
21 4 1

A r i n a

It was dark, and I'm very sleepy. I groaned as I blindly look for my annoying phone that's ringing mercilessly.

I grab my phone and without even glancing at the caller id, I pressed 'answer' and press it to my ear.

"He-" I was cut off by a very familiar heart breaking fits of sobs.

"Harry, whats wrong?" I asked, the sleepiness was long forgotten.

"I-It's my fault, Ari." He sobbed. He still feels guilty about it? Its been 4 freaking years. I let out a deep sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"Hold on Harry. I'm coming to your apartment." I said as I climb off my bed.

"N-no. I'm f-fine." He stuttered.

It breaks me hearing my best friend all broken and lost. It hurts like shit and I cant imagine how much he's suffering right now.

"You're not. Just wait for me,okay?" I said softly and I hear him sniffle quietly and murmur a soft 'okay.'

I hung up and put my hair up into a messy bun before making my way into the toilet. I splashed the cold water at my face so that I'll not feel sleepy to drive to Harry's. I grab my phone along with my car keys before heading downstairs.

I quickly make my way into the kitchen and grab a pen along with a sticky note.

'Went to Harry's. I'll be back, mum. Love you.'

I stick it on our refridgerator and quickly walk out of the house, sprinting towards my Audi parked in the garage. I shiver as the cold breeze hit my exposed skin.

I pull out of my garage and drove off to Harry's.


"Harry, open up." I call out as I knock on his door.

A few seconds later, the door clicks open and I gasp quietly as I take in Harry's features.

His eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. His lips looked swollen and he's not the Harry that treat me pizza, earlier. This is the broken side of Harry that he kept hidden underneath those sheepish grins and heart-warming laughs.

"Harry." I whispered and fight the urge to cry infront of him.

He just stare at me lifelessly and his lips trembles as he parts his lips to say somthing but ended up mumbling some words I couldnt quite decipher. I couldnt bring myself to look into his eyes. Those eyes that always sparkles in excitement and happiness are now filled with sorrow and sadness.

I couldnt say anything, not right now with Harry being as broken as he is right now. I step forward and close the door after me before wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me.

"Shh, Harry everything's fine." I whispered into his ear.

"Everything's not fine." He croaked and thats when he totally lost it. He broke down in my embrace. His arms limply hanging at either side of his body.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask softly and pull back slightly to get a good look of his face. His expression was hard as stone.

"I hate myself." He hissed, mostly to himself.

"Hey now, thats not a good thing to say." I said, trying to calm him down.

"I fucking hate myself." He yelled and it caused me to flinch at his sudden outburst. Harry is never the type to raise his voice.

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