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It was 12:00 at night in the in a red car zoomed on the road

It was filled with six passengers

A couple and their children along with their grandparents

A beam of energy hit the car causing a giant explosion.

Meanwhile eagle a defense agency
Was currently inspecting its tooth newest members

"Listen Mr Leon we understand that you have been on two defense teams prior to this which automatically gives you qualifications to high ranks both of you actually, however all of our high ranking positions are really full and we run on a very strict system therefore we'll have to have you go to third rank, which means you'll be officers that are mostly on duty all the time"
The sanctuary said

"But our CEO wants to speak with you"

A black-haired man obviously in Japanese descent walked in immediately spotting Leon

"Just the man I wanted to see"he spoke in a thin accent

"Sir their particular reason?"Leon asked

"Where are my manners I am the CEO of this company toru I'm originally from Japan, The reason I found out this company is because I lost my younger sister and older sister figure in a Kaiju attack"he said shaking Leon's hand

He walked them into his office before he push the button on his glass table

A giant Mecha suit appeared

"Sir is this-"he couldn't even finish he knew exactly what this was

"Yes 31 years ago Ultraman nebula Alpha and beta along with the assistance of truth saved us, but the thing is their sons and other heroes took their place after they went and thus a new team was established they were called strike. They developed these models however a lot of them were faulty or weaker The maximum they could develop in height was 20 m"

Stacy you wrote this down in a notebook as she watched as her boyfriend was interested

"Sir, this schematics are everything corrected with them have you already began development"Leon asked

"Development no hahaha! There completely finished, and the reason we recruited you too well pilot with skill are needed" toru explained

"That's where you two come in, with your experience you could easily pilot these"

the couple knew he was right

"All right we'll do it"Leon said with Stacy nodding.

A monster ran through the city It stood at a normal 50 m

Edward as a wave of flames came from its mouth destroying every building in sight

Evolution complete model 1 launch!

A blue robot crashed into the ground crouching

.Just imagine Eva unit 1 and you're good except it's blue.

The monster red king roared before charging forward

Model once today 30 m

Before Red King could slash it It jumped out of the way skirting back

A katana came out of the sky It was golden before model 1 ran towards Red King

"ZT Fields initiate!"Leon yelled in the cockpit

The two shoulder plates lifted up before a large force field made of hexagons surrounded the entire robot

Red King(modified) used its fire breath which was blocked

Model 1 was unable to move the force field we're starting to get weaker

"Convert all power!"Leon Yelled scrambling the control panel

"You are aware by doing this you will be unable to move, do you wish to proceed"

"Do it!!"Leon yelled

The air conditioning turned off revealing the scarlet burning temperature that was in the cockpit

Good thing his special suit had a cooling system

The the model could only last around 10 minutes.

Finally before field broke and the wave of fire hit model 1 knocking it back into the ocean

"System nerve! damaged controls damaged! Force projection system damaged oxygen system depleting 15% remaining! power 5%" the computer system yelled

In the cockpit Leon was now unconscious and sparks flew around within.

Smoke escape the jaws of Red King before a towered over the model

With blood looking from Leon's head he stirred awake

"Damn it"he muttered

Sure the lens is that he used to see where scratched and damaged but he could still make out Red King

Using the evolution models hand he reached for a sword his sword

The monster saw this and crushed his hand

"This is a bummer, requesting for backup!"Leon yelled in his communicator

Just to see was about to face a horrendous death and ax came in killing Red King with impalation

The guts of the Kaiju along with the blood cover the entire model of one

This was model 2 a pink one It looked the same

It picked up its ax before decompacitating Red King

It's brains spilled out before model 2 stopped on it

"Looks like you got your ass handed to you"a female says over the speaker

"Shut the hell up Stacy"he says before she helps him up and there are now being teleported back to base for repairs.

"That was an excellent display you too however we didn't anticipate that Kaiju being strong"Toru said

Leon's torso and arm were wrapped in bandages along with his lower jaw

"Don't worry about it sir that was still exhilarating"said Leon for getting his shirt on

"Well now that you're working for us we can provide you with dorms and adequate medical needs" Toru said

He turned to walk out but Leon called him out

"What do you think of Ultraman? Wendy's models make him insignificant?"

Toru turned with a look of daze

"Never. Ultraman is while he's more of a mascot to Earth He's my hero The reason the units were created were originally to assist him in battle"

"Sir! There's been another mysterious disappearance!"

Leon tried to raise himself up but he inevitably fell back down luckily Stacy caught him

"Okay arrange our best investigators, and make sure we get the evidence we need before sending a squadron"

"And make sure we slay this beast" Toru says.

That's it we're not going to be able to see Ultraman Tracer for a couple of chapters but once he does appear again his ultimate form will debut along with his new weapon

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