Chapter 7

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 As Shinsou stood on the pew he searched the audience for Pikachu, hoping to find nothing. He didn't think he could handle seeing that idiot right now. With his dopey smile wiped away and tears filling his eyes. Shinsou didn't want to see him like that.

 Shinsou stiffened when the music started to play, signaling the entrance of his soon-to-be husband. The crowd all turned their heads to watch the door open, excited for the Prince to be escorted in. They were chattering, excited for what comes next, but when those doors actually opened not a sound come from them. As the prince stood there in his white suit arm in arm with his mother, Shinsou couldn't believe what he was seeing. 



 Kaminari felt his heart float up into his throat and for a moment he couldn't breathe. It was him. Hito was standing on the pew waiting for him. His mother tugged his arm reminding him to move forward. But he just stood for a few seconds more, not breaking eye contact with Shinsou. His trance finally broke when his mom elbowed his side, he winced then smiled as he started to speed walk down the aisle. Shinsou still looked in shock when Kaminari made it to the pew, but his eyes didn't leave the blonde for one second. He looked to be in a trance.

 "Y-you." Shinsou finally broke the silence between them. "What-"

 "I still haven't told you my name." Kaminari took Shinsou's hand in his, "I'm Denki Kaminari, nice to meet you." Kaminari felt himself tear up once again.


 Shinsou was dumbfounded, to say the least. He knew he had to be dreaming, there was no way Pikachu was standing right in front of him claiming to be his fiance. Shinsou gripped Kaminari's hand and held the other hand to his cheek. "There's no way you're real."

 "I swear to you I am, I could pinch you if you'd like." Kaminari laughed a tear gliding to meet Shinsou's hand. Shinsou wiped it away and kissed Kaminari's forehead, holding himself there for a moment, taking everything in to the best of his ability.

The priest cleared his throat next to the boys, successfully drawing their attention. "It's time to begin."

Shinsou nodded moving the hand on Kaminari's cheek to the blonde's other unoccupied hand. The priest started the sayings but Shinsou couldn't hear him, he just stared at Kaminari with a smile plastered on his face. He'd never smiled this much in his life and he couldn't really complain. He tuned back in when the priest asked, "Hitoshi Shinsou, do you take this man, Denki Kaminari, to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?"

 "I do," Shinsou said without a hint of hesitation.

  Kaminari somehow grinned even wider than he was before and received a similar question. "Denki Kaminari, do you take Hitoshi Shinsou to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?"

 "I do," Kaminari said quickly then wrapped his arms around Shinsou's neck and pulled him into a kiss before the priest could say another word. To Shinsou it felt as though he was flying, he felt free once more. Like he could finally breathe again and he was never letting that feeling go. Kaminari felt it like a rush of electricity through his bones, ready to light him on fire at any moment. It was at once exhilarating and relieving for both of them as they held one another. 

 The crowd cheered behind them, though most of them were confused that the princes were this close already. Though not one of them were mad about it. Music started to play as the servants pulled the benches to the sides of the room and the first dance of the night began.

 The princes reluctantly pulled away from one another, not knowing exactly how to proceed. Shinsou was the first to speak once again, "I haven't the slightest idea what's going on." He grins, "But I'm not complaining."

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