Chapter 3

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  Of course, Shinsou had to start his princely work for the day, as soon as he made it back to his bedroom. Groggy as he was, he had a lot of work to do. So he chugged a pot of black coffee as quick as he could and started his work. Throughout the day, Shinsou could not stop thinking of the curious 'Pikachu' he'd met, and how if he could just make it through the rest of the day he'd get to see that idiot again.

He'd never felt this excited about anything before, and he wasn't entirely sure why he was feeling it now. But something he was absolutely sure of was that thief's honey-colored eyes reflecting moonlight, and the smell of florals filling the air.


Kaminari had gotten back to camp and was immediately tackled by a nervous Kirishima. "Where the hell have you been Denki?!" His eyes were shadowed and his grip on Kaminari's shoulders was quakey.

Kaminari took Kirishimas's hands off his shoulders and held them to the red head's sides. "At the palace, getting an apple." He said as if it was the most obvious reply in the world.

Kirishima's face melted to a sort of dread, "You what?"

"What do you mean 'you what?'" Kaminari released his friend's hands, "You and Sero dared me. And I don't bail on dares."

"We didn't think you'd actually do it! You have not the slightest how worried I was when I found out you were gone. I thought someone had kidnapped you or something! I was just about to go alert the king!"

"I told Sero I was going. He and Bakugou told me how to get in without getting caught."

"They what?! And they didn't tell me?" Kirishima's face now held only anger, "Ugh, Sero is so gonna pay for this."

"Well while you do that, will you conjure some excuse to get me out of my princely things today? I'm exhausted." Kaminari yawned only emphasizing his point.

"Of course. But why we're you out so long, the castle isn't far away and a simple apple couldn't be that hard to find. Speaking of, where is that apple that you risked your life for?!"

"Well, about that..." Kaminari went on to explain his crazy night and how tonight he'd go back to meet the insomniac again. Kirishima's of course thought he was crazy. Kaminari was about to marry the prince of this land and he was off canoodling some poet. The prince had defended that it wasn't like that and he just enjoyed the break from his princely life. He'd enjoyed not being treated as a valuable object for just a few hours. So in the end Kirishima agreed and sent him to get some sleep while he handled Kaminari's schedule for the day.

But even as Kaminari tried to sleep that field of violets took over his dreams. Comforting in a way he never knew.


 Later, the time came for Kaminari to slip out of camp. This time Kirishima followed him to the border to send him off 'safely'. That didn't stop him from sprinting away as quickly as he could, eager to get to that violet field. He climbed the ivy wall to get inside palace grounds and quietly sped to the meet-up point.

Kaminari couldn't help but smile when he spotted that insomniac settled on a blanket right where the two had sat just a hand full of hours before. "I see you sought to make our meeting spot more comfortable. Might I expect a picnic basket and a vase of roses for our next meeting?" Kaminari jogged over to a blanket his poet had laid out for them.

Hito turned and smirked at the blonde, "You expect there to be a next time?"

Kaminari plopped onto the blanket beside Hito and smiled, "Well, as I told you before I am a hoot to be around. Why wouldn't you want to see this pretty face again?"

"I think you're getting a bit cocky. And what the hell is a 'hoot'?" Hito let out a small laugh, oh how Kaminari loved it when he got that boy to laugh.

"Maybe. But am I wrong?" The prince raised an eyebrow, curious to know if the poet actually intended this to be their last meeting.

"I suppose you're not." Hito fiddled with a chrysanthemum that he presumably picked from the field down the way. "How has your day gone?"

 Kaminari ignored the pang of relief in his chest, "Well, I've slept for most of it. Our late-night chat made me sluggish, to say the least. Did you get any sleep?"

Hito shook his head, "Not a wink. I don't normally get much anyway, regardless of a late-night chat here and there."

  "Oh, so you have other late-night chat companions?" Kaminari feigned an offended look, "Geez, I didn't know you were such a player."

"Oh yeah, I've got a line of people wishing to talk to me at ungodly hours of the night." Hito grinned.

"Aww look at that sense of humor showing. I feel as though I should be proud." Kaminari poked the poet's arm and Hito rolled his eyes. Somehow just a day after meeting Kaminari found immense comfort around Hito. A sense of understanding he couldn't place, especially since the duties of a poet could never compare to those of a prince.

"Seriously though," Kaminari placed a hand on Hito's shoulder, "You need sleep Hito. How about you take a nap, I swear I'll still be there when you get up. I still need that apple after all."


Shinsou scoffed. He didn't stay up all day waiting to talk to Pikachu just to waste his time sleeping. No way was he going to waste a second of this meeting dozing. "I don't need sleep."

"Like hell you don't. Your eye bags could hold a whole ton of bricks." Shinsou felt his heart warm at the thought of Pikachu worrying for him in such a way.

"No I think I'm good," Shinsou still insisted.

Pikachu rolled his eyes, "yeah sure you are. Come here." Pikachu grabbed Hitoshi's head without warning and planted it on his lap. Before Shinsou could say anything about the sudden outburst Pikachu shoved a finger in his face, successfully silencing him. "You are going to nap for a bit, then when you wake we will talk. It's self-care hours Hito, and there's no getting out of it."

Shinsou couldn't even bring himself to resist. "Fine, but I just decided you'll be getting your apple tomorrow. I simply won't have enough energy tonight. Sorry, you have to put up with me for another night."

"Not a problem. Though I'm not doing this again so at least attempt to get some sleep tomorrow." Kaminari runs a hand through purple hair.

Shinsou smirked and closed his eyes, "No promises." As he listened to the breeze rustling the violet fields Shinsou actually got sleep for the first time in what seemed like days.

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