Chapter Nine

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All for One, The Very Powerful Villain, The Feared One, and the unstoppable force of evil when he wants something, is raging.

He almost destroyed the training room in his rage.

He stopped momentarily, trying to catch his breath as sweat trickled down his face. His fingers twitched, eyes strained into nothing as his thoughts spiralled.

The man he had called, gathering evidence against the very school his son had nightmares about, had sent files, tons of it. Over the week he goes through it, cackling madly as he read many, many useful ones against teachers and the school itself.

But he'd stopped, breath caught in his throat as he watched the CCTV footages and videos in students phones. It was full of Quirkless, 'Villainous' Quirks, and overall brutality videos.

He'd watched with disbelief as CCTV's caught suicide baiting and words that shouldn't be said to anyone.

The most painful one to watch was his sons daily taunting and beating. He'd raged at a particular harsh beating where his son could barely breath, could barely walk, could barely see anything through his tears.

He couldn't wait to bring down the school, drag those scums to the dirt and leave them begging for mercy. He wouldn't ruin the students reputation that much, they've room for change, but they won't get out unscathed either.

And he would watch Bakugo Katsuki closely, see what he would do and decide then and there.

He snapped his gaze to Kurogiri who had just walked in through the destroyed metal door. Mist flicking here and there, while he calmly held his phone out.

"The young master wants to talk to you," Kurogiri walked closer seeing the Master partially calm.

AFO reached out, fingers enclosed the phone before bringing it up to his ear. "Yes, Izuku?"

"Hey, Dad!" His cheery voice made Him relax a little bit more, "I was just wondering if you're coming home tonight? I'm going to help mom prepare dinner."

"Yes, I'll be home." He subconsciously softened his voice, like he's talking to his little boy again.

"I'm glad, see you later?" Izuku beamed, happy to have another family dinner with everyone.

"I'll bring Tenko with me. See you later, son."

With a few more goodbyes they hung up, one finally calmed enough while the other sang happily as he walked towards the kitchen, greeting his mum happily.


Touya, more known now as Dabi, breathed in. Chest heaving as he tried to slow his breathing as to not jostle his already bruised chest.

Dabi startled as a can fell of the trash pile, seemingly glowing blue eyes darting from left to right, and curling into the hidden corner more.

He strained his hearing, quite desperately listening for further movements before calming down as there was not any movement.

He peeled off his rag of a shirt and inspected the bruises he got that morning and winced as he traced the remaining untouched skin just at his stomach, purposely avoiding the burnt skin held together by medical staples.

He jumped as a furry thing brushed against his arm, purring and making noises as it flopped on its back as if expecting pets and scratches. Dabi eyed it, hesitating if he should just get up and leave or stay a little more.

Everything couldn't get any worst than it already is, he murmured in his heart as his shaking hand caressed the fluffy ball of dust and dirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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