Chapter three

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Break time

I texted Doyoung about my report card. He congratulates me and wanted to eat lunch together. I don't really eat lunch at school cafeteria because I just hate it. Usually, I would went to the snack shop with Haewon to buy some food and went back to our classroom or the rooftop, while Haewon would go eat lunch with her other friends, council room or with me. But today, she went to eat with her other friend.

I wait in front of the cafeteria door waiting for Doyoung because he wanted to eat lunch in cafeteria. After 3 minutes of waiting, finally we went inside the cafeteria and took our lunch. We went to an empty table near the corner.

KDY : So Y/N, how do you feel about your report card?

KYN : Just the same I guess, nothing new.

KDY : Well, what are you doing after school?

KYN :, Of course I will continue doing my notes, what else would I do?

KDY : Y/N, you should take some break from studying. Studying is good but you also need to take care of your health.

KYN : Okayyy, should we go out later after school?

KDY : Yes, that what I want. Let's go eat ice cream later.

KYN : sure

I was about to finish my food, when suddenly Doyoung call someone over. I turn around and saw Jeongwoo and the other members coming to our direction.

KYN : I will get going now, see you later.

KDY : Suddenly? You don't want to say hi to them first?

KYN : You know I don't like crowded, you can say hi to them for me.

He just smirk at me, I ignore him and went to my class.

I continue my study until the school dismissed us.


After school

I just finish my class at 2.30 pm and now I'm waiting for Doyoung inside his car because he said that he need to send some stuff to his room teacher. While waiting for him, I put my earpieces on, play some song from my playlist and close my eyes. Few minutes later, someone took my earpieces out. I open my eyes and saw that we already in front of the ice cream shop. I rub my eyes and stretch my head a little.

We went inside the ice cream shop and order two ice creams. I order vanilla ice cream and Doyoung order mint chocolate. We sit at the chair near the window.

KDY: You look tired, what time do you sleep?

KYN: I think around 3.00 am

KDY: Why? Do you drink coffee?

KYN: I only drink coffee on exam days. It just I have a hard time sleeping.

We continue eating our ice cream and went back to Doyoung's car.

KDY: You can continue sleeping, I will wake you up when we arrive.

KYN: Are we going somewhere?

KDY: Yup, somewhere.

KYN: Have you told mom and dad that we go out?

KDY: Don't worry, they are the one who told me to bring you out.


At 4.00pm we arrived at the shopping mall.

KYN: shopping mall?

KDY: Yup, just follow me. I have planned what to do. First, we will play some game at the arcade to relive stress after exams. After that, I will buy you some new outfit.

KYN: New outfit? My old ones are still okay.

KDY: Y/N. Your outfit are still okay but you fashion are not. You always wore black outfit. So, I will be your stylist for the day and buy you outfit with other color.

-Dead Flower

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