Chapter 6 (Mark)

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So it's taken a bit longer than I thought it would, between school and lack of motivation this chapter took a lot longer to come out with than I thought it would, but it's here finally and the next one is almost done as well just need some polish and me to review it so expect it in a week or two. I know it's been over a year since my last post but I just want to say I'm not dead and neither is this story even when I'm not writing it, it stays in my head constantly and I'm trying to find new ways to take it and constantly changing where I want it to go which is causing the delays. so without further ado here is the next chapter.


 "So, do you want to drive the 18-wheeler or should I?" I ask Alice as we wait for Sam in the truck.

"I don't really want to drive it, so it's all yours." She replies holding her arms close to her body and shivering.

"So how are you holding up, I know it hasn't even been a full day yet and all, but it feels like it's already been a week?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"I'm alright I think I'm still in shock, I mean just yesterday at this time I was in class writing an essay for English and now I'm here about to go and steal an 18-wheeler with two guys who I've maybe seen in the halls once or twice, in subzero temperatures." She says sounding more than a bit stressed.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, yesterday my biggest worry was studying for my next test and today, it's if I'll wake up from my sleep tomorrow or if I'll just close my eyes and never open them again. I never thought that this is how things would turnout." I say staring off into space.

"Well, if nothing else I'm glad to be alive and if it helps, I'm glad you're here too, I never would have thought of using an 18-wheeler." Alice says looking over at me.

"Thanks, appreciate it. Now enough of all this depressing stuff let's listen to some music." I say reaching over and turning on the truck radio.

Almost as if he was waiting for us to finish talking Sam walks into the room and opens the garage door before quickly jumping into the driver seat. "Alright guys, let's get this show on the road." He says, pulling out of the car bay and down the driveway towards the road.

"Shouldn't we close the garage first?" I ask.

"You need to be inside to get it open, so it's not really worth it, we'd have to get someone to come over and help. Not to mention, with how quick it got dark yesterday we want to get the 18-wheeler and get back fast. As soon as the sun goes down the temperature will drop quick.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I say as we drive down the road in silence.

Once we get to the 18-wheeler we quickly hop out and I help Sam get the fuel off the truck. "Alright once we fuel her up what's the plan, do I just reverse all the way because I won't be able to see anything behind me?" I ask as we drag the fuel over to the truck.

"Hmm, Alice does your phone still have charge?" Sam asks.

"Yeah it should be more than halfway why?" She asks.

"How about you call Mark and guide him on the way back that way he doesn't hit us or fall off the road or something." Sam suggests.

"That works for me, here go ahead and put your number into my phone." I say adjusting the jerry can so I can hand her my phone. Once we get to the truck, we decide to put the jerry can on top of the back in between the cab and the trailer and hook up the hose from the bottom of it to the tank.

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