Chapter One

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   "Fucking bullshit!" You banged your head against the desk, bored out of your mind and pissed off.

   "What was his excuse this time?" Loona asked, her eyes not leaving her phone screen. You mocked Blitzo's voice when you spoke next.

   "No (Y/N), someone's gotta stay and do the paperwork! And besides, this one's only a two person job." Loona looked at you, confused.

   "Two people?"

   "I asked the same thing and his response was, 'Well Moxie is Millie's Support animal so that doesn't count.'" Loona couldn't help but crack a smile, knowing Blitzo was right.

   "So what? Just means you get to sit on your ass, easiest task ever. This job is a joke." You sighed in frustration.

   "That's just the problem. I feel like Blitzo sees me as a joke. He doesn't take me seriously!" Loona shrugged, her attention returning to her phone. You looked at the white board in the conference room and saw Blitzo's shitty drawings explaining future plans for the business.

   "Why won't he let me go on just one mission? I'm not useless or anything, I know how to assassinate people."

   "Just be glad you don't live with him. At least he's only overbearing to you at work." You slammed your head against the desk again, groaning. As you wallowed in misery, you heard Loona's phone ring. She sighed and answered it. You could hear Blitzo's voice even though he wasn't on speaker. Loona opened up the grimoire and summoned a portal in the room. Blitzo, Moxie and Millie returned to Hell from the human world.

   "Another successful mission!" Blitzo cheered.

   "The bitch had it coming!" Millie stated.

   "Please kill me." You muttered into the desk, still pretty beat up about not being allowed to go on missions. Blitzo scribbled something onto the white board about profits for the day and then turned to everyone. Moxie and Millie were grabbing their things and headed towards the door.

   "Great work today guys! See you all again tomorrow. Come on Loony!" Loona rolled her eyes at the nickname and followed him towards the door, waving bye to you. You sighed before deciding to speak your mind.

   "Blitzo, we gotta talk." He turned around to face you and smiled.

   "That we do! (Y/N), I am so proud of the work you've been doing here for us. I've been thinking of giving you a promotion..." Your eyes lit up.

   "To Head of the paperwork department!" You groaned.

   "When are you going to take me seriously? My mom didn't get me this job to be filling out the paperwork that you're too lazy to do and answering client calls!" Blitzo frowned.

   "Your mom didn't get you the job at all actually. She simply asked me to watch over you after she passed and it's easier to keep you safe if you're here doing the paperwork."

   "Who said doing paperwork is safe? I could get a wicked paper cut, staple my hand to a paper, or Satan forbid burn my mouth on the shitty office coffee." You smirked, knowing that your sarcasm was getting to him.

"I think you're being rather over dramatic (Y/N). Are you gonna accept the promotion and raise or not?" There was an edge to his voice.  Your face was visibly giving off heat and your eyes were flashing shades of red.

"You think that I'm some kind of joke? I've busted my ass at this company for almost a year now and you basically give me a pity promotion?" He sighed.

"Enough of this bullshit (Y/N). It's been a long day, we both should get home-" You cut him off.

"You're not my dad, I don't have to listen to you!" You shouted.

"You're right, but I am your boss! That's enough (Y/N)...go home and I'll see you tomorrow." He left the office with Loona and you followed shortly after.

   You took a taxi back to your apartment and opened the doors to the messy living room full of posters of different kinds and family photos of you and your mom. You walked into the bedroom and flopped down on your bed. Just as you started to fall asleep, your phone lit up with a phone call from Blitzo. You sighed and picked up, knowing he'd be at your apartment in mock jesus if you didn't answer the phone for some reason. At that point, you might as well have been getting paid salary for the phone calls you had to answer off the clock.

   "Oh, (Y/N), you answered faster than normal. Listen, I've been thinking about earlier and maybe it is time I cut you a break. It's not much of a mission, but IMP is going to Wrath for some Harvest Moon Bullshit the locals do by request of Stolas. We'll be staying at Millie's parents since she's from there and they live nearby. Would you wanna come with us?" It wasn't exactly a mission, but it was the first time he had really invited you to anything mildly related to business.

   "Prince feather butt invited us all to Wrath for a hillbilly festival?"

   "Trust me, I'm not impressed either, but it could be fun to have some time off from the business because there's not much we can do anyways. Stolas needs the book." You hesitated for a moment, but eventually gave in, smiling wide at the thought of being included for once.

   "Great, pack your things, we leave early tomorrow!"

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