At least there's a coffeeshop

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They were half right, nothing could change how they felt about the town. Except for the sound of males which echoed up to their window. Slowly peaking their head out they looked around, but then they saw what stood in the window before them. A small blond boy stood before them in the window opposite to them.
"Uh- " They said, then he shut his curtains quickly.
"What the- " They muttered, confused but intrigued. (Y/N) turned away from the window, but not forgetting to close and lock it. They like people, but not people trying to get in their room. Their room was almost finished, from the photos which covered the cream coloured walls behind their desk to their bed which was pushed up against the wall next to the window, yet not in front of it. They don't like having their bed before a window, someone could see them or worse watch them sleep.

Pushing away from the window they walked out to see their mother placing little trinkets on the table which stood outside her own room. A small black and gold vase next to a photo of the two of them.
"Mum?" (Y/N) said in a soft voice, closing their door. Their mother hummed and looked over her shoulder to see them.
"What's up honey" She replied pushing one of the drawers in.
"Could I go have a look around town?" They asked.
"Sure, but not for long we are going next door to have dinner with the Stotch's" Their mother then pulled out her wallet and handed (Y/N) 20 dollars. (Y/N) smiled and put it in their pocket.
"Thanks, mum, promise ill be back in time!" (Y/N) said before excitingly going down the stairs and going out into the new environment. Their mother smiled softly as she watched her kid wave up to her and then leave to explore.

(Y/N) walked along the pavement, making sure to not run into anyone and to not slip on any ice. A smile graced their face as they saw a coffee shop, not too far but strangely next to a cinema, those confused thoughts escaped their head when they pushed the glass door open to be hit with a rush of warmth and the smell of fresh coffee. Their favourite drink might be (f/d) but they could appreciate a good fresh cup of coffee to energize them even more. Looking around the shop looked kind of empty, except for a few boys who were talking in the corner, looking away from the group they walked up to the counter and looked up at the menu. An adult walked over and smiled,
"Welcome to Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse, what can I interest you in today?" He spoke in a calm tone of voice as (Y/N) smiled up at him.
"Could I please get one large mocha?" (Y/N) asked with a bright smile, the male nodded.
"Could I have a name for the order?" He asked
"Oh- (Y/N)" They answered with another smile.
"Alrighty, that will be $6.45," He said pressing on the cash register, they nodded and handed him the 20 dollars their mum gave them and took the change as the man then looked over to the group of boys.
"Tweak we gave a customer, you can continue your games after you serve son" (Y/N) turned their head to meet where the man was looking, the group of boys then split open to having a twitching blond boy come out and walk over to the counter to make their order. (Y/N) stood to the side holding the receipt with both hands, they could feel the stares of the boys on them so they looked up and smiled. All their heads turned away except one, a kid with black hair, they slowly put a hand up and waved at him awkwardly before he quickly turned away.
' Weird..' They thought to themselves as the blond boy put their drink on the counter.

"Mo-ack Mocha for, um, (Y/N)?" The boy twitched, (Y/N) smiled and took it. Not minding the heat on their hands.
"Thank you, tweak?" They said with uncertainty. The boy twitched again, made a noise and nodded quickly.
"Ye-yeah, I haven't- ACK seen you b-before" He spoke, volume wavering as he twitched.
"Oh- well, me and my mum have just moved here." (Y/N) said, taking a sip from their hot mocha. Watching as tweak seemed to freak until they showed no reaction.
"Isnt that, uh t-too hot?" Tweak asked, with a look of concern as he tugged his sleeve slightly. (Y/N) looked over.
"Not at all, I have this weird thing where heat doesn't really affect me" They explained, with a bright smile.
"Kinda why everyone back in texas said I was like the 'sun'" They said, remembering their friends back home in the crazy state of Texas. While giving a small quotation mark gesture with their free hand. Tweak turned his head slightly before he switched it back.
"T-Texas?" He questioned. (Y/N) rose an eyebrow.
"Yeah, like, you know, the state.Please don't tell me the schools here suck so much that you don't know other states exist" (Y/N) said, in hope that the education was redeemable, and she could actually learn.
"Oh- ACK. No uh, was just surprised." He quickly spoke, (Y/N) had to focus harder to put the words together, seemed like Tweak didnt want to offend them or something.
"Uh, well thats good. Good meeting you tweak but I have a town to explore" They said, giving the boy a small wave as they turned to leave.

As how they entered they left the same, pushing the door with a hand and then walking out to feel the winter cold. Or, well they don't know what season it is. It's probably like this every season but forget about the seasons now it was time for them to explore. (Y/N) let their feet be their guide as they went through a park of sorts, in the gated area was a basketball court and a small play where kids were jumping around, they assumed they were playing pirates or something. Now (Y/N) didnt really like small kids, but seeing them have fun brought warmness in their heart. They took another sip from the mocha and continued to walk, crossing the road they found themself in the area where most of the shops were.

(Y/N) could see a photography place, a place called 'Freeman's Tacos', D-mobile and an unplanned parenthood.
'Those sure are some strange shops, wow' They thought, as they found themself standing at the entrance to the town square. The place was big, which was ok but would be a workout to get to school every day. (Y/N) went to take a sip from their mocha before they felt a mass hit the side of their head.

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