Contest Winner

1K 15 11

Year: 4

Canonicity: Not canon to "The Mudblood", though I do wish I'd included something like this, haha.

Point of View: first person, Lainey Fitzroy

Notes: This one-shot was written by Ilona and it won the recent fanart contest, which is why it's being featured here. Congrats to her, and I hope you guys enjoy ;)

My heart was pounding against my ribcage and sweat dripping down my forehead as I stumbled back up on my feet and tried not to waste any more time. The long room before me was crowded by tables and shelves holding clay jars of all sizes, each cherishing a different plant. The live plants snaked up against the transparent glass wall, and I tried to adjust my eyes to the moving, eerie shadows they caused. The room was completely dark save the distant, white little stars above the high ceiling. Though not even the open window high above me - through which I had just entered - let in enough light. That was the reason I had chosen this moment, really, for I needed it to be dark for my little mission to work out. Well, not exactly my mission, but...

The small, rectangular window was way higher than I had expected it to be, resulting in me coming crashing down once I had picked the lock on it. The door had very complicated spells guarding it so Anderson had had to levitate me up to reach the skylight windows. He had suggested he turn me into a ferret to make the levitation easier because apparently I was too heavy but I'd refused. Still, I made a note to hand his ass to him for dropping me in mid air. Fortunately, nothing had broken, so, regardless of my dramatic entry, there would be no signs of forced entry after I was done.

A sudden pain shot through my left foot on which I had landed on a good ten seconds ago, bringing me back to reality. Ten seconds. I was being too slow. No signs of forced entry maybe, save the dreaming burglar sprawled on the floor. Ignoring my throbbing limb and growing panic I continued to proceed along the long tables, determined to finish the task I had been assigned. My vision was already starting to blur - thanks to the Bottle of Bliss I'd chugged down a minute ago - so it took me everything to maintain by balance - one missed footing and things would get significantly harder for me. Rummaging through labeled jars I finally found the right one and released a relieved breath. Making sure the room didn't offer anything else I'd possibly come to need for my pranks in the near future, I scooped the tiny jar in my arms and looked back up. Despite my clumsiness a moment ago I was doing better than I had estimated. It was time to go.

The narrow aisle didn't make it any easier not to touch anything on my way towards the window. I had never been that claustrophobic but these plants were unpredictable. I didn't want them groping me so I swallowed the lump in my throat and fastened my pace until I reached the spot under the open window.

Professor Sprout always did make sure to lock the greenhouses but there was rarely any supervision. The grounds had been empty when Anderson and I had sneaked across the grand yard. I certainly hoped our luck wouldn't turn on us now.

"Anderson," echoed my whisper towards the window. My escape relied on him levitating me back outside. "Anderson!"

No answer. I refused to believe this was a prank they were playing on me. I would've rubbed my forehead had my hands not been occupied with the damn jar. Had it just been an excuse to get me here? I know I should've been annoyed and thinking about another exit route but the Bottle of Bliss wasn't exactly helping to keep a clear mind. The hazy lights illuminating outside the greenhouse three looked like they were dancing and I was starting to feel giddy - no, no, I couldn't let the potion affect me now, what a stupid -

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