day 1

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it was just a normal day, i was at home with my dog, fifi, my sister was in school, but being in college means i'm not in on fridays.

i was reading the final chapter of 'assassination classroom', with max and harvey quietly playing through my headphones. i was brought out of my trance by fifi barking. i was confused as no one should be coming round, my mum said her friend was coming, but that was at five pm. hopefully i won't have to come out to them, but there's always a chance. i went and opened the door, revealing a woman who looked to be around my mums age, and oddly familiar.

"hello, can i help you?" i asked, confused.

"hi, i was wondering if lauren monroe lived here." the lady said.

"that's my mum, how do you know her?" i asked, still confused.

"i'm sara, sara mills. i'm sorry we're quite early, i know i told lauren i'd be here for five, but we had to get out the house earlier, i hope you don't mind." sara said.

"ohhh, feel free to come in, you can get your suitcases later." i smiled. mills, surely this was all a big coincidence? sara mills is the name of max and harvey's mum.

"thank you! i'm just going to get my family." she walked to a car and spoke to a man, then went to the another car and spoke to someone who looked to be only slightly older than me, then she returned to me. "so my husband, paul and middle child, leo, are waking up my youngest, tilly, and my second eldest, max, is waking my eldest, harvey, up. max and harvey are twins."

this can't be a coincidence, they've got the same names as max and harvey's whole family. if i'm correct, paul, walked up to the door. "tilly is awake, i'm just giving her a minute to fully wake up. i'm paul by the way." he held his hand out to shake mine. i'm right? this has to be a dream, surely!

"i'm ornella, nice to meet you." i smiled returning the the handshake.

max and harvey climbed out of the other car, max had dark brown hair, with no hat on, and harvey had slicked back brown to blonde hair, which was slightly messed up, he also had a red mark on the side of his face.

"hi there, i'm harvey." he smiled. "ignore the red mark, max slapped my face to wake me up."

"and i'm max, i didn't slap him i swear!" max laughed.

"i'm ornella, it's nice to meet you both, and the red mark is really starting to look like a hand mark." i joked and reached my hand out to shake theirs, i was shocked when max grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug, harvey then doing the same.

"sorry about them, they don't like formality, they're more huggers, as you can see." sara laughed.

"it's alright, i like hugs." i said, secretly praying they couldn't feel my binder, i didn't put a shirt under my hoodie, just the binder.

"ornella is a name i've never heard of before, where does it come from?" paul spoke up, continuing the conversation we were having before max and harvey came up to the door.

"it's a funny story actually, i was going to be called daniela, and then my mum said 'we can call her nelly or danny for short.' so my dad said 'or nella, because that's cute' but my mum heard it as one word, they preferred that over daniela. my parents are the only people who call me nella." i said.

sara laughed, then said that it does sound like my mum to miss-hear it. then tilly and leo came out of the car.

"hi, i'm leo, and that's tilly, she's still tired." leo said.

"hi, i'm ornella" i grinned. "feel free to come in everyone, fifi will stop barking when she gets used to your scents, she's just protective." everyone walked in, taking off their shoes. "i would like to apologise about the house, it's very old and we just haven't had time to get people to come in and fix everything. if you don't have slippers, i do recommend you put your shoes back on, for the safety of your own feet." everyone put their shoes back on, as i continued. "this is the bathroom, well the downstairs one, there's two hand soaps because i'm allergic to most things, feel free to use either though, we stock up on mine. this room is the old dining room, it has our big computer, feel free to use it whenever, there will be a camp bed in here when my mum gets it out of the loft. the kitchens here, we have cereal, super noodles, and much more. the fridge is near the back door, so you can get yourself a drink whenever. this is the living room, the big chair pulls into a sofa bed. if we go upstairs, here's the main bathroom, as you can see this one actually has a bath, and a shower in. that's a spare room, which already has an air mattress in, that's my room, that's my parents room, this is my sisters room, and this is the other spare room, which has two single beds in. you can all decide where you want to sleep. but until then, if we go back downstairs i'll sort everyone out with drinks if you'd like." i finished the tour of the house.

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