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Arjun -

I was ignoring her. I couldn't take the fact that she moved on. She moved on and I realized that she had the right to.
Its her choice right? Why am I punishing her.

Meera is doing all the work of a ceo and I honestly I'm impressed by her. No investor would invest in such small company. I still dint take Mr.Khuranas company into my name. So no credits to me.

When I entered, I was crushed in the crowd. I met many people and my eyes are searching for only one person.

" Hi..hi..I'm big fan of you " a guy out of no where came to me and I rolled my eyes.

My name is Aditya Agarwal I'm really happy that you came. He said.

Oh so he's the investor.

Nice to meet you Mr.Agarwal. I said and he motioned me towards the bar. My eyes widened when I saw meera in that slutty outfit. Every single man including the bartender are giving her lusty looks.

I clenched my jaw and she looked at me with her eyes filled with shock.

I calmed myself and Aditya sat beside meera and I sat beside him.
" So finally Mr.Malhotra blessed with their presence " Maya mocked me.

This little girl needs to stay in her limits or she would be out of the company soon!

Few guests were talking to me and Maya was dancing with someone on the stage. Aditya and meera were talking to each other and I felt jealous. Mr mehra. The asshole of our company came and sat beside meera. She nervously smiled at him.Aditya excused himself to talk to someone.

I was busy talking to the people infront of me. Meera was nervously bouncing her leg and I ignored and continued talking. The sounds stopped and when I looked at her Mr.Mehras hands was on her bare thigh. Before I could kill the shit of him James held his arm and dragged him as he was nothing.

I looked at meera who sighed in relief. She looked at me and my blood boiled because she dint even react when he touched her. She should have slapped him.

Maya joined us again and the bartender served the drinks. I looked at meera who hesitantly took the drink and gulped down. She gulped down the 4th and she was taking the 5th one when I snatched away glass from her.

She gave me a angry look which clearly said she's drunk.

" How dare you " she said and snatched away the 5th drink and gulped down.

I looked at Maya who was sticking to some guy and he's staring at her with full of lust in his eyes. I dragged her away from him.

Everybody's eyes are on us and a guy came towards us. "Oh my god Maya what have to done to yourself " he asked.

" Do u know her " I asked him.

" I'm her brother.. sir.. " he said.

" Hey you ugly ass get out of my sight and let me drink " she said to him and started drinking.

" You're going home now " he said.

"You seem drunk, my driver will drop you both home " I told him and asked my driver to drop them at home.

I looked beside to see meera trying to climb the table.

I catched her arm and dragged towards the vip exit. James came running towards me and opened the car door. Thankgod no media here.

" What happened to her " he asked.

" She's fucking drunk and she's getting on my fucking nerves " I yelled and looked at meera who's dancing in her seat.

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