Epilogue - One

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Six months later

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Six months later

"I can't believe tomorrow you're going to be my husband," Cleo exhales softly as she traces her finger down the curve of my jaw.

I grab her fingers and press a kiss to the delicate skin. "I can't believe that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you."

Her mouth falls open and she rips away her fingers. "You can't believe that?"

My lips curve into a smile and I bring back her fingers, kissing the back of her hand and over her knuckles. "I can't believe that I have you in my life," I rephrase. "Only the Goddess knows what I did to deserve you."

Cleo swallows gently and gazes between my eyes. "That sounds better," she chuckles and then swoops closer into my chest. "I'm sad we're not going to spend the night together."

"Me too baby," I swipe a hand down her back and hold her close.

Then she peeks her head up at me, a devilish look on her face. "Do you reckon it's still bad luck if we mindlink?" Her eyebrow wiggles.

"No such thing as bad luck," I brush away strands of hair from her forehead. "But I guess it's tradition and that way I'll be itching to see you and hear your voice even more when we're at the altar.

Her expression relaxes and she nods. "I guess you're right," she pouts. "I just hate the idea of not speaking to you at all. It fills me with dread."

"We'll be back together tomorrow," I remind her and tuck her hair behind her ear. Cupping her face in the process. "And then we never have to have a day apart again."

"True," she nods and studies my eyes.

"I can't wait to see you in your dress," I blurt out and Cleo grins blindly at me.

Her eye drops into a subtle wink. "You're going to faint."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep," she breathes confidently. "You're going to drop down at the sight of me."

I hum and imagine her in a perfect white dress, one that clings to her beautiful curves and shows off her elegant collarbones. "I mean I almost drop down in front of you most days," I laugh lightly. "But you're right, I probably will. I'm imagining it now."

Cleo kisses the corner of my mouth and we fall into silence for a moment, taking time to admire each other up close. Especially if we're going to have a night of sleeping in separate beds tonight, I want everything I can get now.

I notice Cleo's brows crease and then she straightens then again and then frowns.

"What's on your mind?"

"Have you ever thought about having kids?"

Cleo doesn't wait a second to speak her mind and I find myself blinking at the topic, knowing that we've never spoken about children or having a family together. I've been far too focused on us, on getting through life just us two. We've had enough chaos for that.

"Briefly," I nod once.

"What did you think?" Cleo begins to chew on her lip.

"That I want them," I smile and press a kiss to her forehead. "With you. I want them to have your eyes, your mind, your bravery."

Cleo's eyes light up as I speak and she pushes herself up from the bed, looking down to me. "What will they have of you?" She arches her brow.

"My hair, strength and amazing physique. Obviously."

We both break out into a soft laugh and she slaps my chest, shaking her head in the process.

"What about you?" I ask the same question.

Cleo pauses before she speaks, collecting her thoughts inside her head. She looks down to the bed and shrugs, shielding her eyes from me. "I never really saw myself as a mother, after being brought up by Pandora, I feared I'd be like her."

I frown and press the edge of my finger to the tip of her chin and I tilt. Finally her eyes gravitate back to mine and I move closer. "You aren't anything like her because you're not related. You'd be a wonderful mother, don't let her or your past with her cloud your judgement. You've helped me bring up a whole pack and you've been more caring and maternal than I'll ever be. They trust you, they look up to you. You're perfect to be a mother."

Her lips twist and she blinks, pushing away any residue of tears in them. "Don't make me cry the day before our wedding," her voice is low and hoarse.

"Never, just speaking the truth."

"Well this is in the future anyway," she clears her throat and slides her hand in beside mine.


"One day at a time." Cleo's eyes sparkle in my direction.

I cup the back of her head and bring our lips together in a chaste kiss. "Our children will be the most perfect little-beings." I mumble against her lips.

She smiles instantly. "Oh most definitely."

"After all, they'd have two of the most amazing parents in the world." My brows raise and I can't fight the cheeky smile on my lips.

Cleo laughs softly and nods. "We are pretty great, aren't we?"

"Not great, we're fucking amazing," I raise her hand to kiss. "Together, nothing can stop us."

. . .

I will never be over these two. They completely own my heart.

Second epilogue in coming!

Love Savanna x

Insta: SavRose.x
Patreon: dreammcatcher
Tik Tok: SavannaWritess

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