Chapter 4: The girl who saved them all

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As Izumi was walking down the beach she sudenly saw something strange. ALL MIGHT! IT'S ALL MIGHT AND- Bakugo? What is he doing with him??? What the-

"Young Bakugo you need train harder if you want to be my successor." As she heard that, Izumi felt her heart crack a bit. Katsuki Bakugo, the one that bullied her for most of her life, who almost killed her... All might wanted to make HIM his successor? With tears in her eyes she ran away before either of them could spot them. Izumi kept walking towards her apartment she tried not to think about what she saw, but sudenly she could smell smoke. Her worry turned into pure fear when she saw the burning house. She ran as fast as she could towards it. Many of her neighbors were already outside but not even near to all of them.

"W-what happened?!" She screamed in surprise, still looking around for her mother.

"Not sure, apparently Endeavor in his fight with a villain accidentaly set it on fire." Somebody from the crowd answered her. The fire fighters then started reading out names.

"Alright... So the missing are... Inko Midoriya-" Izumi stopped listening the second she heard her mother's name. Immedietaly she ran forward. The firemen tried to stop her but failed. Running inside the building she covered her mouth as she started coughing due to the smoke. Everything was on fire. But Izumi had a plan. Touching her forehead. She started coughing as she breathed in the smoke, it burned her lungs, it hurt even more because here lungs are damaged already. She covered her mouth and pressed on. The fire burned her skin a bit, it was extremely hot here but she was still determined to press on. Her whole body hurt, mainly her lungs and leg, the one with bad bone.

"M-mom?! (cough cough)" Izumi called out but heard nothing. She searched the appartment, the smoke creating a burning feeling in her lungs and eyes, not to mention the extreme heat from the flames around her, Endeavor's flames. 'Idiot' she thought. 'Mom where are you!' Izumi sudenly felt strange. It was like her conciousness left her body and went through the walls. In a matter of seconds she located not only her mother but every other person still inside the burning building. Izumi quickly ran upstairs and entered the building's laundry room on the third floor. There she saw her. Her mother... Laying under a burning piece of debree that fell on her. Izumi held out her hand and using her new powers she used a nearby metal pipe to knock the debree off her. Izumi fell down onto her knees next to her mother.

"M-mon i'm here... I'm just so... Sleepy." Izumi fell over and lost conciousness, but sudenly! She jolted awake, her eyes now had red color. With an emotionless expression she used her magnetokinesis to rip a piece of metal from a wall and put her mother on it. Then she walked out of the room.


Outside the fire fighters are looking at the burning house with desperation. They want to help but they can't! Even some heroes arrived. Mainly Backdraft and Manual. They are both trying to extinquish the flames to the best of their abilities but there's just too much fire. Sudenly... The ground started to shake, some people almost fell over. Both Backdraft and Manual stopped and backed away. If this continues the whole house will fall down, it's mostly metal and concrete structer kept it in one piece until now but even metal and concrete can only resist Endeavor's extremely hot fire for so long. But then... The front of the house was blown open, pieces of metal levitating in the air and from the newly formed hole walked out a young girl. It was obvious that she was using all her remaining strenght. Her dark green hair flowing in the ash filled ash filled air and her eyes glowing bright red. Dust and ash stained her face and body aswell as burns from the fire. But what shocked everybody even more were the many, many, MANY small improvised metal platforms made from all kinds of metal debree. On every single one of these platforms was laying an unconcious person that was trapped in the building. On one of the bigger ones was a woman that looked severely hurt and also had dark green hair. The young girl then fell to her knees, all of the metal surrounding her gently levitating down onto the ground. She then toppled over and fell unconcious. For a minute or two everybody just stared in silence before somebody finally moved. It was the Normal Hero: Manual. He ran towards the girl and checked her puls. She had a lot of burns and other injuries, like cuts and such. Most likely from some of the debree that fell onto her.

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