gas base annihilation

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Leon strolled along The empty side road watching his kids played together with adult supervision of course

It's been 3 months since Ultraman darkness appeared 3 months since he had began harshly training

((Training one))

Dan chased him on a faster Jeep with spikes and other poisonous objects on it

This time he couldn't jump It was to increase his stamina

He even did this in the rain or in the snow

((Training two))

He practiced martial arts strikes and stances on a waterfall before he flipped in

The water itself was negative 45

Nevertheless he still got out of it after backflipping in it and continued his stances

((Training three the hardest))

The last and final training he did in the 3 months was against his sensei Astra

The red ultra went all out hitting and punching even bruising tracer

But he never gave up the experience he never got a hit but still managed to learn a couple things

"You're doing better than when I first met you You're becoming a succeeding martial artist and I have faith for you in the future, however I must tell you a new captain will take over my place"

Those words were like lightning they struck tracer leaving him paralyzed

Tracer grunted in sadness

(Thanks for all of your help, extreme to defend Earth no matter what)

Astra couldn't help but put his hands on the young ultra shoulders

"Yes! That's what a man would do defend everything that he can but never lose sign for he can't"

Astra turned to fly away before he did that he looked in his students eyes

No longer were they of a naive and inexperienced fighter but a hardened smart and experienced one

"Farewell sensei I will meet you one day again"Tracer said before flying to Earth

The red l77 Ultra nodded before they flew off the opposite direction.

Mina was a blonde woman she was rather confident in her skills with flying and leading

"I'm right this is my first day as leader I need to make a good impression on the team so they respect me"

Walking in she saw the team sitting there I already discussing the plans

"All right so the plan is once Bemstar it's the oil ring we attack it with full force trying to divert its attention before dropping a time bomb"Leon says looking rather serious

"Guts! Bemstar has appeared!"Stacy said before issuing out and evacuation order

"All right there's no further time to plan we need to go out there and save lives!"

Grabbing each helmet the three team members ran out

Mina then spoke up
"What's going on?"

Stacy turned around surprised

"You're the new captain huh I expect you to get here a lot later but for your information kaiju is attacking and leave already sent our three most prominent members to deal with it"

Mina couldn't help but feel her leadership was violated in some way

"Fine I'll go help them out That's the Captain's job!"Mina yelled before she ran out.

Kai shot at bemstar hitting the monster directly in the face

Brianna managed to dodge and evade most of its slashing

Once it was distracted they all fired causing it great pain

It turned around trying to take off

"Success!"Leon yelled

He shot the timeed bomb and it landed directly on the kaiju's back

"All right once it's out of orbit will detonate"

Leo flew up more before he started shooting at bemstar

The monster tried flying away even faster before it escaped orbit

At that point Kai pulled the trigger blowing it into a million pieces

After that Leon did a loopy loop turning around before heading back to base

((With Ultraman darkness))

The evil Ultra had already achieved another base this time he was making bigger and better plans

"If I can turn enough people into Kaiju"

Looking at the human specimens in front of him they were all horrible people rapist, pedophiles and child abusers

"You all have sinned greatly and for that you would lose the little bit of humanity you have left"he said

"Hey don't do anything to us man"

It was too late he injected them each with a needle and some sort of mysterious red liquids

Black king

Using the ultra converter he converted them all into one creating omega king

The monster had three horns and a thicker body along with more muscular thighs and it was overall more terrifying

((Meanwhile with Gib))

Ultraman phasma the leader of the silver Star attack unit paced back and forth

It's been years since he had been dispatched to Earth as an investigator now he had sent a protege someone who he had taught about life and personalities

"Tracers in danger we cannot help him though this is his truth test if he is a warrior of earth"

Suddenly the entire satellite shook

Omega King blasted it again and again with its horns

The Space station finally exploded killing everybody involved.

Gas was currently having a party without tracer they had won a battle

"This is a great victory for us!"Leon said even though he didn't need to transform he still felt pride in his teammates

"You right about that and we couldn't have done it without Stacy guiding us"

The woman blushed before scratching the back of her head

"Well I only directed, you guys fought the battle" Stacy said

Mina cleared her throat

"I've been appointed the title of Captain but.. everybody's been on here longer than I have therefore as Captain I'm promoting Leon to captain"

Everyone gasped

Leon was a responsible guy he was also very reasonable and more of a peace lover

"Thank you, I will leave this team in to prosperity and defend earth remember Mina please take a seat"

She nodded before the alarms blared

"Captain something is approaching from afar, oh my God! It's going to hit us everybody evacuate now-"

Omega King hit the bass knocking it over.

Ultraman TracerWhere stories live. Discover now