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When I attempt to open my eyes they feel sore and irritated, I attempt to flutter open one eyelid but nothing happens

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When I attempt to open my eyes they feel sore and irritated, I attempt to flutter open one eyelid but nothing happens. I grunt with my face down into the pillow, having no idea where I am or why I feel so achy and rigid. But I feel barely any pain.

Am I out of that cellar? Or have I died and gone straight to hell?

I try to part my mouth and lick my lips but my tongue feels like stinging nettles, sliced and dry. My brows pull together as I give opening my eyes another go, physically feeling the crustiness of my bottom lid.

My jaw tenses and I grunt again, forcing them open with the very little strength I have left.

When they ping open they're instantly blurry, hazed and now I'm even more confused.

"Cleo?" I croak.

I blink over and over, trying to clear my vision but it wasn't happening as quickly as I'd like it to. It was beginning to infuriate me, I just wanted to see my mate.

"Shhhh," her hand rubs my arm gently before she leans over to the side and grabs a cup with a straw. "Don't talk, save your energy."

She brings the straw up to my lips and I take a long, heavy sip. Finishing the cup in one go. The liquid dampening my blistering mouth, it hurt to change the dynamic of the dryness so quickly but I didn't care.

My eyes blink over and over until Cleo's face becomes clearer, she's sitting on the floor next to my bed. Legs crossed in front of her, eyes glistening with tears as she places down the cup and begins to stroke my cheek with the back of her finger.

I glance my eyes over her face but she didn't look like herself, her complexion was paler than usual and her bone structure thinner. She looks like she hasn't had a decent meal in a while, dark circles around her eyes. Hair thrown up into a ponytail and a T-shirt that has multiple stains on it.

The thought of her not eating, not sleeping, not looking after herself makes me ache inside. I wince at the sudden feeling of the IV in my arm and Cleo becomes alert, standing up and calling for Gemma. My body raises in goosebumps, suddenly gaining feeling in my body again.

Gemma and Liam step into the room in a hurry and start fumbling with my machine, changing the settings and asking me simple yes or no questions. I flick my eyes over to Cleo as she stands a few feet away, her thumb nail in her mouth, watching me with intent.

"Cleo," Gemma turns to my mate. "Could you grab some of that soup Nella has been making from the kitchen? It'll be easier for him to drink something whilst lying down, that way his back can still heal."

She nods instantly and leaves, it doesn't take long for her to come back. With a fresh glass of water and a mug of soup, she places them down beside me and grabs a fresh straw and brings the soup up to my mouth.

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