what it means to love

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Leon and Stacy both walked into a laboratory where a man ran glasses typed on his keyboard

"You badly damaged the model in the last battle but now that you've shown us where we need to improve thank you, one was a little bit testy anyways unlike the completed model 2"

You looked at him interested wanting to know more

"My name is professor Heather that's what you will call me for now You're the two newest agents of the facility therefore you have very little access to things such as private matters" Heather says

Looking at the machine they know the same thing disturbing

Underneath the armor was not just circuitry but flesh!?

Leon grabbed the professor by the shoulder but he quickly turned around with a blade but Leon blocked it

"What the hell is going on? Why models biomechanic"

Leon released him

"Because, The monsters that we used to make these are more than a couple decades old the saucer beast we've imprisoned them in armors and developed weapons out of them, I'm not proud of it but my field and biomechanics makes me the most likely candidate for repairing and modifying them"

They both accepted that answer

"I'd advise you rest up and eat up your next mission is going to be harder than this one"

They both nodded before going to their sleeping quarters.

"Can I believe it's biomechanical machinery it's both amazing and horrifying"Stacy said

Leon was in a daze, he had talked to his sensei about the saucer beast and what they did during their time on earth

It was nothing short of gruesome but they really deserve such a painful excruciating hell

"Yeah.."he half baked responded

Stacy started pounding before she shook his shoulders rapidly waking him up out of his trance

"What are you thinking about?'

"Was it necessarily right to put them in such armors and can find them to fighting? A quick death is much more merciful"

Stacy looked at him angrily


She didn't have the heart to finish she turned her over and went to bed much to Leon's dismay

(How am supposed to read you?)

He shook his head before getting up and exiting the room

He started going on a walk the longer one pondering what was justice and who was to deliver it

Looking at his trace ringer he hadn't been doing it for the last couple of days Tracer had pretty much vanished after that battle

"Thinking about things?"

He turned to his side and saw a woman

"S-sis"he stimmered out

"Now you appear to be deep in thought could it be about justice?"

He looked at her confused and surprised before he went to ask her how she knew

"Sister always knows, besides I was pondering something similar?"

"Sister what is justice?"Leon asked

She thought for a moment before answering

"Well it is... The opposite of wrong like let's say people died and that human that killed them was guilty no matter what he still killed them and deserves a sentence just not as harsh as if someone who did it without guilt, a truly guiltless person is evil and deserves justice however if the person cannot make that decision for himself then he deserves pain since he cannot feel pain if he cannot feel the sense of dread or fear"

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