That hurt you know!

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"Ow! What the hell-" (Y/n) exclaimed as they brushed the snow off their head, squinting their eyes as they looked around. Then they glanced over behind a few bushes near the fence. They could clearly see multiple kids behind it, as a few bushes cant conceal what seems to be around 8 boys who were shoving one another to remain behind the bushes. (Y/n) put a hand on their waist and stared at the bush in disapproval.

"That hurt you know," They said, a disgruntled tone laced in their words. The group stopped fighting over the bushes as they all turned to see the kid they were following staring right at them.

"Also that bush doesn't work as a hiding spot," (Y/n) added, taking a long sip from the mocha while staring at them, as the boys in return seemed to just stare starstruck at them.

After a long silent pause, a boy stood up from the bush, wearing a green ushanka and an orange jacket he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry, uh- dude!" He apologised, then slapping the back of another boy's head. Who then in reaction, from what (Y/n) could see, punched the ushanka wearing kid in the knee.

"Um," (Y/n) muttered, they clicked their phone on to see what time it was.

' Mum would probably want me back by now' They thought, putting the iPhone back in a pocket and then they turned away from the group of males who were all trying to stop the two boys from fighting one another, it wasnt working. With words like 'Fatass' 'Jewboy' all getting thrown around. (Y/n) was happy to leave if this is the energy they're going to give off.

Suddenly another snowball was thrown at the back of their head. (Y/n) turned back around to face them, to see a large pudgy boy holding another snowball in his hand, they rose an eyebrow at his current posture before the kid dropped the snowball and looked at them with innocence.

"What do you want?" They spat out, furrowing their eyebrows trying to act all mean and such, while all the boys could see is a figure which glowed a soft yellow radiance.

They were silent staring at (Y/n), who just wanted to be home soon as they've seen enough for the evening. They uncomfortably laughed.

"Uh, are you all like- deaf?" They attempted again, stepping forwards to drop their cup in the bin. They still were all silent, moving backwards when (Y/n) came forwards. They looked really confused at their actions until the larger male was punched in the head. (Y/n) stepped back and watched as they all had to pull apart the ushanka kid and the pudgy boy. Looking closer (Y/n) could see the boy from the Coffee shop.

"Tweek?" They said slowly, more like a question. The said boy twitched and yelled out a noise that they couldn't understand.

"Oh- hi (Y/n)" He meekly said, waving a hand at them. (Y/n) waved back slowly.

"Hey, uh will I get hit again if I leave?" They asked. Tweek paused and looked over to the two boys who currently were being held away from one another.

"ACK- I guess not" He answered, pulling his sleeve tightly. (Y/n) smiled, and turned away, not before waving at the blonde boy who in return slowly lifted his hand to wave back as (Y/n) disappeared down the road.

They weren't hit while they walked, which was a good sign as they crossed the road to get home safely. That is if they can remember how to get back. Looking left then right they concluded that they had no idea where they were. All they saw was a church, which made them slightly unconformable. Thats when they heard a lot of footsteps behind them.

"Hey, New Girl!" One yelled. That sounded like the boy who kept throwing snowballs at them. (Y/n)'s head snapped back to face them.

"I'm not a girl," They said, crossing their arms as the large boy seemed to chuckle.

"Yeah yeah and Kahl isnt a Jewish freak," He said laughing,(Y/n) thought it sounded like a dying pig.

"Thats highly antisemitic of you" They muttered, the ushanka kid looked like he was about to blow. Which was understandable.

"So... uh why are you all following and misgendering me?" They asked the group, with a confused look on their face as they all went quiet facing the larger boy in the centre. The boy looked around at them until another voice came from behind (Y/n).

"Well howdy, fellas!" (Y/n) turned to see who spoke when they saw the boy from the window. The boy looked at them with wide eyes.

"Oh, hamburgers.." He quietly muttered. (Y/n) rose an eyebrow and looked back to see no one.

"What the hell" They also muttered, the blond boy stood there awkwardly. (Y/n) looked over and then remember the dinner.

"You're the kid from next door right, Butters?" They asked with a smile. The boy nodded, interlocking his fingers while he stared down at them.

"Yeah, um you are your mum are supposed to be having dinner with us so your mum asked me to find you heh" He spoke softly, twiddling his thumbs. (Y/n) sighed mentally thanking their mother for asking him to find them as (Y/n) did not think they would be able to find their own way home.

"Thank god, I thought I would never find my way home" (Y/n) said sheepishly, Butters smiled at them.

"Well, we should get going new kid!" He exclaimed, with some energy that came from nowhere. They laughed quietly and nodded following the boy as he lead them home.

The two then were chatting about what has happened in South Park and where (Y/n) came from, and as they came closer to their homes it started to snow softly. (Y/n) smiled up at the snowfall as snowflakes landed on their hand, melting instantly sadly but it was nice to see them not come down like an avalanche.

"So (Y/n), how was Texas?" Butters asked, swinging his arms up and down. (Y/n) had to think, Texas was great but wasnt Great.

"Well all my friends are there so it's good, the weather changes a lot and it's not that bad" They answered, as they walked up the driveway to their house, and then opened the door to see their mother in slightly more fancy clothes. She looked up and smiled.

"Welcome back honey, you came just in time." Their mum said, standing up and turning off the light.

"Let's go," Their mother said, locking the door as Butters was outside waiting for them.

"Thank you for finding (Y/n) Butters, you're such a sweet boy." (Y/n)'s mum said, smiling down at the blond boy who looked fluttered by her complement

"Oh, it's nothing Miss (L/n)" Buttered replied while twiddling his thumbs again. (Y/n) thought the boy was cute but they don't want to get ahead of themselves which any feelings. Now it was time to have dinner with the man that misgendered them, be it once but still as bad.  

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