"You're angry, frustrated. You want some form of release. I can help you with what you want." I drop my hand to trace the edge of his wrist sensually. "If that's what you want. I'm consenting."
His eyes turn from brown to black within a matter of se...
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Merry Christmas my loves! I hope you enjoy this chapter. (Don't forget to vote my darlings)
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When my eyes shot open I realised that I was back in my bed, my body feeling like a tonne of bricks. I huff out a breath and lean over to grab the bottle of water that was sat on my bedside table, cracking the lid and swirling it around my intensely dry mouth.
I push myself up from the bed and rub my eyes, peering out of the gap between the curtain and the window. The sun was high in the sky, it must have been well into the afternoon.
Clearly needing that sleep more than anything after the last few days I had endured.
The curse had somewhat settled from yesterday, talking to Nella and Kassian had calmed me. I felt like I belonged for once. They wanted me to be here and that made me feel comfortable.
That's when I knew, negative emotions made the curse worse. If I focused on the positive emotions and tried my hardest to remain optimistic, it didn't hurt as bad and I didn't want to kick off and swear for no reason.
My emotions are easily led by others, including Kassian which I have come to the realisation. So if I get a hold of my emotions, then I can grasp the curse and attempt to live life without the severe suffering.
Throwing the covers off me to get dressed into whatever I could find, a thick black hoodie so I could hide myself in it. My stomach growls harshly causing me to wince, I had barely ate the last couple days and I knew I needed some energy before I passed out.
The house seemed oddly quiet as I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. To my surprise Mace was sitting with Arlo in the high chair, feeding him some green mushy food from a plastic bowl.
His eyes catch mine instantly and he smiles. "Hey Cleo," he tells me warmly. "Glad to have you back."
I press my lips into a thin line and nod, letting the door close behind me as I move towards the kitchen table. "Thanks," I say as I look at the food spread across the kitchen island.
"Help yourself," he says as he motions his head to the counter. "We have loads left over from breakfast, Kassian hates it when food goes to waste."
A small laugh escapes my lips as I nod. "Thanks," I offer him a smile as I start placing the buttery pastries and jams onto a plate, along with some fruit and granola.
I place my bowl onto the table and sit opposite Mace, watching as Arlo gives his dad a big cheesy grin. My heart melted for about a second before I turned my attention back to my food.
"You know how fond Nella is of you?" Mace breaks the silence as I place a strawberry into my mouth.
Internally I sigh, she definitely told him what I said about not being friends yesterday. She was upset and I said some shitty things. Of course she told her mate, she was sad and distraught.