~20~ Taking Over

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The children help Mykelti and Theo with their afternoon chores, and then I hear Junior talking to Remi. "We best git on over to our farm."

"S'not fair we have to do double the work," she grumbles as she starts walking toward home.

"At least we git away from Theo for a bit," he mutters.

Theo runs after them and gives Junior a smug look. "Bet I can beat ya there!"

"Go for it..." Junior says as he shoos him away.

Theo takes Junior's annoyance for defeat, and runs ahead and cheers as he does.

When Junior makes eye contact with me, I make my face stern. "Behave," I mouth to him.

A single nod is my answer as they walk down the path and out of sight.


Matthew still isn't home when the children get back, and I'm working on churning butter with Ruthie in the house.

"What on earth happened?" Ruthie exclaims when she sees Theo with a bloodied nose.

"He hit me, ma!!!!" He says with tears in his eyes as he goes up to Ruthie.

When I look at Junior, I know immediately that he did hit him, and he doesn't feel sorry about it at all.

"Why did ya hit him, boy?" Anthony booms from the doorway, making Junior take a step closer to me instinctively.

When Junior doesn't answer, it lights a fire under Anthony.

"You and I's gonna go chat 'bout it," he says gruffly as he grabs him by the suspenders.

"Seeing as how his mother is standing right here, I'll be the one to chat with him, thank you," I say in a tight voice that I've never used around this terrifyingly grouchy man.

Anthony is stunned as he freezes mid step out of the door. The way he looks at me would send a chill down my spine if he weren't holding onto my child right now.

"Let him go," I seethe as I get in between them and pry his calloused hand off of my son.

When Anthony let's go of him the rest of the way, he is silent as I guide Junior out gently.

"You best be doin' more than chattin'," he yells after me.

I stop and turn slowly, begging my tongue to behave but my meaning to flow strong.

"I'll do what's appropriate, Anthony."

I've never called Anthony by his given name before to his face, because I felt like I didn't know him well enough. I've surprised him too, because he clears his throat and shifts slightly. When he gives me a single nod, I turn back around and we walk to the Soddy.

"We ain't goin' to the barn?" Junior asks quietly, fighting tears.

"And let Theo snoop? No....."

When we get inside the dark Soddy, I light a lamp and Junior's face looks pained, even in the dim room.

"M'Sorry ma."

"What on earth happened?" I ask as I cross my arms.

The first time I was in this position with him, I was scared and uncomfortable. I'm not at all now. He's my son, I love him more than my own life, and there's nothing uncomfortable or scary about that.

"I just snapped....ain't got no excuse."

"I respect your honesty, Matthew."

He blows out a breath and rubs his swelling knuckles. "I don't wanna be here no more, ma. Mr. Felton's mean, Mykelti looks at me all the time, and Theo's a nincompoop."

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