the mark of a hero

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Now struggling with exhaustion our hero Ultraman tracer or his human form Leon must try his best to hide it from his teammates.

Waking up from his bed he knew he had been feeling rather under the weather, but he couldn't stop now not when he had made so much progress in his training.

"Good morning everybody"he greeted in his usual polite tone

"Good morning"everybody said back

Suddenly the director walked in with a briefcase

"I assume you are all unaware but from now on you will function not only as a security agency but a monster attack agency and overall earth patrol, which means you have many duties this includes delivering goods, inside this briefcase is one of the most dangerous thing in existence"The director says

The team pipes up

"This is particle z it's the ending of creation, it said to have so much power that It can simply destroy Ultraman!"

Leon cringed a little bit

"It's part of a weapon we're offering for the peace agency in space which is why it's important that it's delivered with optimal care and proficiency "says the director

"All right! That's so cool but particle that could destroy Even Ultraman!?"Brianna says excitedly

"Sir we understand and we'll deliver it with optimal proficiency, and I'm happy to tell you that all our teammates have undergone even more strict training regimens"Dan says

The director nods and hands  the briefcase over

"I'm counting on you if this gets in the wrong hands they're going to be the most strongest force in the universe"

"I understand director"

The team grabs their helmets before they head out into the hangar where a new V99 rested


The problem was it only had two seats since Leon was new he decided that he would take a newer model built for space exploration and attack

RX beetle.

"All right we're taking off in 3,2,1"

Kai hit the thrusters before they rocking it out of the hangar followed by the beetle

After they escape the hassles of the atmosphere they could see all around the bright beautiful colors

"All right I'll lead!"Leon says

Leon and the two other members flew past asteroid belts and other things before and alarm went off

"It appears to be warping space-time"

Luckily they managed to dodge it

After that they somehow made it to the galactic federation where they dropped off the particle

Amanda cloke quickly grabbed it from their hands before dashing off
Kai and Leon went to pursue him.

(Finally a chase scene)

The cloaked man fled to the rooftops where both Vulcan employees managed to jump up to

Kai being a little bit more experienced than parkour was jumping off of pipes and window seals

While Leon was jumping from building the building firing his gun

The alien pulled out a sword before deflecting the bullets

"Humans you have yet to truly recognize the power that this object possesses, it is safe in my people's hands"

"Why is that for you to decide we are special scientific search party of Earth we've been researching it for years under the wraps!"Kai yells

Ultraman TracerWhere stories live. Discover now