First day p1

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(Y/n) slowed their steps as they looked up to see the entrance of what they could assume was South Park High. Yet compared to everything they've seen on the first day here, it seemed calmer, more boring in technical terms. No colour, the only 'life' being the suspicious stains on the walls. They do NOT want to know what those could be.

'Alright, I'm here'

They thought, standing at the entrance and looking around.

'What now'

(Y/n)'s ears perked up at the sound of a car door closing. And said car driving away out into the streets. Looking behind them, they came face to face with a long-haired girl who carried a large stack of books in both of her hands. (Y/n) froze as the girl's hair swayed as she moved away from the roadside, her hair shining in the light as her black locks reflected the sun's rays away from her. Like a halo of light around her as (Y/n) stood there frozen before the girl suddenly stopped at the sight of them.The girl's grip on her books faulted and they fell with satisfying hits onto the concrete path. The black-haired girl looked down in embarrassment as she let her eyes fall on the new glowing stranger. (Y/n) stepped forwards and bent down to carefully help clean up the mess that had happened before them. The girl looked up to see (Y/n) smiling at her while holding her last piece of paper towards her.

"Sorry for that" They smiled at her. The girl shook her head out from her brainless staring and took the paper to place in the stacks of books.

"It's all good, not your fault", She assured them and (Y/n) gave a thumbs up and stood back up.

"What's up with all the books?" They asked as the girl also stood to her feet and brushed off any grime from her hand, taking the stack of books into them after fixing her hat.

"Nothing much, mostly study." The girl answer

"Oh wait, forgot to introduce myself" (Y/n) stuck a hand out but realised their mistake as the girl giggled softly at that.

"I'm (Y/n), just moved here yesterday" They gave her a bright smile and she almost dropped everything again (Y/n) quickly moved their hands to stop the books from toppling over as the girl blinking.

"Wow, you are one clumsy person," They laughed to themselves after ensuring nothing else would fall from her arms.

"Hah, yeah I guess I am. I'm Wendy Testaburger by the way" SHe smiled at the new kid as said kid then gave her a wink and a peace sign.

"Nice to meet you Wendy!" They laughed and brought out their phone, which had a matching yellow case protecting it, they unlocked it and looked up at her.

"How's testaburger spelt?" They asked, Wendy giggled softly.

"T e s t a b u r g e r, pretty easy if i do say so myself" She answered, looking over her books to peer at the words the new kid was typing onto their phone.

"Aight, now whats your phone number?" they looked at her with a cheeky smile and Wendy had wide eyes, and spluttered.

"uh, um, well its 799-993-3812" Wendy spoke softly and (Y/n) typed away and looked very focused on getting her number correct,

"What's the last digits again, sorry" They laughed and as did Wendy while reciting the last four digits to the sunny child.

"Okay! Hopefully i got that correct, lemme just message you" They quickly typed something and Wendy felt a buzz from her phone, placing her books down onto dry pavement she got it out from her pocket and there on her screen stood one message.


Hey Wendy (≧∇≦)/ '

Wendy smiled and messaged them back quickly, (Y/n) looked at their phone in excitement and smiled with glee as the message Wendy had sent wrote:

' Wendy 💕

Hi (Y/N) ! ( =`ω'= )'

"Well I've got to get going, debate calls my name" Wendy shoved her phone away and lifted up her stack of books and gave the new kid a quick wave.

"See ya later (Y/N)" She smiled and walked into the school, (Y/n) kicked slow away as it then melted down onto their shoe.

"Shit fuck" They cursed shaking of the melted snow from their shoe, hopping before they ran into a body, almost making said person tople. THey looked and saw their favourite blonde (so far)

"Butters!" They exclaimed, leaning against the boy for a second.

"Sorry but snow melted into my shoe and now my socks are soggy" They groaned and threw their head back dramatically.

"Wow, anything I can do?" He asked them, bracing himself to not be toppled by them leaning against him.

"Nah, i'll manage but it's extremely annoying" They narrowed their eyes after spotting the specks of a red jumper and three other guys that they had forgotten the names of.

'The orange one is Kyle, or is it Kenny? Okay one of them was orange i swear' they thought, then stood back up and stretched their arms up and sighing loudly.

"Hey butters let's just go inside, no reason to stay out in the cold right?" That was a lie, they weren't cold, they just didn't want to see the guy who broke into their house last night and who had thrown a snowball at the back of their head. After meeting Wendy they didn't want to taint the memory of the sweet girl.

Butters yelped as (Y/n) took his arm and dragged him past hte doors into the school, then they stopped.

"Now where do i go " They asked, looking back at the boy.

"I-i um, I'm not too sure (Y/n), maybe the office?" He gave the suggestion and they looked at him as if he were the smartest person they knew.

"Yes! The office... okay now where is the office" They asked him again, dragging the blonde up the stairs and past many rows on lockers.

"Right here" He muttered and (Y/n) dragged him to the door.

"Counselor??" They muttered, confused as they opened the door. Leaving Butters behind them as a man sat inside, looking down at a clipboard nervously. Then he looked up and slightly jumped in surprise as (Y/n) stood there staring at him in silence.

"Um, you're the new kid" He asked, (Y/n) nodded. And took a seat.

"Mmkay, im Mr Mmkacy. You're, uh counselor. And I've been told to give you your schedule and everything mmkay?" They nodded back as the man slid a piece of paper over to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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