I'm driving me and Pete to the photo shoot with Y/N, we were both completely hungover but I was excited, I wanted to talk to her more last night but she just kinda ran off " So what's Y/Ns deal?" I asked, " what? what do you wanna know about her?" He responded "Yeah, like how do you know her? what she like? " I felt embarrassed asking but Pete just laughed " uh we met like 7-8 years ago, she was 18 and working as a apprentice for my old photographer, and we just became friends she's really good at what she does and what's she like, ummm. she's fun to be around when she's comfortable around you but she's pretty guarded when she doesn't know you"
" Guarded? the fuck does that mean" I laugh as we pull up to the place " She's been on her own since she was 16, she's used to doing things herself. It took me three years just to get her to let me cook for her" He laughed as he gets outta the car "Interesting" I laughed as I followed him.
I was setting up in a studio, making sure all my cameras are ready. I was feeling good today, already smoked a blunt to calm my nerves. My outfit was cute today, I had some blue ripped jeans and a black crop top. I hear the door open and see the two boys walk in " Pete! kels! hey" I smile and hugged Pete " its good to see you" I hugged Kels to without thinking about it, I felt him tense for a second " oh sorry" I laugh and backed up" naw naw its fine" He laughs and hugs me then walks into the studio, " this is a nice place, your studio?" Kels asked me as he looked around "I own it yep!" I laughed a little and spun around. " You're happy today?" Pete says as he drops his bag off " is that a bad thing?" I smile a bit " no, just observing, should we get started?" " hell yeah!" I turned on some music, " follow me!" I grabbed both of there hands and took them over to the costume rack. " uh ok.. here!" I grab a tight fitting black shirt and some black ripped skinny jeans " you said last time you wanted a darker look so I grabbed you these" I smile and gave it to him" Thanks Y/N" Pete took the clothing and went to change leaving me and Kels alone together,I felt awkward, I could tell he was staring at me but I didn't wanna look at him. " Y/N?" Kels said, I could see out of the corner of my eye he stepped closer to me, I could almost feel his body heat, " y-ya?" shit I stuttered, " Pete said I could take some photos with him today, I was wondering if you had anything that might fit me? if thats alright?" I looked at him just for a second well he was talking, He had a cute shy smile, like he was embarrassed to ask. I smiled back " let me see" I looked through my rack for a sec till I found it " here!" I grabbed him a studded leather jacket and some black jeans that matched pete. He took the cloths then smirked for a second " No shirt?" oh shit, I blushed imidietly " im sorry! shit ill find one, sorry i wasn't thinking!?" I started to panic and bumped into him trying to find him a shirt but he put his hands on my shoulders to stop me " wow wow Y/N stop stop, I was joking, i like the outfit. its ok" He smiled. Something about his smile made me feel calm right away. " ok.. go get changed," I laughed a bit. After a minute they both came out of the change room, both looking stunning especially Kels, I brought them both into the studio and we got started. Photo shoots with Pete were always high energy and fun. He's chaotic and crazy so hes the best to be with, with Kels here it just made it even more fun cause he joined in, we took some photos together, sang the songs I put on. I must admit I caught myself staring at Kels's opened chest a lot and blushing, but I kept professional. I never loosen up this much at work but this was just so much fun. After we were all sitting on the couch together just laughing " hey Y/N can I post this photo of us on my Instagram?" Kels asked and showed me the photo ( Pete is on the right, your middle and Kels is left)
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I smiled, " yeah sure, I like the photo" I leaned back on Pete and bit so I could look at kels, Me and Pete often cuddled so neither of us thought much of it. "So have you thought about my offer from last night?" Kels asked " what offer?" Pete questioned " He offed me a job as his tour photographer, I said I would think about it" " No shit? that would be cool" he said. In all honesty I had thought about it all night, I sounded fun, and its nice to change things up a lot, but what if I wasn't good enough? Or I what if my anxiety got to much to deal with but, fuck it. I didn't really think about my next words, " hell yeah I wanna do it!" I said with much more confidence then I had, it was the weed talking. " Really!? Fuck yeah this is gonna be awesome! we're going on tour together!" he laughed and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back " The tour starts next week so you better pack, its a long trip" Kels said as we settled back into the couch. " how long?" " 8 months" he laughed " we have a tour bus but we stay in hotel sometimes, it gets cramped but it brings everyone closer " he shrugged " im down!" I laughed " uh Y/N? you sure about this? you don't always like to be around people?" Pete said in a slightly worried tone " Don't worry about me, I an take care of myself, you're not my dad or some shit" I giggle, He sighed " Oh I know, and ill be there on and off if you need anything ok?" Pete always tried to take care of me, it was sweet but I didnt need it. " thanks, but im good Davidson" I laughed. " well boys? were going on tour!" I laughed.