"You're angry, frustrated. You want some form of release. I can help you with what you want." I drop my hand to trace the edge of his wrist sensually. "If that's what you want. I'm consenting."
His eyes turn from brown to black within a matter of se...
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The news of a party at another pack house definitely went down well with our pack, you could tell we all needed to get out and socialise with others. Especially for our own sanity after we took down Pandora, it certainly took its toll on everyone. We all deserved a drink, some good food and even better company.
Kassian was intrigued in making allies with Everett's pack, in a way I could tell he was looking forward to connecting with him. It was definitely an Alpha thing, and completely to do with power, even though Kassian would not admit that to me.
I guess it's a way of sussing out how the other side run their pack, how well they do and how strong they are. But Kassian has nothing to worry about, our pack are everything to be proud of. I should know after they helped to save me from my mother when they didn't owe me anything. They wanted to support their Alpha so they could support me, I'd be forever grateful for that.
My eyes glance up at Nella in the reflection of the mirror as she stands behind me, curling stands of my hair with a tong. "So... tell me more about Fran. You never really mentioned her before." Nella says as she twists the curler to let my hair drop into a beautiful curl.
"Hmm, yeah," Hope mumbles from the bed as she applies mascara to her top lashes. "I kind of remember her from the pack but Pandora kept us all apart and I never got to see you, or meet Fran really."
I clear my throat and glance up at Nella who was waiting for me to respond. "Fran was my first pack friend, we would play when we were kids, we grew up as teenagers and slowly we drifted apart."
"Why?" Nella furrows her eyebrows.
"Pandora started bossing everyone around, telling them that they were slacking with their duties in the pack. I had grown close to Fran's mother, Alice. She noticed how nasty Pandora would treat me and she kind of took me under her wing," I speak before dampening my bottom lip.
"That was nice of her," Hope says from behind me.
"It was, that's why Pandora hated her. She said that she was brainwashing me, forbid me from seeing Fran as it was distracting me from helping out the pack. Just a load of bullshit to control me really," I sigh as Nella continues to curl the back of my hair. "Alice died a few years ago, seemed suspicious and I'd hate to think Pandora had any involvement, but it seems likely."
Nella frowns at me in the mirror, waiting for me to carry on. "So I managed to sneak around, spend more time with Fran behind Pandora's back. She was mourning and I wanted to be there for her. It wasn't soon after until she went ballistic at everyone in the pack, used her powers to turn them into possessed beings and curse me."
"Wow," Nella says after a few moments. "I feel so sorry for her."
My heart clenches instantly as I glance down at my lap. "Me too, it's like as soon as I was cursed I forgot all about everyone else who Pandora would have possessed. Including Fran, all I cared about was revenge which is why I never spoke about her. I was just selfish and so self-centred."