Chapter 3: Uninvited Observer

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Nothing ever felt as good as skipping. I honestly wasn't sure if I knew anything that did. It just made me feel like a child again, which was a great feeling, really. It was a mix of jumping and running, a perfect combination. When I was a kid, I'd never understand how grown ups could walk everywhere, they just kept walking and walking and it felt so slow. How were they ever going to get anywhere in time?

But today was Saturday and I was in no hurry to get down to the pitch, in fact, I was probably early, even. Gryffindor would probably not be finished when I got there anyway but I was just too bored in my dorm. Everyone had set off to Hogsmeade except for me because of homework I needed to do. As we moved further into September the homework had started to pile up and I had only recently realised that Quidditch can't be my only focus this year.

Much to my assumptions, there the Gryffindors were, up in the air still. I spotted Angelina with the quaffle as I walked toward the stands, the wind getting stronger the further I went. Autumn was indeed almost upon us. I sat down to watch them on the lower seats, waiting for the girls to get off so that we could go and study. I needed help with charms homework and I knew they were up for the task of helping me. Angelina kept flying toward Oliver at a high speed, with Katie or Alicia below, dropping the ball to them in the last second, only for one of them to try and score. This was a very repetitive thing to watch, and I quickly got bored, which made me even happier when, after having looked away for only a couple seconds, they were suddenly all on the ground again. I quickly got up to go and meet them. I hurried down the stands and slowed down as I began approaching the team, only to notice that Oliver was approaching me, he was walking far ahead of the others, with his eyes set on me.

"Hi Oliver." I uttered cheerfully just a split second before I, once again, had to remind myself that I had declared a war between us.

Oliver however, seemed to have no problem remembering this, and he ignored my 'hi' as if it was non-existent, and instead told me in an accusatory tone. "You can't be here, Penderghast."

I was taken aback by the coolness in his voice but I replied nonetheless. "It's not your pitch Oliver." I said tiredly.

"But it is my practise session. You can't come prying." He reasoned while leaning lightly on his broom.

"Like I'd want to be here? Your practises are repetitive and boring, 'could barely keep my eyes open." His eyes widened in anger.

"Then why are you here?" He demanded.

"Because unfortunately for you, I have friends on your team." I said heatedly before walking right by him and facing his teammates who had been watching us. I raised both arms in greeting. Yelling "Heeey!" loudly, to be heard over the wind. They all greeted me back the same way, but our greetings were interrupted when Oliver called me back.

"Penderghast, a word, please?" He said in his Scottish way before I'd made it very far.

"You already had a word." I snapped at him as I turned toward him, a little harder than I in hindsight had wanted it to come out.

"Can I have another word with you then?" He spat and I walked back to him with a roll of my eyes.

"What?" I once again snapped way too harshly.

Oliver paused, and when he spoke next, his demeanour had turned insecure. "Um, well..." he began. It was as if having allowed himself a pause had disrupted the resentment he'd previously felt. "I'm sorry about what Flint said." He looked away as he spoke, the wind making it hard to catch his words. "And I want you to know..." He looked me in the eyes. "...That I don't agree with what he says." He spoke with assurance. "I'm not on his side, or anything."

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