Meeting The Mudblood

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Year: August 19th, 1992

Canonicity: Canon to The Mudblood, Chapter 1

Point-of-view: third person limited, Draco Malfoy

Notes: This is the first scene of the story written in Draco's POV

Requested by: a lot of people, haha

"You're my bitch, witch," were the first words that Draco Malfoy heard upon emerging in Diagon Alley that August afternoon. He and his father had just left Knockturn Alley, which Draco greatly preferred. Diagon Alley was brimming with cheery children and, sometimes...Muggles.

The boy whose voice Draco had heard looked good-natured enough to be a Hufflepuff, solidifying his distaste for this perky atmosphere. His blond hair was warm in the sunlight, and, despite the crude words he'd spat, he was half-cowering before the old hag that was lurking beside the Apothecary.

His fear was justifiable, at least. The withered old woman had drawn her wand from her pocket, and she was about to hex the boy until a girl sprinted over and yanked him by the arm. She hissed something in his ear before they hurried down the Alley, a second blond boy in tow.

Draco decided, in that instant, that he disliked the girl.

It would have seemed like a hasty assessment to anyone else, but to Draco it was reasonable. The girl, whoever she was, had completely ruined his day. He'd been about to watch some probably-Hufflepuff get blown to bits by an alley-hag. That would have been the best thing that could have happened in Diagon Alley. Instead, he was subject to trudging along with his dad, unamused, internally cursing the girl—

Until she glanced over her shoulder to see if the witch was pursuing them. And Draco saw her face.

Framed in a honey blonde catastrophe were the most appealing features he'd ever laid eyes on. It wasn't exactly a classic beauty, but there was something about the clever curve of her lips, the wild light in her greenish eyes, that drew him to her.

Instinctively, he took a step—

"Draco, let's leave this place," his father prompted, his nose scrunched in disgust—at the girl and the two boys, as they dashed away. "We need not contaminate ourselves with the filth of Diagon Alley—"

"But—Father," Draco piped up before he'd fully formed an excuse. Thinking rapidly, he said, "I haven't bought my books yet—"

"We'll order them—"

"But...I've heard Gilderoy Lockhart is signing books at Flourish and Blotts." It wasn't exactly a lie; he had heard that. He just didn't know if it was true. All he knew was that he wanted to get a closer look at that girl. Was she already a student at Hogwarts and he'd just missed her? Or was she a first year? If she was, she'd be in Slytherin. Just based on the slyness of her grin, she'd be in Slytherin.

"Fine, quickly," his father prompted, nudging him with his cane.

Attempting to hide his satisfaction, Draco swaggered down the Alley in the direction the girl had gone. As they continued, however, it became apparent that they'd lost her; she was nowhere in sight, and they'd reached Flourish and Blotts, meaning they could go no further to search for her. Peeved but still determined, Draco entered the bookshop—to find that Harry Potterwas standing at the front of the room, glued to Gilderoy Lockhart's side, the sycophantic center of attention.

"...I will be taking up the post as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" Lockhart announced, provoking cheers throughout the shop.

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