Chapter 19: Perfume Shopping

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The shiny bottles reflected themselves in Oliver's eyes while he searched meticulously the shelves for the perfect perfume bottle.

We were in one of the shops in Hogsmeade I rarely entered, in fact I had only entered it once before and it was to buy a perfume, seeing as that is what they sold. I gazed out at the discontinuously sized bottles in various bright colours and spotted my own at the top left on the shelves.

Oliver and I were the only customers. It was quiet and musky in there and the shop owner, an older lady, was eyeing us from behind the counter, surrounded by the dark wood that made up the whole interior. The shop was on the rougher side of quaint, one could say.

Feeling watched I turned my head and saw that the lady was still eyeing us with what she seemed to deem as stealth. With some poorly veiled urgency I declared, "You know you're going to have to smell one at some point, they're not decorations."

Oliver rolled his eyes. Completely clueless to the lady behind the counter he carefully picked a bottle and endearingly lifted it to his nose to try to feel its scent from the sprayer.

I sighed loud and excessively. "You need to spray it on something and then smell it." I grinned despite myself.

However Oliver neglected to spray the perfume anywhere, instead he was eyeing me closely and I felt myself growing restless. I wanted out of this shop as soon as possible and I felt like Oliver was not ready to cooperate.

To my surprise he then stepped closer to me with a focused expression. Once the close proximity was reached he carefully lifted my arm and sprayed an equally carefully selected spot on my wrist with the perfume. I looked on dazedly while my wrist was moved until mere millimetres from Oliver's nose and he lingered over it for a moment before he took in the scent. I refused to blink as I watched him consider the scent.

"Well that's not it." He said. With his hands on his hips he retrieved to his meticulous study of the perfume bottles on the wall.

My throat was so thick I thought it better to let his comment linger in the musky room than give him a strained reply.

Once my voice has been regained I uttered, "You're not going to find a perfume for your girlfriend by staring at them. Why don't you just smell as many as you can until you find one you like?" I suggested innocently, not necessarily hoping he would touch any other of my body parts, but also not condemning such an occurrence.

Oliver tore his attention from the shelf and looked at me with newfound determination. He instinctively grabbed a random bottle and strode back to my henceforth blissful but disoriented self, as Oliver took hold of perfume after perfume and sprayed them on numerous places on my arms and smelled me time after time. It soon became a comical activity and we both found ourselves exhibiting giddy behaviour. Thoughts of ladies behind counters were far-gone by then.

"None of these are good," he said, "Maybe it's just you I'm smelling?" He quipped and I slapped his arm in annoyance.

After not long though, Oliver had begun to run out of places to spray me and he searched my arms for a spot he might have missed. With lack of other options his eyes travelled upward slowly until they landed on my neck. I stood frozen as I watched him make his decision. All I could hear was the sound of my heavy breath and Oliver clicking the perfume bottle, letting out a fresh scent and letting the tiny specks of liquid cover my neck. Oliver looked almost frightened as he leaned in and placed his nose near my highly sensitive skin, his hair brushed against my jaw and I closed my eyes briefly.

"Noo, that's not it..." He mumbled, still close to my skin. After, to my enjoyment, having lingered a second longer than what he would have had to, he retrieved back to eyeing the selection.

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