~8~ Stinky Train

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The day we are set to leave, my stomach is full of butterflies. I'm anxious to see my folks, yet nervous to ride on a train for several days with five children.

Matthew and I aren't fighting. We're civil with one another and treat each other respectfully, but our spark is gone—For now. I'm upset with him for turning his back on Junior when he needed him the most, and he's upset with me for humiliating him and not feeling remorseful about it.

"You all set to go, Sophie?" He asks as he takes Brennan and kisses his cheek. "You gonna be a good fella on our trip, little mister?"

"Are you sure we should do this? Asking Anthony to take care of this entire farm for two weeks is a lot to ask of someone. Plus, what if the babies get sick with being on the train for so long?"

I continue packing quickly, putting some sandwiches in a basket along with cookies and apples.

Matthew fights a smirk and nods. "Tony doesn't mind. I kept his farm going for a month when his pa died and they headed south. He's happy to return the favor."

"What if Nippy rams him?"

Matthew laughs. "I'll be pleased as punch. I'm sick of bein' the only one gettin' a goat whippin' all the dad-gum time."

"And Pickle?"

"Sophie, we've been over this. Pickle is stayin' at their house while we're gone."

I blow out a breath as I gather my things and we take them outside. As if on cue, Anthony shows up in his wagon.

"On time for once in yur life," Matthew grins as he starts putting our luggage in the back.

"Ya know, sometimes I miss the old Matthew. Now that we got Mattie back, it's a mite bothersome."

Matthew rolls his eyes as he lifts Remi into the wagon and hands her Brennan. Then he lifts Jamie in. I hand Louise to Junior and I get in the back myself.

"Want to sit up front?" Matthew asks me.

"No thanks," I smile as I sit on some burlap.

"You still sore at me for that one day, huh?" Anthony asks over his shoulder.

"A little."

"I'm sorry I got so riled up, Sophie. Can we start over?"

I look at his face—Not quite as handsome as Matthew, but definitely second-best in the whole town. A single nod is his only answer.

He tips his hat at me and grins, turning to talk to Matthew.

"Went into town yesterday to git some stuff and ran into Natasha. She looks like the time ya beat up Ward."

"You beat someone up, Pa?" Jamie asks.

"Thanks Tony," he mutters as he turns to Jamie. "When I was Junior's age. My pa whipped me twice, and I got whipped once at school for it."

"Ouch," Jamie says sympathetically.

Matthew nods. "Ouch is right."


When we board the train, we take our seats in the section that's ours—We have two benches that face each other. I am sitting on one bench with Jamie and Remi, and Junior and Matthew are taking the bench across from us. It's so squishy, that Matthew's legs are touching mine and Remi's.

"This is gonna be miserably uncomfortable," she groans as she reaches for Louise. I give her to Remi, and Remi kisses her cheek.

"It'll be even more uncomfortable if you're riding on a sore bottom 'cause ya complained," Matthew warns.

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