Chapter 2

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 "Come with me, let's talk somewhere more secluded, the guards will do a round through here in about ten minutes." 

 "May I ask why you even want to talk. Shouldn't you have sent me away by now?" Kaminari wondered. 

 Before the purple-haired boy got far he spun on his heel. "No, you may not ask. Now come on, unless you want to leave without that apple you oh so desire. The choice is yours."

 Kaminari shook his head and started in Shinsou's direction, "This is so stupid. I don't even know your name." 

 "The name's Hito. Shin Hito." Hito turned and continued to lead Kaminari to the flower fields. 

 "Cool, I'm," Kaminari paused. He couldn't use his real name, that was a dead giveaway. "I go by Pikachu."

 Hito huffed a laugh, "Like the card game character?"

 "Yes, don't judge me." Denki pouted.

"I'm not. I'm not. You didn't have to come up with such a ridiculous nickname though. I get it, you don't want me to know your real name and I won't press you to tell me. You don't want me to give it to the guards after you leave, so you're cautious. I'd say it's a smart move, if not pointless. I won't tell the guards of your failed attempt to steal a measly apple. "

 Kaminari frowned at his futile effort to come up with a believable name, but he'd been happy that Hito got the reason for his hidden name incorrect. "Yeah, thank you. I just don't quite trust you yet."

"That's to be expected, now keep up. We're almost there."


 The two had finally made it to the field, Kaminari took one glance at the violet fields stretching as far as the eye could see and grinned wide. "Violets are my favorite flowers. How amazing that so many grow in this region. What are your favorite flowers Hito?" Kaminari asked. 

 "Chrysanthemums," Hito pointed at the field of yellow flowers planted next to the violets. "We shouldn't be found here. The guards were told to stay away from the fields lest they accidentally stomp on the flowers with their heavy boots."

 "Are servants supposed to know where the guards do their rounds?"

 "You assume I'm a servant?" Hito raised an eyebrow in question. 

 "Was I wrong?! Oh no, I'm sorry if you're offended." Kaminari's hands flew back in forth through the air as he tried desperately to convey his compunction. "You're just not dressed in very costly clothing and I thought that someone of higher stature would be wearing very expensive nightwear like silk or fine wool. The thought didn't occur to me that you might be modest in your riches or..."

 "Okay," Hito interrupted. 


 "You can stop rambling, I'm not offended. I'm not rich either, I'm just a poet here to write a poem for King Shota. He read one of my works and wished to own one or two." Shinsou lied through his teeth. First his name now his title. It sort of felt fun... freeing. 

 Well, it wasn't all a lie, his father did love poems, just not his son's. Shinsou was a shit poem writer. But that's aside from the point. 


 Denki nodded. "I'm a musician. For the royals... well the Kaminari's. I suppose I should specify that." It wasn't necessarily a lie, Denki and his best friends Kirishima and Sero formed a little band not too long ago. It was something to occupy him while his parents were off assigning treaties and waging wars or whatever they do.

  Hito stiffened a bit at the name, "How did a musician for the Kaminari end up here trying to steal an apple from the royal family." Hito inquired.

"Oh, well funny story actually. As you know the Kaminari's are here to marry their son off to Prince Shinsou. So last night we were bored at camp and I was dared by one of my bandmates to steal an apple. You see, I've never eaten an apple before so they dared me to steal one from the palace. It's said the best apples in the world are grown here."

 "Not on old Mary they aren't. That tree's been nearly dead for years." Kaminari wondered how he knew the tree's history if he's only a visitor of the king's. But he didn't have time to question it before Hito moved on. "The good apples are in the harvesting fields." Shinsou sits on the ground in front of the field and pats the ground next to him. "Come sit."

 Kaminari follows and sits while admiring the flowers closest to him. Before long another conversation starts and the two talk about things they enjoy and things they don't, until the sky starts to lighten. 


 "I must say, talking to you has been oddly enjoyable thief," Hito smirks. 

 "Well, I have been told that I'm quite a delight to be around." Kaminari smiles and looks up the sky slowly fading from blue-black to shades of pink and orange. "I should leave. I've stayed much longer than I should have." 


 In truth, Shinsou had a great time talking to this thief, he did not want that night to end. But he knew the blond had to leave. "And what if I asked you to come back tomorrow?" Shinsou tried.

 Pikachu looked genuinely shocked. He looked behind him searching for another person Shinsou could be talking to then looked back. "Me?" He pointed to himself, "You want me to come back?"

 Shinsou smirked, "Well you haven't gotten your prize apple yet, have you?"

 "Are you blackmailing me Hito?" Pikachu grinned. 

 "Maybe." Shinsou stands and brushes some dirt off his pants, "What'll it be then?"

 "You're crazy, that's what it is." Pikachu replaces his hood on his head, "But, I also think I have a dare to complete. So, meet here tonight at sundown?" 

 Shinsou's heart was racing at that. He knew that he shouldn't be doing this, but that was what made it fun. So he nodded and watched as Pikachu left the fields. 

 This excitement he felt was so unusual and surreal, but still, he could wait for tonight. He couldn't wait to be a poet instead of a prince again. And he couldn't wait to feel free once more. But most of all, he couldn't wait to talk to his thief again.

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