day 7/8?

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i woke up curled up with a blanket over me, and really bad chest pain. i fell asleep in my binder again! they were leaving today, this was not going to be a good day. i knocked on max and harvey's door, when i didn't get an answer, i slowly opened their door, they were both fast asleep still. max was asleep on the floor, and as i went to wake them, harvey rolled onto max, that woke them both up.

"morning guys." i sadly smiled at the confused twins trying to stand up.

"we're going home today aren't we?" max asked glumly.

"yeah." i replied.

"facetime every day?" harvey asked.

"every single day." i replied.

harvey went to the bathroom and changed, max changed in the room he was in, and i changed in my room, peeling the binder off my skin, stretching, and putting on a sports bra instead. we regrouped in the room they were staying in. "you know the hoodie i gave you on our date?" harvey asked me.

"yeah, if you want it back you can have it." i smiled, deep down i didn't want to give it back, it smelt like him.

"can i borrow it for a second? you can keep it after that." he smiled at me.

"sure." i left to get it bringing it back.

"thanks." he lay it down and sprayed his deodorant on it, then flipped it over and did it again. "now the smell should last until you can next see us."

"awww thanks." i grinned and put it on over my t-shirt.

"it was dark when i saw you wearing it last time. that's a tent on you!" max laughed.

"it's not my fault i'm short!" i laughed.

"yeah max, don't bully my partner." harvey laughed pulling me close. it still felt surreal that harvey was my boyfriend.

"we should probably pack." max said changing the subject quickly, causing me to laugh.

"i'll help." i was determined to spend as much time with everyone as possible.

i started by folding all their clothes as they were failing miserably. "mum folded all our clothes." harvey guiltily admitted, well that made sense. i laughed slightly.

i folded everything for them, and helped them figure out how to pack it all. after an hour the boys were fully packed. "go get breakfast, im off to help leo." i smiled going to knock on leo's door.

"thank you lily! this would had taken a lot longer without you." i heard leo say.

"no problem, your suitcase is tiny, how you managed to fit everything in it is beyond me." i heard lily laugh.

knowing that leo didn't need help, i went down to help tilly. i got to the bottom of the stairs and felt a small pair of arms wrap around me. "hi tills." i looked down to her.

"i don't want to leave today!" she sighed.

"i don't want you to leave either but you need to go home." i sighed. "do you want me to help you pack?" i asked. she nodded and we went to the dining room. i connected my phone to the speaker and gave it to her. "put any playlist you want on, we're going to make this as fun and happy as possible." i smiled at her.

"ok." she smiled taking my phone and putting on the hannah montana soundtrack.

"my childhood!" i exclaimed as we began dancing around. i picked up a shirt, folding it as i danced.

after an hour we had packed everything of tillys. my phone had pinged at some point, now we were done packing, i checked my phone. i had been mentioned in harvey's story. he'd filmed me and tilly dancing whilst folding her clothes, he also got my horrendous attempt at trying to sing best of both worlds. he'd wrote '@its.ornellz is like the big sister @_tillymills never had. definitely got the right best friend.' it stung reading that i was his best friend, but i knew we were keeping it a secret between the fans. i reposted the story writing 'yeah tillys my best friend, not you :)' laughing slightly i posted it, tilly had seen the story and reposted it too.

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