Chapter Four

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You stumbled into work the next day with the only proof of your encounter the night before being the fang marks on your neck. You hid the noticeable wound with some makeup, took a deep breath and opened the doors to the conference room for IMP. As soon as you entered the conference room, everyone's eyes turned and looked at you in shock.

"(Y/N)! You're okay!" Millie exclaimed, happy you were alive.

"How the fuck did you escape?" Biltzo asked. Your heart was pounding from the anxiety of having to lie.

"I uh...I kicked his ass and managed to escape." You smirked to try and seem more believable.

"'d you manage to do that?" Moxie asked, impressed.

"I convinced him to untie me with my irresistible charm and the second he did I kicked him where it hurts." Everyone shared a good laugh over that and made it clear that they were glad you were safe.

   As Blitzo pitched their next job, you took notes of the proposed plan for paperwork purposes. You couldn't seem to focus, your neck was still stinging from the feeling of air against the fang marks. Moxie was arguing counterpoints to Blitzo's plan as usual, being the voice of reason. Their bickering began to give you a headache and you decided to go into the break room and grab something to drink. Blitzo noticed you got up and left and followed you.

"Everything alright, (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a bit exhausted I guess." You hesitated for a moment before asking him a question you asked often.

"Can I go with you guys this time on the mission?" Blitzo sighed.

"You know how I feel about that, (Y/N)-" You cut him off.

"I don't give a damn how you feel about it honestly. I can escape a psychopathic assassin alive by myself, I promise you I can handle killing with a group. Why won't you let me go on missions? The real reason?"

"Your mother entrusted me to watch you-" You cut him off again, this time more aggression in your tone.

"Bullshit Blitzo! You know that I can fight and that I can handle myself. Why is it such a big deal for me to ask to go on jobs with you guys?"

"I don't even let Loony go with us with the exception of that one time Verosika took our parking spot. Look, we just don't need another employee in the human world. The three of us going up there constantly is risky enough, Stolas is always on my ass about getting caught and that we have to be careful. As much as I wanna say I don't care, if we're caught, we could be in deep shit and my business could get taken away. Do you understand? You do an important job here and I trust you with that job." You wanted to believe he wasn't bullshitting with everything in you, but you could tell knew something he wasn't telling you about. Striker wasn't lying to you after all.

"But you don't trust me not to fuck up in the human that it?" He wanted to say something, but he just sighed. His phone started ringing and you saw 'creepy mouth (aka one night stand bird dick)' appear across the screen.

"Ugh, It's Stolas, I gotta take this." He answered the phone and left the room.

   You tried with everything in you not to cry. You grabbed your phone, put in your headphones and began listening to music to calm down. After a few minutes, you felt your breath return to a normal pace and you had won the fight to keep tears from falling.

   You returned to the conference room to find Loona still sitting in the same seat scrolling through social media on her phone. The others had already left for the human world. You groaned and sat down, getting right to work on the paperwork.

Once the workday was over, you returned to your apartment. Your keys clinked as you set them down on the table near the door. You slumped down on the couch and glanced over at the picture of your mother and you on the wall. Your mother had never really mentioned Blitzo much when you were younger, but they were apparently old family friends. Of all people she could've entrusted you to, why did it have to be Blitzo? He was always such a narcissistic asshole who refused to admit when he was wrong. He never took you seriously and the thought of it really pissed you off.

You went outside to your porch, grabbing your throwing knives off of the shelf your kept them on in the living room. You had a detachable target attached to a punching bag hanging from the roof of the porch. It wasn't the most ideal space to practice, but it always made you feel better. You threw the knives, each one hitting the middle one after another. Afterwards you took the target down and began punching the bag, taking your anger out. It didn't fix your frustration, but it at least calmed you down.

You took a deep breath when you were done, sweat dripping from your brows. You leaned up against the porch railing, looking out at IMP city. There was almost something more peaceful about being in the ring of wrath. You wondered if that was where Striker was from, considering he didn't seem like other imps. As your thoughts drifted to him, you felt the pain in your neck a little more consciously. You returned inside to write a report of the info from the day before going to bed, that way you had some form of productivity to show him whenever you were going to return.

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