Chapter 5: Revenge on the Uninvited Observer

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Five hours was all the sleep I got. It had been nightmare after nightmare, any of which I couldn't even remember now as I was in the locker room getting ready. After waking up a few times I'd gotten anxious about not getting enough sleep, which made relaxing and falling asleep utterly impossible.

I sat down on a cold bench while waiting for my teammates to arrive. There I sat, fully Quidditch-attired in the freezing locker room. Everything had been freezing since I had woken up; our dorm room; the Great Hall and the corridor. Freezing and deserted, since it was Sunday and people didn't usually get up until much later than 8 a.m. Worst of all was the walk from the main entrance to the pitch in the October rain. I don't even know if rain sufficed as an accurate description for what was going on outside, but it wasn't nice. Like, it would've been nice if I could've spent the morning in the library reading about peculiar and interesting creatures or something equally equivocal. But for a Quidditch practise, I wasn't sure.

Right then everyone abruptly flew through the door in unison. I stood and said. "Alright hurry up now." Wright wasn't even wearing a jacket.

"There wasn't time." She said dramatically before I'd even asked. It made me smile for the first time that day.

I went up to the door, took a deep breath to compose myself before heading out to set up the gear. I spotted a figure on top of the stands, there seemed to be someone sitting there, but they were far away and the rain was too thick to decipher who it was. It looked sort of comedic though, seeing the stands completely empty except for this one person, whom I was currently refusing to believe was Oliver in an act of revenge, huddled up against the rain.

Running out to the middle of the pitch I actually felt surprisingly comfortable, my Quidditch attire seemed sufficient for keeping me warm. I set down the box with the different balls feeling more excited than usual about a practise. The harsh rain would make this interesting.

I turned to see the rest of my teammates approaching me, they didn't look happy, but I couldn't help but smile as a blow of rain whipped the side of my face. "Alright!" I shouted. "Let's not overcomplicate this. We'll just do what we did last time." Everyone nodded and I bent down to release the snitch. It soared slowly at first and then within a couple of seconds, it had disappeared completely. "To clarify: there's going to be a routine practise today." I kept shouting as they all got on their brooms, thinking it best to get out most of the core instructions right now so that everyone could act independently for the rest of the time, as it would be hard to instruct in this rain.

Ten minutes in I was trying to score on PJ, which was easier said than done. To be perfectly honest, I hadn't seen much of what the others were doing; after the fog had set in it was literally impossible. I hoped they were alive at least. Cedric was worst off. I hadn't seen him since he first got on his broom and flew after the snitch. When I say flew after, I mean arbitrarily choosing a path that probably wasn't even in the general direction of it. I was getting worried for him though.

I could only imagine how much fun the unknown spectator must be having at this. Why even bother? I wondered. Oliver would, I mentally answered myself. I recalled that I had told Oliver that he could watch our practises if he had a reason besides spying. I pondered what his reason could be as I tried to score on PJ once again.

A figure appeared in the blink of an eye and crashed into me. It hurt and I tensed my grip around my broom intensely, I didn't fall off thankfully.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Came Cedric's voice.

"It's alright." I said while stroking my arm. "Honestly I'm just glad I found you. I thought you might be gone forever."

"I thought I was gone forever!" He exclaimed, eyes wide. "I honestly think I was by Hagrid's hut at one point. It was insane." His Devon accent displayed itself more than usual in his frantic state and I had to smile at him, at how cute it was.

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