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 Hitoshi Shinsou hated birds. That hate lasted as long as his time in a cage did. Once he broke free and felt what it was like to fly he realized that birds aren't so bad after all. He got past their noisiness, their colorfulness, and their appetite for worms and saw the beauty in their structured wings and how they glide through the air. He realized that freedom comes in many forms, and his just so happened to be in a person.

 An annoying freedom that's currently laying on top of him poking his face and telling him to wake up. 

 "Come on Hito," Kaminari groans, "It's time to get up. You said you'd go to the fields with me today. We haven't been there since the fiasco."

 "Denki, it is literally seven am. It can wait."

 "Pleeeaaaasssseeee." Kaminari proceeds to shower Shinsou's face with kisses which he can't really be mad at.

 "Okay, okay," Shinsou turns his head and catches Kaminari's lips in their assault of his face. "I'll get up."

 Kaminari smiles wide and hops of the bed grabbing Shinsou an outfit from their closet. Soon after the two were married Kaminari realized that Shinsou has absolutely no fashion sense and that from then on he was picking out Shinsou's outfits. Shinsou didn't care to fight him on it because he was fully aware of his lack of skill in the fashion department. 

 Once Kaminari was out of the closet he threw the ensemble onto the covers of the bed. "There, now you get dressed and I'm going to go get you coffee."

 Shinsou was thoroughly satisfied with the second half of that statement. "Yeah, yeah."

 Kaminari left and Shinsou changed into the white comfortable tunic and the black pants he was given. When he was done Kaminari still hadn't returned so he walked to his dresser admiring the fully deceased flower crowns. They were brown and slowly disassembling themselves. Without thinking he grabs a jar that used to contain salt and shoved the remains of the flower crowns inside. They were too important to throw away, and this way he could keep them forever.

  Kaminari comes back with the hot cup of coffee in his hands and spots what Shinsou is holding. "You're still holding onto those?" He smiles.

 "Yeah, they're special." He sets the jar down on the dresser and takes the coffee from Kaminari's hands, "Thank you." 

 "No problem." Kaminari's eyes wander to the jar once more and remembers making them. The stars overhead and the laughs shared. "I love you." Kaminari takes full advantage of being free to say that now.

 Shinsou smiles cupping his husband's cheek with a coffee cup warmed hand, "I love you too." Kaminari kisses Shinsou's palm and holds it to his face.

 "Are you ready to head to the fields?" Shinsou takes a chug of his coffee, burning his tongue a little, and set's it next to the jar on his dresser.

 Kaminari's smile shines, "Of course!"

 Shisnou laughs and drags Kaminari out of the room and down to the violet and chrysanthemum fields. Both in full bloom and stretching as far as the eye can see. Kaminari is completely elated to be here again. This time in the light of day, with the full vivid color of the flowers. 

 All Shinsou can do is admire his husband's awed face and smile. After a moment that face turns to shock when he finally spots Shinsou's surprise.

 "You didn't." Kaminari laughs.

 "I did." 

 Kaminari runs to the picnic blanket at the fields' divide, it sits a vase of roses and a basket of food waiting to be eaten. Then at the center lays a mini basket holding a shiny red apple. "Hitoshi. This..." Tears flood Kaminari's eyes.

 "Here's your apple. Only I hope you'll still come to meet me after you've completed your dare."

 Kaminari huffs a laugh and tackles Shinsou in a hug, "I can't believe you remembered."

Shinsou twines his arms around Kaminari's waist holding him like he's the most precious thing in the world. "How could I forget."

 Kaminari leads a trail of kisses from Shinsou's neck up to his mouth, that flighty and light feeling flooded through Shinsou again and made him lean farther in. Kaminari felt that same rush and decided that he should cut it off before they both got whisked away. There was always another time to do this, with no rising sun at their heels they had all the time in the world. 

 "I love you, more than you know." Shinsou wipes a stray tear from Kaminari's cheek.

 "I think I know well enough because I love you just the same. If not more."Kaminari grinned.

 "We are not doing the sappy 'i love you more' 'no I love you more' thing right now." Shinsou pushed blonde hair from Kaminari's eyes. 

 Kaminari pouts, "Why not."

 "Because I have ice cream in that basket that I don't want to melt." Shinsou smirks as Kaminari jumps out of his arms and plops down on the picnic blanket, "Well why didn't you say so?"

 The boys eat their half-melted ice cream and lounge on the blanket in peace. Kaminari finally picks up the apple after a while and takes a bite of it. The blonde frowns and lets Shinsou take a bite as well. "This is a little disappointing." Kaminari remarks, "I thought it would be sweeter. Like a strawberry. Strawberries are better."

 Shinsou laughs, "Well at least you can say you've tried an apple now."

 "True enough." Kaminari sighs and picks an arrangement of flowers, then begins to weave them into crowns. Shinsou takes a few and starts a crown of his own. Kaminari lays his head on Shinsou's lap as they both work, claiming revenge for the night Shinsou had slept on his. They talked and worked on their crowns for an hour or so before the two ended up laying on the blanket and watching clouds roll by, calmly curled together. This is all either of them could ever ask for, all they ever needed. 

 The bliss they had found in one another is the love only found in fairytales, a feeling that should've been impossible but wasn't. And it all started with a secret in the fields of violets and chrysanthemums. 

~The End~

 I'm publishing this alongside the latest chapter because I'm nice and because I know waiting for things sucks. So I hope you liked the ending of this story and I can't wait to write another. After learning that I don't have to include every character and include a background for said character, I feel like my writing has gotten better. So I'm very proud of this story and am very happy that other people are happy with it as well.

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