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*Meera's pov*

I flinched and opened my eyes when a thunder striked. I looked around and realized I wasn't in my bed. How much I wish it was a bad dream and everything was okay.

Those dead bodies made me feel numb. Then I remembered him, who was he? He was a handsome hulk and my savior but then I remember him pointing gun on my forehead. How was I still alive?

I need to run. What if he was around?

I started running on my bare foot. My leg was hurting since I have been running all day. Five minutes of running and I gave up already, I leaned on tree and relaxed myself. My feet was probably bleeding and stomach growled loudly.

I closed my eyes and I can feel brightness of some light hitting into my eyes but I was too tired to open my eyes.

But I felt intense gaze on me as if someone was watching me. My eyes shot opened and I looked towards my right.

I met those same beautiful pair of eyes starting into my eyes. He started walking towards me. I gulped the lump in the throat and hid behind the tree.

He's going to kill me.

He's going to kill me.

I say myself.

Am I going to die? No meera you need to fight! My inner voice said.

" I am going to count three. You better come back or I should come there " he says.

I stood there silently. " 1 " he says out loud. I looked down and saw a branch laying near my feet.

" 2 " I grab the stick and I could feel his steps nearing.

" 3 " he says and I come out ready to strike on his face with my weapon.

He dodged it off by moving towards his right. I lost my balance and I was about to fall down but he extends his left to prevent me from falling. As soon as his hand made contact to my skin, my heart thumped harder than ever inside my chest.

My stomach was filled with butterflies. The stick in my hand falls down. His hand on my bare stomach sent goosebumps all over my skin. I was only in my blouse and lehenga. My face went pale and I stood up straight.

I was a complete idiot. I had no idea what was roaming in my head when I decided to hit him with that stem. The stem would have broke, what else?

I heard him clear his throat and I looked at him. He was intensely staring down at me. My knees felt weak under his gaze. Something about him made me scared.

I was afraid and scared. Last time I remembered he pointed gun at my forehead. Why dint he kill me? Is he going to take advantage of me? Many thoughts were running inside my head.

Suddenly I got an idea and I finally spoke " Look I am married and my husband must be looking for me. He's gonna kill you if he sees me with you. Leave me alone, he must be coming" I thought he's gonna leave me when I tell him I'm married.

As soon as those words came out of my mouth, his expressions changed. He looked extremely furious now. He pointed gun on my forehead again and I started shaking in fear.

" please " my voice came out like a whisper.

He puts down the gun. I sighed in relief but suddenly he grabs my wrist and starts pulling me towards his jeep. I started struggling in his hold but his grip around my wrist was so tight.

He opens the passenger door and throws me inside like a rag doll.

He takes the driver seat and started driving. He started driving really fast.

"Can you please slow down" I asked him in a low voice.

" JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP" he screamed making me flinch on my seat.

He stopped infront a huge apartment and he dragged me inside the lift and clicked on the last floor.

What is he going to do with me? Is he gonna push me from that last floor and make it look like a suicide? I dint dare to speak up.

All the time he dint leave my wrist. I'm sure he's gonna leave mark on my wrist. The Elevator doors finally opened and he finally left my wrist. He was searching for keys and my eyes fell on the name plate. " Arjun Malhotra"

World stopped for a minute.

"Are you a thief, why are you sneaking inside his house, he's gonna sue both of us" Arjun Malhotra was the youngest Billionaire of this world. I read about him in the news papers but never saw his face.

He gave me a death glare that made my mouth shut. He opened the doors and what I saw was -
"Heaven" the only words came out of my mouth.

It was a luxurious penthouse. He locked the door and walked upstairs without a single word. I took a step backward silently and tried to open the door but everything went in vain. I was dumb.

Water was dripping from my wet lehenga and I was making the floor dirty. But why do I care? He bought me here.

I sat on the sofa because I gave up on everything and there's no way escaping from here. My eyes fell on a magazine. It was him. I immediately grabbed the magazine and scanned his face. He was in black suit and the head line said
" The youngest billionaire " I gasped.

How can this heartless monster be him?

Suddenly someone plucked magazine from my hands. Who else it could be? The devil himself. He got changed and he had towel in his hands. He started drying my hair with towel.

I felt whole zoo in my stomach. Why is he suddenly being kind to me.

He took me upstairs and there were 3 rooms in total. He opened one of the door.

"this is your bedroom" he finally spoke!

" What the heck do u mean by my bedroom, you fucking kidnapped me "

"I'll explain you everything after you get changed" he left one white t-shirt and track pants

I removed my lehenga and took a hot shower. I felt so good. There were so many questions running in my mind He killed many people. He dint do anything wrong since he killed bad and dangerous people. But still he's a murderer. But why did he help me?

I changed into the clothes he gave me and prayed god to save me from everything that was about to happen.


ALSO FOLLOW ME nithyax07

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