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We were back to training quicker than I could blink, the pack were beginning to become stronger and more determined

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We were back to training quicker than I could blink, the pack were beginning to become stronger and more determined. Kassian's leadership really was showing, even though he clearly couldn't see it.

Ever since our night together a few days ago, we had barely spoken. I wasn't sure if that was because we were both trying to keep focused or that our paths genuinely didn't cross. But I'd be a liar if I said that it didn't bother me.

As an Alpha he has other important duties to attend to, I know that he's not always going to be around and when he is, he's normally working, planning or training.

Controlling the curse was becoming somewhat easier, I still felt like a bundle of the wrong emotions but at least I didn't want to rip everyone's heads off. Things felt do-able, painful but I could push through and that's how I knew I was making positive progress.

Especially knowing how close our date to take down Pandora was, now was not the time to lose control and turn everyone against me.

If Kassian could see a softer side to me, then I pray everyone else could too. I wasn't this bitch that Pandora had painted me to be, she'd want me to be alone and isolated. But I wasn't going to let her win, she would not destroy me.

I listen to Hope and Nella as they chat away about Nella's powers as we approach the clearing, ready for another day of heavy training.

"You should come see what we can do Cleo," Nella speaks which catches my attention.


Nella's brown eyes glisten as she turns her head towards me. "The witches," she says. "We've been practicing so hard, what Diamond said is right. It's about believing, manifesting, and positivity. I've started doing things I had no idea that I could do."

My head nods towards her. "Yeah," I agree. "Maybe after training you could show me?"

Her smile stretches across her face, like she wasn't expecting me to be so interested. "Yeah Cleo," she nods eagerly. "That sounds good. Hope, you can come too."

"Yay," she grins as she claps her hands together once. "I love all that magic shit. I'm excited already. Going to be a thousand times better than training."

"Anything excites you, Hope," Nella rolls her eyes playfully.

She wasn't wrong, Hope was like an excitable child. Everything and anything made her happy, even with the lash of venom to her leg. She still saw the best in everything, her positivity and optimism was clear for everyone to see.

Hope is the sort of person that I need in my life, she brings good energy and I clearly needed to replicate that.

"Listen up!" Kassian's voice booms across the clearing, his voice loud enough to shake the ground.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞  |  ✔Where stories live. Discover now