Chapter 5

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 When Kaminari got back to the camp he wouldn't speak a word to anyone. He couldn't even respond to Kirishima when he asked what was wrong. He simply went back to his tent and ignored every ounce of human contact that he could. He'd managed to convey to Kirishima that he needed his schedule for the day cleared but that didn't stop the rest of the camp's work. All day, people were running around his tent getting things situated for the wedding the day after tomorrow keeping him from the sweet relief of sleep. So he sat and he thought. And he thought. And thought until he was so numb of emotion he couldn't even move. It had felt like a piece of his heart had been torn out and stomped on.

 It seemed ridiculous to him that his heart could ache so badly for someone he'd met mere weeks ago. But that didn't stop it from happening, the feeling of absolute emptiness. He wondered if he'd have been better off if he never met Hito, but he couldn't bring himself to wish he hadn't. He couldn't bring himself to regret a thing.

 Before long, a worried Kirishima wandered into the tent having had enough of his friend's silence. He was determined to help in any way that he possibly could. He made his way over to Kaminari's bed and kneeled beside him, "Come on Denki, tell me what's wrong? Is it the poet? Ever since you came back from the castle you seem stricken with woe."

 Just hearing Kirishima mention him brought more tears to Kaminari's eyes. All he could do was nod.

 "Oh, Denks. I told you it was a bad idea to keep seeing him." Kirishima placed a hand on his friend's arm. "Is there anything I could do to help?"

 "Can you find a way to magically get me out of this marriage and have my love returned to me?" Kaminari asked, his voice hoarse from hours of crying. 

 "I'm afraid not."

 "Then no." Denki sniffled, "I don't even know him Ei. How am I going to get through this." he said referring to his fiance. 

 "Maybe you'll grow to love him? He can't be that bad." Kirishima tries and fails at comfort.

 "I already love someone Ei. And that won't be going away anytime soon."

 "Wait," Kirishima frowned, "You love that poet?"

 "Yes. So much." Kaminari laughed, though not of joy. "But I can never see him again."

 Kirishima took his friend into a hug and let the prince cry into his shoulder. "I swear to you, one day it will be okay. You always have me, Sero, and the others to help you through." 


 Shinsou wasn't in any better shape. After he ran to the guard he knew to be Izuku Midoriya he was told that his father was looking for him and that he shouldn't keep King Aizawa waiting. So he wiped the tears from his face and buried everything as far as it would go. Saving the mental breakdown for later.

 As he opened the door to his bedroom, he spotted his father admiring the almost dead flower crowns on his dresser. "Hello, dad. To what do I owe the pleasure." Shinsou almost sneered.

 Shota looked his son's way, " I just wanted to check on you, considering you haven't spoken more than three words to me and your father since we broke the news. Especially since you've been sneaking out the past few nights. You can only go to the fields a handful of times before it gets boring." Shota wasn't one to beat around the bush.

 "You... you knew where I was?" Shinsou paled, the last thing he wanted was to get Pikachu locked up.

"Yes, I know everything." Shota walked over to his son, his expression unreadable. "I'm willing to pretend I don't know anything though. Right now I'm just a worried father here to console his son. Whether the sadness be of an unwanted wedding or a lost companion. I'm here." 

"How did you know today was the last..." Shinsou was puzzled.

"You seamed particularly stoic today. You only act like that when you are trying to appear as though nothing is wrong. It wasn't hard to figure out."

 Shinsou felt the sadness rising in his chest again, but this time he couldn't stop it. "I don't know what to say." Tears spilled from his eyes. 

 His father drew him into a hug in a futile attempt at comfort. " You don't have to say anything Hitoshi. I'm aware that tonight was your last night and I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I just want you to know not to give up on happiness. Though despair feels like the only feelable emotion right now, somehow I think you might grow to be quite fond of the prince and your future."

  Part of him wanted to hate his father for saying that, but  the other part of him yearned so badly for his father's consolement, so he let that part take over for a while. "H-how do you even know any of this?" Shinsou inquired, frustrated with his own lack of stealth. "I thought I was being discreet." Shinsou's head whirled with new questions.

 "Midoriya has watch duty by the fields occasionally. He came to me asking what to do when he saw you and so I told him to let you be. You deserved to have time with someone you weren't forced to be around. Though now I suppose it did more harm than good."

 "No. I must admit, it was wonderful while it lasted. Thank you, dad." Shisnou felt awkward saying those words. Out of character and discomfited, but nonetheless grateful for the time stolen with his thief. 

 "Well I'd be thanking your Papa as well, he was the one who pushed my hand and told me... well. Nevermind. The point is he had a part in it as well." Shota pulled out of the embrace and smiled at his son. A rare and slightly unsettling thing.

 "Okay, I'll thank him tomorrow. And, I'm sorry for avoiding you these last few weeks. I was just so..." 

 "Pissed off? Believe me, I know."

 Shinsou laughed. "Speaking of Papa, why isn't he the one in here being the emotionally consoling parent. No offense dad but you are emotionally impaired 98 percent of the time."

 "Let's just say your Papa can't keep his mouth shut for the life of him." Shota patted his son's shoulder once more, "I think it's time I take my leave. I know you need alone time. And tomorrow I'm excusing you from duties until 2 pm, so make sure to actually get some rest. 

 "Thank you Dad, I love you."

 "I love you to Hitoshi ."

 Before Shota left Shinsou yelled, "Tell Papa I love him too!"

 Shota closed the door responding with a tired, "Tell him yourself, problem child."

 Shinsou huffed a laugh and flopped onto his bed. It didn't take long for his eyes to drift to the withered flower crowns on his dresser. In that moment he found them awfully relatable. Left withering without the water and earth they crave so much. Him without the person he knew in his heart was his one and only true love. He couldn't believe he was comparing himself to a pile of dying flowers. He'd really hit an all-time low.

 That night he got absolutely no sleep, and the next day he trudged through a fitting for his suit and other stupid wedding stuff that only made him more upset. He didn't know how he was going to handle another day of this madness, then the wedding itself. But he knew there wasn't another option, so he held onto his sanity with all of his strength and marched on.

This chapter is just a wee bit snort because it's mostly just pining and Dadzawa moments but nonetheless, it was fun to write. Hope you enjoyed it!

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