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This chapter only contains flashback.

It's been 3days. Will arjun ever come back?

Its been 10days since arjun has gone. The memories of me shooting him haunts me every day. Rahul has been texting me that he's fine. I feel so sick these days.

I wokeup in the morning when the door bell rang. I opened the door to see James smiling. I forced a smile back.

Rahul asked James to take care of me and James has really been a good company. I got to know about James a lot. He's such a kind human who understands you a lot.

When we were eating I asked James about arjun again. As usual he diverted the topic and I dint force him.

I suddenly felt the urge to puke and I ran towards the washbasin and puked everything I just ate. James kept asking me if I was okay or not. I assured him that I was okay.

There were few people on the door. I panicked as they came for me. They took my step mothers name and I started panicking. James told me not to come out. I sat on the dining table and James phone buzzed multiple times.

I glanced over his phone and I saw Rahul's notifications. It's bad to invade someone's privacy but I wanted to know about arjun.

I opened the notification to see medical reports of him. I started reading them and my hands were shivering and I immediately dropped the phone. Report says that he lost so much of blood and he's in a critical situation.

My head started spinning and everything blacked out.

I wokeup in the hospital and a lady in her mid 50s greeted me with a huge smile on her face. I slowly sat up straight.

" What happened " I ask her

" You're pregnant " she said making me shocked. My jaw was hung open and I just couldn't process what she said.

" W-what do you p-pregnant " I ask her.

She gave me reports in my hands and my shivering hands hold it scanning the reports.

How is that possible. I'm a virgin and we just had sex once. We were both drunk and honestly we don't remember anything that happened that night. Which was few weeks ago

Tears escaped my eyes. They were happy tears. I'm pregnant. I jumped out of the bed and the doctor made me sit quietly.

" Kid, you should be really careful at this time. You fainted because of the stress and stress can harm your baby "

I was scared at this point. My hands reached my belly and I couldn't believe there's someone inside me.

Arjun. I picked up my phone in excitement and called him. As usual he declined then I remember about those reports. Tears spilled down my eyes.
The doctor consoled me a little and strictly warned me not to stress.

I was extremely happy. I reached home and I asked the doctor to keep this private and I hided this from James too because I'm sure he's going to tell Arjun. I wanted arjun to know from me and this is not the right time for him.

I looked myself in the mirror. Soon this small belly is going to grow. I dont deserve to live but for this baby, I should and I can't even imagine how arjun is going to react.

I left so many messages for him and none of them are seen. Will he ever forgive me? He will right?

It's been 29days since he's gone. It was 3 in the morning and I felt dizzy and I couldn't move. I felt a sharp pain inside my stomach and I slowly wokeup from the bed. I slowly walk towards the stairs . I was walking down and I take a wrong step and I roll down the stairs until everything went black.

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