Star beast terror series: Star Terra

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On the planet far far away a man and a black coat with a crystal ball simply laughed and cackled even

"Full of humans, perfect for my star beast to feast on go Star Terra!"

A reptilian looking star beast roared before flying off into space somehow.

Team Vulcan I just entered Earth's view

"It's going to feel good going back home"Stacy says holding on to Leon's arm

(Of course I wouldn't know what that feels like I don't have a home, place where I was born)

Leon smiled and agreed before giving her a kiss on the cheek

Aurora can be her in the distance before the entire team turned their focus to it

The star beast hit the space ship cutting it in half!

With sparks flying nobody would be able to escape!

(Damn! I'm going to die here My transformation is already been used up and sensei can't transform)

Leon ran to get his helmet and try to change into space suit along with the rest of team Vulcan

"So I need to stay behind to push the lover so he can get help!"Dan says

Immediately Leon steps up

"Captain I'll meet the rest of you guys later but I swear I'll survive"Leon says  determination bursting from him

Damn nods

You see this spaceship had teleportation harnessers that would teleport it onto a port to earth if ever lost in space

However the harnesser can only equivalate to four people

"Are you done setting it up!"
Dan said frustrated

"Yes but sir the problem is we should only have enough energy for one use! Which means one of us is definitely staying behind-"

Leon points a gun at each member

"I didn't mean for you to find out this way but... Get in the damn thing"

The frustration, exhaustion everything was visible on Leon's face

"Leon please-"

A plasma bullet whistle past her ear before he shoved her into the teleportation harnesser

Tears streaming down his cheeks he pushed the button teleporting them out to Earth

After that he walked all the way to the maintenance room before he got some tools and started taking apart the trace ringer

The roars outside made it more evident that he needed to finish quickly

"This is only a rough patch but it should be enough to allow me to transform one last time before I absolutely need a new one"

"Eliminate the darkness with balance ultraman tracer!"
Soon a tube of light surrounds him before he transforms.

The star beast Star Terra quickly roars before firing another ball of energy at the ship completely destroying

A green giant appears behind him before grabbing on to its head and chopping it

They both land on a chemical-filled meteor before they continue their battle

Tracer shoulder tackled Star Terra

However the monster was quick to breathe fire getting the ultra off of him

(Strength I need strength)

He switched to spectrum Strong before resuming his normal fighting stance

He grabbed the monster by its head before punching it in the gut and then throwing it

The monster shot a fireball at tracer The Ultra was unable to move and it was forced to take the full blunt of the attack

Now with burn marks all over his body his color timer started blinking

The monster roars before it started producing a foam

It's sprayed it all over tracer causing the ultra to gasp and pain now with it quickly drying he was unable to move very freely that is from the inside

However the outside was relatively soft and easy for the monster to move tracer around

The monster kicked tracer in the head repeatedly before it tried using its sharp beak like mouth to impale him

Luckily tracer dodged before getting a double kick in

After that he used the remaining amount of his strength to break free from the phone using his ultra spin attack,

Ultraman tracer jumped into the air before flipping and coming down with a kick on Star Terra

Using the hyper bracelet he got from his sister he turned it into a slugger

The monster stared him down and knowing he only had a couple minutes left he ran

Star Terra proceeded to charge forward before the ultra and the monster collided


Tracer clinched his shoulder before dropping to the ground

The cut was pretty deep and looks pretty bad

Phone started coming from the monsters neck before blood spewed out and it collapsed

Transforming his slugger back into a bracelet he flew away towards Earth

Upon arriving to the emerald star he started feeling a bit weaker

((Tracers point of view))

It wasn't normal My vision is normally better than the average Ultras or even most trained

I started feeling a lot dizzier and the needs of vomit that damned Kaiju

I couldn't go to my sister since I was so low on energy and needed to recharge

After I got back I transformed into my human host or vessel

Still that cut wouldn't stop bothering me to the point where I was sweating I ripped off my uniform and look in the water

It was a deep infected cut It was green and my normal muscle tissue was red you could see parasites crawling out of it

Immediately I shoot an ultra sign before passing out.

I awaken within the confinements of the land of light such as disgusting place

I noticed my wound is completely taken care of at all the parasites have been cleaned out

They have me under some UV rays which help recharge my energy at a rapid pace

After I deemed myself fit I went off again not before being stopped by a blue ultra

"That device you use to transform it was badly damaged when we got it we managed to repair it completely"

I whispered thanks before flying off.

Once again I got back to earth this time I was in front of the main building for all of our natural causes

I walk in and immediately everybody's eyes were on me and my worn and torn space suit

I walk straight into that office before I see the shocked face of my teammates.

"How did you make it out"a woman with black eye liner and shadow says her hair and skin or rather pale and she had a crystal ball right next to her

"Well man I will save by an unknown ultra"

Since it was so common it was believable we all walked out before I was bombarded with hugs and other things

However only me and my sensei knew that this was only the first of the many new terrors to come

Ultraman TracerWhere stories live. Discover now