Draco's Letters to Lainey

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Year: May of 1998 to August of 2003

Canonicity: Canon to "The Mudblood"

Point of View: Letters from Draco Malfoy to Lainey Fitzroy

Notes: These are some of the letters that Lainey saw on Draco's desk in Chapter 129 of "The Mudblood", a few of which she read.

May 5th, 1998



It's been two days since you left I forced you out. I'm beginning to realize it was a rash decision. I know you'll probably break your promise to never come back here and show up in about a week, but if you don't

I believe you. I believe that you would have chosen me over Weaselbee. It's probably foolish of me, considering how much you've lied to me in the past, but I saw the despair on your face when I kicked you out. It haunts me. I'll never forgive myself. And I don't even know how to begin to forgive you.

Please, just come back. You're the person who taught me how to love, and you're the only person who can teach me how to forgive.

June 14th, 1998


I've temporarily moved in with the Greengrasses. The Manor is practically a homeless shelter now, but even so, it feels lonely without you. Blaise spends most of his time here with Daphne, and Ashley and Greg come by most days...

I thought being around Astoria would be gloomy, considering her condition, but her paralysis hasn't diminished her bratty attitude in the slightest. She bosses us all around constantly, forcing us to labor over the creation of her beauty products.

Being around her and Ashley doesn't remind me of you like I thought it would. Neither of them dare to mention you, though I know they're both hoping you'll show up one day. I am, too. It's part of the reason I decided to come here. You vowed never to come back to the Manor, but Astoria

July 26th, 1998


Why haven't you shown up yet? Where the hell are you? Your friend is paralyzed and you're, what, snogging dead Weaselbee's twin?

She talks about you now, all the time. She always asks if I've seen you—always asks if anyone's seen you. She needs you and you don't even care.

August 8th, 1998


You know I bought you a birthday gift that I intended to give you today? Bought it months ago, when we were together.

It's a magical bracelet that glows whenever you're feeling attracted to me. Being who I am, it should glow constantly, no matter who wears it, but it was meant to be a prank to embarrass you. It probably wouldn't work on you now, though.

I think I'll give it to Astoria. She'll appreciate it more.

November 2nd, 1998


It's Astoria's birthday, so of course she insists on being pampered. I don't know how you put up with her for so many years.

Still, there's something...intriguing about her. I spent a full hour alone with her this morning, and although she comes off as daft, she's rather insightful. And she's determined as well. For months she's been trying to stand. Usually I help her, but today...she did it on her own. She doesn't want me to tell anyone yet, since she wants to progress more before showing the others, but I figured it's safe to tell you, considering I'll never send these letters to you anyway. I doubt you'd read them. Ashley says you never answer hers.

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