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Adam's p.o.v

After taking a bath and cleaning myself, I slip on a black tee before slumping my body onto the bed. I grab my bag and Arina's black journal caught my attention. I reach out for it and lean against the pillow.

'Should I give it back?' I thought. But my curiosity is killing me right now. I inhale nervously before flipping through the pages. It was written by Arina since 2001. I chukle as I read her childish writting when she was 10 years old. But as I reach page 65, I frown and examine the paper. Its kinda ruined, and pretty crumpled. I sigh as I read the content.

'Why'd you leave me so soon, daddy? You promised me. That you're never gonna leave mummy and I. You lied. You said you loved me but you left us. You said we're gonna grow old together, and I'll always be your baby girl but you're gone daddy. You didnt get to celebrate my 13th birthday... I missed you so much. I forgive you daddy. God just loves you more I guess? I'm sorry I couldnt celebrate your 100th birthday... Im sorry.'

'She must've love her dad so much and I just add to her grief today.Way to go Rayyan.'

I flip over a few pages and a page with my name on it caught my attention.

'He has this mesmerizing,cold hazel brown eyes... Those eyes that remind me of autumn. Do I like him? No. He's an arse. He picks on me for fun. And he even hurt me phsically and emotionally. He looks nice but i dont know...'

Oh she thinks my eyes are mesmerizing. I smirked. But a pang of guiltiness hits me as I recalled what I did to her. Today is the day she lost her dad and being the asshole I am, I made her cry. And she hates me. The next page is written today.

'Hey Daddy... I cried again. Its today... It's been 4 years huh? I thought its been a millenium.. Its so lonely without you dad. I played our song just now. I always love the songs you wrote. I will always remember you dad. Love, Ari.

I hate him. What did I do? I mean seriously, he's only been here for a week and he hates me already? Out of all days, he chose today to fuck my already fucked day? I dont understand people like him. He looks lonely, it creeps me out when I found him standing infront of my house, just to warn me of what's to come... His eyes looked empty and heartless. Who are you Adam? What is actually hidden beneath those hazel brown eyes? I'd die to find out.'

I closed the journal and put it aside. I closed my eyes shut, and sigh deeply. Why is she so...Blunt and... Honest? It just makes me wants to stranggle myself to death. She thinks my 'dickhead' attitude is fake? What makes she think of it that way? I felt so insecure... And exposed. What I just read, Its as if she just told me about it face-to-face. And it just... Intimidates me. I hate feeling this way.


"Shit! Where is it?! I was sure it's here the last time I checked!" I took all the stuffs out of my bag and rummage for my little journal.

"Where is it?" I mumbled desperately. My eyes widen in suprise as this scary thought flash across my mind.

"Please not the damned music room." I hissed and scowl at myself. How clumsier can I be? I jump off my bed and put on a black sweater and a pair of black leggings. I grab my car keys and head downstairs.

"Honey where are you going?" My mum asked.

"I.. I left my note book at school and it's really important. I'll be quick."I said and kissed her cheeks before walking towards the door.

I was about to sprint towards my car before I caught a glimpse of someone behind me. I turn around and gasp as Adam made his glorious strides towards me.

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