Chapter Eleven

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You were having a hard time focusing during Blitzo's business lecture. Your mind was occupied with other thoughts as they wandered to the night before. It was difficult to hide the blush on your face. Blitzo asked a question and you pulled yourself back to reality. The blank expression on your face said it all.

"Oh for fuck's sake (Y/N), quit daydreaming about random bullshit and pay attention! How do you expect me to invite you on a job if you're drowning in drool during a board meeting?" You were about to say something sassy in return but instead your attention turned to him mentioning inviting you on jobs.

"What do you mean inviting me on a job?" He sighed.

"I mean I was going to invite you on a job after yesterday's whole fiasco. It's time I give you a chance to run with us." He gave you a smile. You wanted to think this was some kind of prank, but the tone in Blitzo's voice was actually sincere for once. You smiled, your whole mood was lightened up by the excitement. As Blitzo wrapped up the meeting, he addressed you.

"Welcome to the killing team. Don't fuck this up." Loona opened the portal for everyone and you were the last to step through. Before you did, you took a deep breath. As you breathed in the familiar air of the human world, you looked around at the environment you guys were in. It was a city, one of which you couldn't identify just based on looks. You were in an alleyway, probably Blitzo's way of trying to avoid the public eye ever since Loona had pointed out that he could get in trouble for not using human disguises.

"Okay team. Don't forget, in and out. We're here to kill a woman who slept with the enemy CEO of her husband's company. It's an easy one. If I distract the CEO douchebag, you think you can kill the wife M&M?" Moxie and Millie nodded, smirking at each other.

"(Y/N), I want you to come with me and watch for this mission. Of course you can jump in as needed, but I'd rather you observe the inner workings first." You nodded, a big smile on your face. You all took the elevator up to the floor they lived on. Moxie picked the lock for their door and carefully entered the room, making sure they weren't in the living room. You could hear moans coming from the other room which answered the question of where they were. Blitzo signaled for Moxie and Millie to hide somewhere in the room so he would have the chance to lure the jackass out of the bedroom.

"How are we gonna make a distraction from...that?" You asked, gesturing to the bedroom where the sounds continued. Blitzo smirked.

"Simple." He picked up a flower pot that was next to him on the bar counter of the kitchen and threw it to the ground as hard as he could, causing a loud crash. The noises promptly stopped as you heard voices in the other room.

"What the hell was that, babe?" The woman asked.

"Dunno, I'll go check it out." The man walked out of the room completely naked as Blitzo yanked you out of the apartment and slammed the door loud to draw the man's attention.

"Who's there? What the hell do you think you're doing in my apartment?" Blitzo smirked.

"Watch and learn (Y/N)." Blitzo hid on the side of the door that would hide him when opened and waited as the man opened the door. Blitzo then waited for the man to look down the hall the opposite direction before shooting him in the back of the head with a pistol. The man sank to the floor of the hallway, naked and bleeding out. You heard a woman scream as Moxie and Millie had done their job as well.

"And we just...leave them like this?" You questioned. Blitzo laughed.

"Well yeah. Most of the time anyways. Sometimes it requires special cleanup. But why would we have to cover our tracks. What are the police gonna do, follow us to Hell?" You heard distant sirens and Blitzo smirked.

"Speaking of, time to return! M&M, get in here!" Moxie and Millie showed up soon enough, mild blood spattered on their clothes. Loona opened the portal and you all returned to the meeting room. It felt so satisfying to be included on the missions.

"Alright team! That's two kills in the bag! We've got a few more for today! This next one is a creep who goes to strip clubs to lure in unsuspecting strippers in order to kill them. Let's go!" You walked through the portal again, stepping into an alleyway. As everyone grouped together, Moxie looked in the window of the club and turned to Blitzo.

"How are we supposed to take this guy out? There's a lot of humans in there sir." Blitzo smirked.

"I could disguise myself as a human and lure him in." You suggested. As much as you hated the idea, you wanted to prove yourself useful and if there was anything you knew how to do it was flirting, given that you were from Lust. Blitzo looked at you for a moment in shock before shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright, new plan! (Y/N) can disguise herself as a human and lure this guy in. When she's got him alone, we'll strike!" You focused hard, remembering a spell Loona had taught you and quickly transformed into a human disguise. Everyone looked like they were in a trance when staring at your human form.

"What?" You asked, feeling their eyes on you.

"You look great!" Blitzo said, beaming over you. You rolled your eyes, not caring what he thought. You took a deep breath and proceeded to sneak through a backdoor of the strip club. You found your way towards backstage and looked out at the audience from the wings. The audience was filled with men drinking beers and hollering with money in their hands.

You tried your best to ignore them and walked onstage to an empty pole. As if flipping a switch in your brain, you began smirking at the audience and turned on the charm. You danced, doing some impressive moves. Your eyes settled on a shady man in all black clothing whose eyes were intently fixated on you. Once you had his attention, you began returning his gaze, smirking at him. He tossed a large sum of dollars at you so you decided to finish off the rest of your set by giving him a subtle lap dance. Nothing too crazy, but enough to keep his attention on you.

"What's your name dear?" He asked. You told him your name with a smirk.

"You should come back to my place tonight. I'll pay you handsomely for your company." His words made you want to throw up, but you had to keep telling yourself that this was for a job. This disgusting human man was just a reminder of why IMP did the job that they did. Killing him meant saving many other women undeserving of death. As you kept dancing towards the end of your performance, your vision of the man became blurry. You started seeing a familiar outline of a tall imp with a cowboy hat and snake like eyes. You were caught off guard by the thought in your brain of giving Striker a lap dance, making you stop suddenly. Luckily the song had just about come to and end so it made sense for you to stop dancing.

As you followed the creep back to his place, you couldn't help but feel shaken up about the vision of Striker. He really had been on your mind a lot since your previous encounter with him. You entered the creep's place and he locked the door behind you. He walked up behind you with a knife, ready to kill you when Blitzo, Moxie and Millie appeared from out of the shadows and murdered him first.

"Haha, another job well done!" Moxie exclaimed.

"You did a really great job (Y/N), it's awesome having you on the team!" Millie praised. Blitzo's eyes were on you as you celebrated with Moxie and Millie. You noticed his gaze and felt a bit off because normally he would be celebrating with Moxie and Millie after completing a mission successfully.

"Is everything alright Blitzo?" You asked. He put on a smile, clearly avoiding the question by clearing the expression on his face.

"Yeah, everything's fine! Let's get home and finish up another successful day of work!" He called Loona to open the portal to Hell and lead everyone back through it into the office.

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