Chapter ten

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Jeongwoo POV

I woke up because of the sound of my cat. I feed her and clean up her mess. After that, I went to take a quick shower. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and heat up. I check my temperature and it shows 38.0 degree Celsius. My body feels so weak and tired. I take some medicine to relieved the pain and manage to call my baby.

On call

KYN: Morning babe

PJW: Morning baby

KYN: What with your voice? Are you sick?

PJW: Don't worry. It just a fever, I'm okay. I call because I think I will need to rest today. Let meet on Monday.

KYN: Rest well okay. Bye

PJW: Bye


I hung up the phone and get ready to visit him. He is sick because I didn't check yesterday weather. So I'm responsible to take care of him. I ask Doyoung for Jeongwoo's apartment passcode.

Few minutes later, I arrived at his house. I enter the passcode and look for him.

KYN: Babe, where are you?

PJW: Baby? Why are you here? How do you enter?

KYN: Sorry, It's my fault. I feel guilty so I came. I ask Doyoung for you passcode. Sorry.

PJW: It's okay, good to see you today.

I touch his forehead and its burning.

KYN: Have you eat your medicine?

PJW: Yes, I did. Around 15 minutes ago.

KYN: Alright, sleep first. I will cook for you something.

PJW: Thank you baby.

KYN: No problem.

And I went out of his room. I saw his house and it was a mess. So I decide to clean his house. I do the laundry, clean the dishes and clean his cat. I also clean his kitchen, living room and bedroom. After that I make him porridge. Since he is burning, I wait for four hours to take another medicine. Four hour have passed and I already cook the porridge so I went to wake him up.

KYN: Babe, wake up. You need to eat before you eat the medicine.

Jeongwoo slowly wake up like a real baby,

PJW: What this nice smell? Did you cook?

KYN: Yup, I make you porridge, here take a bite. It still hot tho.

PJW: It's okay, I can handle it.

He took the first bite,

KYN: How is it? Good?

PJW: It's so gooood.

KYN: Glad to hear that, here finish this.

PJW: ummm, feed me

KYN: Behave and do it yourself

PJW: Okay maam.

KYN: Good boy

I said while pat his head.

KYN: After you finish the porridge, eat you medicine okay.

PJW: Okay baby. Love you

KYN: No problem babe, you to.

After hours his fever cool down and I wait until he wakes up.

At 6.00pm

Jeongwoo woke up and went to the living room. He sits next to me and put his head on my shoulder. That time, I was playing with his cat.

KYN: You okay now?

PJW: Yup, thanks to you baby.

KYN: So, what is your cat name?

PJW: I call her kitty.

KYN: I really want a cat

PJW: Why didn't you get it?

KYN: I can't, every time I have a cat. It won't last for years. It would be gone or went up in the nice place.

PJW: It's okay. If you want to play with cat, just come over.

KYN: Babe.

PJW: Why baby?

KYN: Since you live alone, please always make you bed after you woke up, wash the dishes after you eat and cook. Do your laundry every weekend or more often. Always clean your house okay. Promise me.

PJW: You sound like my mom already.

KYN: I care for your health.

PJW: Okay, I promise. Ahh, wait here for a moment.

I wait for him and he came back with his hand behind his back.

PJW: Baby, close your eyes first.

KYN: Okay

PJW: Now, open!
I open my eyes and I can feel tears forming on my eyes. What did I do, Oh god. He is such a nice person. Thank you for giving me chance to be with him

PJW: Do you like it?

KYN: Of course I like it. How do you get my size?

PJW: I use my pinky hand. I heard that, if you don't know your partner ring size use your pinky finger. If it matches, you guys are meant to be together.

He said while placing it to my finger. I smile at the fact that it really match. Are we really meant to be together? I thought.

KYN: Jeongwoo yaa

PJW: Why?

KYN: I wonder why do you like me and since when you like me?

Both of us are silent for a while.

PJW: Well who wouldn't fall for you?

He looks at me, and then he continues.

PJW: For me, I fell for you the day you transfer to our class. I guess it was love at first sight. At first, I didn't have the courage to approach you. When we have to do the project, actually you are not my partner but I exchange with the person who got your name. Back then, I want to exchange number with you for the project but you said that you will do it on your own. I can't help but to agree with you. Then, I found out that Doyoung hyung is your brother so I ask him for advice. But like what he said you are so cold. I'm scared that you will think of me as a weirdo. But thanks to Doyoung hyung I know you can't reject someone. So I decide to confess to you before it too late. I also ask him for your number. And once I get to know you, you are such a cute human being who can't reject things. Also, the more I get to know you, you are such a good person. You can take care of yourself well. Thank you for giving me chance Kim Y/N.

I can feel his sincerity. After awhile I went home. Tomorrow will be our last day. I hope I can reverse time.


Im sorry to inform you guys but this book will have 5 chaps left before it will be complete.

Thankyou for still reading and commenting my book until now.

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