Chapter one

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The beeping sound of the clock echoed the room that makes me woke up from my beautiful dream. I look at the time and it shows 5.00 am. Without wasting any seconds, I went to the bathroom and take a shower. After 15 minutes, I finished dress up and do my morning routine. When I look at the time its already 6.30 am, so I decided to take a quick morning walk since my class start at 8.00 am today.

When I was about to wear my shoes, I heard a door crack open. I turn around and saw Doyoung walk out of his room.

KYN: Good morning

KDY: Morning Y/N, where are you going this early in the morning?

KYN: Morning walk.

KDY: Alone?

KYN: Yup, why?

KDY: Wait, let me go with you. Give me 10 minutes okay. Don't go first.

KYN: Alright, I will wait for you.

XXX park

I arrived at the park and start to warm up my body with Doyoung by my side. After a few minutes of warming up, we started to walk around the park.

While walking

KDY: How is school? Is it okay? Are you adapting well?

KYN: It's okay, it just the same as other school but the only different is we are in the same school.

KDY: That good to hear. How were the exams, did you do well?

KYN: Of course I did well. As you know, I always ace my exams.

KDY: Don't get too proud. This time are you sure you will stay at first place?

KYN: Well, I'm not sure about that but I will find out later once the result is out.

After 15 minutes of walking, we decided to run for the rest 30 minutes.


It's been three months since Y/N transfer from Teume high school to T-high school. Last week, Y/N took her midterm exam and today the result will be out. Whether she will stay at first place or not.


After morning walk, we went back home and prepared to go to school. I took shower again and went to school. Today I have class at 8.00am while Doyoung have class at 10.00am. So I went to school by myself. After finishing my breakfast, I went outside and wait for my driver to pick me up. Since I'm still 18 years old so I don't have any driving license. While Doyoung he is 19 years old and are legal to have driving license. Doyoung is in the last year of high school while I'm in the second year of high school.

At T-high school

I arrived at school and went straight to my classroom. I saw my best friend Min Haewon bag on her seat, usually around this time she will be in the student council room. Because she is part of the student council. Short story about my best friend, she is the school insider and she is also a social butterfly. She knows all gossip, relationship and problems that go around the school. While me, I don't really care about what going on in the school. And people don't really dare to come near me because of my cold image. I don't really express my feeling to anyone, unless that person is close to me.

I sat at my seat which is near the window. From my point of view, I can see the basketball court. Every day, I could see the basketball team run around court for their morning exercise. Since my best friend is not in this classroom, I took out my phone and earpiece. I wore the earpiece and play a song from my playlist while continue doing my notes.

Thirty minutes before class start, I feel that someone took of my earpieces and saw my best friend is back. I close my notes and put my phone and earpieces back into my bag. We started talking for about few minutes before class start.

When the bell rings, I put out book for the first subject. Few minutes after the bell rang the teacher came in. We all stand up and greet the teacher. Before teacher start teaching, all of our attention went to the two boys who are on our classroom door.


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