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*Meera's pov*

It was morning already time skipped and chachi knocked the door.

It was chachi and shruthi.

" Bhabi get ready " she shouted

"Here beta wear this robe and come down for holy bath" Chachi said

I went inside the close and wore the robe and went downstairs.

Chachi took me from backdoor since there were guests everywhere.

I saw the garden it was filled with yellow flowers and decorations. Chachi took me into one of the corner which was beautifully decorated. Dadi was sitting on a wheel chair and there were few relatives of arjun.

Finally the rasam was done and chachi asked shruthi to drop me inside. Arjun was still sleeping.

" why is he sleeping on couch " shruthi asked me

" We don't love each other shruthi " I said her

" I expected but don't worry you'll be perfect wife for him " she said

I dint want the conversation to go on so I just ended there.

*Arjun's pov*

I was in deep sleep when something hitted me hard. I opened my eyes to see nothing. I removed pillow from my face and saw shruthi yelling at me


Whats your problem shruthi. I asked her.

" Mister its your haldi today and here you're happily sleeping. Now go and get ready mom is waiting for you down " she shouted.

" I forgot " I rubbed my eyes and entered the closet.

My eyes widened to see meera in a robe  with her hair dripping in water.

She was in some deep thoughts.

" ahmm.. meera" I said to which she shivered and turned back.

" you..ah will catch cold you need to dry your hair" I said her taking the hair dryer.

" yeah I know I'll dry it by myself " she said

I went towards her and took out the rose petals out of her hair. She smells like heaven. I can see Meera's red cheeks burning. She ran inside the bathroom. I chuckled seeing that behavior.

I removed my t-shirt and wore a dhoti and went downstairs. The holy bath was done and I came upstairs.

I saw meera in beautiful yellow lehenga looking effortlessly beautiful.

Meera was just staring at me like I was a alien who just landed on earth. I just realized that I was half naked.

" Can't control? " I smirked

" Shutup " she yelled

"Ahhh go and wear some clothes " she screamed.

I laughed and took the yellow kurta which chachi gave me and I came outside the closet and saw meera dull. I'm sure she must be nervous facing so many people.

" Meera I need you to stay confident " I said her

" I'm" she rolled her eyes

We went downstairs and I saw so many people in yellow outfits. We went towards garden area which was beautiful decorated in yellow theme.

I glanced at meera who was fake smiling at everyone. I know it must be very hard for her. But I cant help it. I wanted a simple court marriage but these people. They need a big fat wedding.

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