Life and jerks

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Arina's P.O.V

I groan in annoyance as I feel the irritating vibration of my phone alarm, buzzing under my pillow mercilessly.

"Cant you just let me sleep for a lil bit?" That's my everyday conversation with my phone. I hope one day it'll work. Lol.

I yawn and stretch myself before turning the annoying alarm off before tossing my phone aside.

"Up you go Arina. Or you'll be late."I mumbled to myself.

So after a refreshing long bath, I feel fresh as heck and I head towards my walk-in wardrobe and decided to put on a pair of skinny jeans, a white top with '#ME' printed on it, black converse and I grabbed my black beanie, just in case. Since I still have around 15 minutes to waste, I unlock my phone and go through Instagram,Twitter, Facebook and My lips quirk into a small smile as I read this one question asked.

'Do you have a boyfriend? And what do you think abt the guys in your school?'

My answer be like: Nope. Guys in my school? Hmm. Idk how to say this but... Jerk,perverted,bullies,they think they're so badass and all which i find very annoying,rude,sarcastic. Oh dear, the list is endless :)

After I answered a few 'relevant' questions. I glance at my watch and head downstairs.

"Good morning Arina. What would you like for breakfast, sweetie?" Claire, a middle aged woman, who's been taking care of me since i was 10. She's like my nanny or a butler kinda thing. I dont know.

"No thanks, Claire. Where's mum?" I asked, grabbing a packet of skittles and shoving it into my bag.

"Mrs Grey went out this morning. She had a meeting to attend." She explained. Mum is kinda actually in those what'd you call it? The social stuffs which I dont bother to find out.

"Okay.I'll go then, bye Claire."I said and grab my car keys. Walking towards the garage. I smile in satisfaction as I look at my Audi R8. Its just an amazing view.

"Looking good baby."I said and climb into the car. I reach school in about 20 minutes later.Climbing out of the car. I turn off the engine and grab my books from the back seat. Little did I know there's someone standing behind me. I turn around only to bump into a guy. My books scattered on the road and I curse silently under my breath.

"You should probably look at where you're going."He said venomously.

"Excuse me?! What were you doing standing behind my back like a creepy stalker?" I bite back.

Dusting off the dust on my books and jeans, I look up. For a split second, I was mesmerized by his overwhelming looks. Hazel brown eyes, brown hair that reminds me of autumn and his figures that'd attract the opposite sex with just one look. But knowing its not time to think about his good-lookingness. I cough awkwardly.

"I was parking my car, sweetheart. I wasnt going to stoop that low and stalk you. Girls stalk me. Thats true. Me? Stalking girls? Never in a million years." He said in annoyance. I glance behind him and spot a black Lamborghini parked right next to my car. I blushed in embarassment but quickly regain myself.

"Whatever. You shouldnt just stand behind me anyways. Ergh please dont be so arrogant. And dont you 'sweetheart' me." I hissed and turn on my heels to walk away. I could hear his steady footsteps behind me and suddenly he said.

"You know. One day, you'll regret every single second of 'talking back' to me."He smirks devilishly and walk away cooly.

"I already regret ever talking to you, stranger."I shouted back and before he could say anything. I quickly get into my class to avoid any more of this shitty conversation. Who is that guy? A new transfer or something? Never seen him before. Ergh whatever. Dont waste time thinking about him Arina.

"Hey Arinaaaaa~" My bff, Riley calls out and bear hugged me.

"Hey Riles."I said and chukle.

"I saw your You totally nailed it."She said.

"Its a very typical question though."I said. She smiles and lean against her seat.

"Btw I bumped into an asshole just now. He was so arrogant that I feel like punching his face whenever he say anything."I huffed.

"Really? Who is he?"She raised her eyebrow.

I was about to answer her question, but my eyes fell on the tall figure at the front of the class. Its him.

I scoff in disbelief and cross my arms across my chest.

"Speak of the devil,and he shall come."I said while gesturing towards that guy. Riley frown in confusion and shift in her seat.

"Wow. Thats a perfection."She said in awe.

"Perfection from the fail protection that his parents used."I scoff.

"Arina. I really dont understand your metaphor sometimes. C'mon... He's super hot dont you think?" She asked.

"I'm an alien. Thats why you dont understand me. No one does."I mumbled,eyes still on the boy. He's talking to Prof Edward or for short, Prof Ed.

"Please give us some heads up about yourself,maybe?"Prof Ed said.

"I'm Adam Rayyan. I'm from Seattle. I guess thats all about me."He shrugs.

"Well, please take your seat. Is there any empty seats anyone?" Prof Ed asked the class. I quickly put my bag on the chair beside me to hide the chair from Prof Ed's view.

"Ah if i may say, I see one next to the pretty brunette." He said, grinning deviously.

"Ah yes. Arina is that seat available?"Prof Ed asked.

"Umm to be honest? No. I need a chair to put my bag on. Cos its super heavy."I said hoping he'll buy the story.

"Arina please dont waste up too much space."Prof Ed sigh at my childish answer.

"Fine! Fine! Go on. Sit."I said and harshly took my 'heavy' bag off the seat.

"Why, thank you friend."He said in mocked kindness and walk towards the seat. Making all the girls in my class swoon as he do.

I glare at him as he took his seat beside me. He turn to look at me and smirk.

"Your scowl is so cute."He said teasingly.

"Do not talk to me."I said and put my hand up before turning my face away. He look at my hand and suddenly high-five it. I was like 'wth?!'


"Whats wrong with your friend over here?" He asked Riley.

"Nothing. She's just nervous around hot guys."Riley said and winked.

"Oh really? Glad to know this cold princess is affected by my hotness."He grins smugly.

"I'm not effin affected by you. Ergh boys and their conceitedness. And Riley. Who's side are you on?"I narrow my eyes and she put her hands up in surrender. I huffed in annoyance and look at Prof Ed who's preparing the paperworks.

I thought school cant get any worse. But it turns out that I'm totally wrong.


Hey guys. Sorry if there's any spelling error or anything cos i didnt edit it lol. Anyways... Hope you like the first chapter. Do comment your opinion :) ily ♥♥♥

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