a guy on one of the bar stools sitting on his lap. We all laugh at her behaviour before downing various more drinks that are brought to us. 'Sofia can i ask you one question' P asks slurring. She points one finger at Diaz's face. 'How do you moan your fiancée name?LIKE ITS SO BLOODY LONG'. I almost spit my drink out before clutching my stomach from how bad it hurts from laughing.

'Is it like Domanic.... or DOMANIC or yes domi right there' she moans in variations. If you thought i was a sloppy mess while drunk Pearls a different level. I was only tipsy by now so i thought of having something strong. Walking over to the bar i stood there waiting for the bartenders attention. Suddenly hearing soft grunts i turned my head towards the sound. Realising i was standing next to blondie numero uno who was grinding on the guys lap  who she went to sit on,I quickly diverted my attention towards the bartender who was now looking at me.

'Yes bella what can i get for you today?'.I blushed at his compliment which called me beautiful. I knew basic italian considering my mum is from Italy but she never took the liberty to teach me unlike dad who taught me how to speak Hindi,so if you try to have to have a full on conversation with me in italian my answer would probably be along the lines of "mhm" or "for sure".

'Something strong which would give me the confidence to dance infront of these horny men' i laugh. 'Coming right up tesoro(darling)' he snaps his fingers quickly turning around to make my drink. A few moments later he turns around to give me the drink. I take in this chance to look at him properly and he is quite cute in my opinion. I guess Pearl can stop hunting.

Dirty blonde with freckles and a cute smile. You can say he came straight out of a high school romance. He gives Draco Malfoy vibes without the British accent,MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS. I laugh in my head quickly snapping out of my thoughts. 'Thanks'i say while examining my drink. When i turn back to him, he is completely admiring me with his eyes. 'No problem anything for a pretty girl like you, by the way i get off at 12 if you're wondering'. Did he just ask me out for a "get to know each other date"or a "get to know each other's body date"?'

I silently hope its the first option before nodding and waking away. I sip on my drink walking back to the table. Damn what did he put on this,i can hardly gulp it down but I guess that's the point.

My eyes quickly scan the table realising Pearls the only on there. She quickly catches me coming and shouts 'hola amigo'. Yah she's drunk.I gesture towards the empty seats causing her to point at the dance floor where Sofia, red and blondie dos are dancing. We sometimes talk in sign language its normal. I quickly sit beside her drinking my drink. 'Ye teenon paagal hain'(all 3 of them are crazy) she whispers in my ear pointing at the ladies. Like she's one to talk. 'Phir tum kya ho?'(than what are you)I whisper back. She hits my arm playfully grinning like crazy.

My eyes turn glossy drifting around the room as my gaze floats about in my surroundings. A little birdie once told me that i am currently drunk. 'Wanna go dance?' I ask surprising myself. 'Only if i get to twerk on you' she demands. I roll my eyes before dragging her to the dance floor.

The dance floor is extremely crowded but we somehow make it to the rest of the girls. They all giggle in excitement before pulling us to dance with them. While dancing to the music the song changes to Gimme More by Britney Spears. 'This is like my childhood' Red exclaims clapping her hands. I start to twerk on Pearl feeling her grind on me. This is going to haunt me. As they say we are totally different with alcohol in our systems.

Out of nowhere i am pushed onto a podium with a stripper pole. I completely avoid it by continuing to dance. Everyone's at my knee that's how high i am. 'Show me what your mama gave' Sofia screams aka my ass. Twerking like my life depends on it i continue.

Now everyone's attention is on me as they cheer for me. 'TAKE IT OFF,TAKE IT OFF' Everyone starts chanting indicating to my cardigan. I clumsily discard it blaming my drunk self before swaying my hips. Cheers of agreement go across the club. Feeling someone's gaze on me I instinctively look up at the second floor.

There i see a devilish handsome face leaning on the railings. His dark black eyes pierce through mr while grinning like a maniac. I brush it off thinking it's nothing and continue dancing earning a few whistles from people. Trying my best not to look up at the man again who is still looking at me as i feel his burning gaze one me. Giving in i look on his captivating eyes which can drown me any second. He has that look of "Game over" making my head spin. Suddenly i hear a gunshot along with everyone's screams before my world blacks out.

Authors note:
Fuck i am excited. By far the best chapter written yet for me. What's yours?
Until next time
Xoxo sanasapp
Btw i Google translated the italian words as i do not know how to speak it so please dont come at me.

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