Benjamin Mendoza

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The camera turned on slowly and the recording button was pushed. A young Mexican man named Benjamin Mendoza turned the camera on himself. He was sitting in a dark, rainy, forest. He looked around said, "Hey viewers! It's your boy Ben Mendoza. Sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been so caught up in Pokémon Go! But anyways, you must be wondering why I'm in the forest, alone, in the dark... well I seen a group of military trucks passing through town. And you know me, I'm extremely curious. So I followed the trucks to this sight here." He pointed the camera at a large hill and over it were bright lights. He put back on him and said, "Now, let's go check this out." He pointed the camera forward and began walking toward the hill.
He realized it was going to be extremely hard to climb so put the camera under his chin and began to climb the slippery hill.
Once he got to the top, he looked forward and saw a huge government tent surrounding something. Ben pointed the camera and zoomed in. He turned it back on him while it was still zoomed in. He said, "I can't really make it out. But it seems to be another alien artifact they're trying to hide. They won't get away this time."
Ben climbed over the top and began to slide down the muddy hill until he lost control and rolled down the hill.
He reached the bottom and laid there in pain. He looked up and saw a military truck driving toward him. He quickly stood up and hid behind a few crates. He pointed the camera at himself and took the zoom off. He said, "All right, as you all saw, that was an epic fail. So I'm down the hill and this place is heavily guarded." He pointed at the entrance to the tent and then back at him. He said, "Man."
Ben moved from behind the crates and ran toward the entrance. He pushed it open and saw the hall was empty. He began moving through slowly.
He turned left and suddenly stopped when he saw something almost magnificent. He pointed the camera forward at the object. Dead ahead, an ancient and aged space craft sat stuck in the ground with a few dead alien bodies inside. Ben said, "Holy shit!"
He walked over to the space craft and felt the old rusted metal. He looked at it in magnificence and then aimed the camera inside the space craft. He said, "This is unreal!" He pointed the camera at his face to show his expression. "HEY YOU," yelled an agent in Spanish. Ben turned around and saw the agents rush toward him. Ben said, "Gotta go!" He began to run into another hall of the tent.
At that moment, bullets were being shot at Ben. Ben yelled, "THEY'RE GOING TO KILL ME!" He ducked as a bullet flew past his ear.
As he reached end of the tent, two agents appeared in front of it. Ben stopped instantly and ran inside a different hall of the tent.
Ben made it outside the tent and at that moment, the headlights to a military truck came on. Ben looked at it shocked and quickly turned to the hill he climbed.
Ben jumped onto the hill and began crawling up the hill as hard and fast as he could. The agents jumped out of the truck and began shooting at him. Ben came close to getting killed. He climbed onto the hill top and stood up as fast as he could. He rushed off instantly.
He turned around and saw two military jeeps arrive on the hill top. Ben became scared instantly and ran until his lungs began to burn.
Ben quickly saw his car and took out his keys. He pointed the remote at the car and unlocked the doors instantly.
He reached the car and opened the door instantly. He shoved the key into the ignition and started the car quickly. He saw the jeeps getting close Ben took off away from the sight.
Ben turned around and saw that the jeeps suddenly stopped chasing him and turned around. Ben laughed cheerfully and realized something was wrong. He slammed on the brakes of his car and searched through everything. After looking for eleven minutes he looked forward and saw that he lost his camera. Ben slammed his hands on the wheel of the car viciously and yelled, "I LOST THE TAPE! I LOST IT!"
The next morning, Ben turned on the camera to his laptop and began to record. He said, "What's up guys! It's your boy Ben Mendoza! So last night I went to a government tent to find out that they were hiding some sort of ancient alien space craft. I found the dead pilots and everything. But unfortunately the agents caught me and chased me down. Somehow I lost the camera and I'm guessing they have it. Which means I have no proof what so ever that I found this thing. You people know how much I love this stuff and that I wouldn't lie to you all. So trust me, this was legit. But if you don't believe me, it's okay. I'll find a way to get more info and footage of this stuff for you all later!" Ben ended the recording and uploaded it onto YouTube as quick as he could. At that moment, there was a knock on the door to Ben's nicely made apartment building. He turned to the door and walked over to answer it.
He outside, his best friend Moses Herrera stood at the door holding a bottle of wine. He said, "What's good?" Ben said, "Hey man." He allowed Moses inside. Moses said, "So, tell me, how did it go last night? I didn't see you upload the video." Ben sighed and said, "I lost the camera." Moses said, "What?" Ben nodded. He closed the door behind him and said, "I went to the place you told me to go to and suddenly they caught me. I made a run for it and along the way I lost the camera." Moses said, "Holy shit man! You know they can figure out who you are." Ben said, "Dammit. Finger prints." Moses nodded. Ben said, "Look, I get to get out of here!" Moses said, "Where? There's no place you can hide." Ben said, "What about your people?" Moses laughed and said, "They're good. But they're not the government good." Ben said, "Can you help me get into the states?" Moses said, "Bro, you've got to be kidding me?" Ben said, "I have to get out of here! They're coming for me." Moses said, "All right. Let me make a few calls, I'll see what we can do."
Outside the apartments, two agents sat in a car watching for Ben.
Moses walked over to Ben after his phone call, he said, "I've got a guy, they'll be here in 10 minutes. Are you ready?" Ben turned around and began packing his bags.
A car arrived outside of Ben's apartment 10 minutes later.
Inside, Moses walked over to Ben and said, "They're ready!" Ben nodded and picked up his suit case.
He followed Moses outside the apartment and down the stairs toward the car.
Outside, as Ben and Moses began to get inside the car, the agents stepped outside of the car and began to walk toward them.
Moses said, "Oh shit!" Ben tried to get inside the car but the agents reached inside their pockets. Ben choked up in fear and dropped his luggage. He put his hands up and said, "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look inside that tent like that." One agent said, "Calm down. We're not here to arrest." Ben calmed down and said, "What do you want?" The second agent said, "Come with us, please." Ben looked at Moses and followed the agents toward the black car.
Ben stepped inside and the agents got in after him. They turned to him and handed him his car. Ben looked at it surprised and joyfully. One agent said, "Your government needs your help." Ben was shocked. He said, "Why should I help them? They've never helped me." The second agent laughed. The first agent said, "We received news a few weeks ago about an alien piece of tech. tech that can turn the tables on this battle. We'll become the dominant country. And we'll be able to stop the alien threats of today." Ben said, "Well, where is this alien tech?" The second agent grabbed the file from the glove compartment and handed Ben a file on the area. There were no pictures, just coordinates. Ben said, "Do you know what this tech looks like?" The first agent said, "It's in the file." Ben flipped through some more and saw that it was oddly shaped, yellow and glowing. Ben said, "It looks beautiful." The first agent said, "And it's powerful. It can be used to destroy armies of aliens." Ben said, "And you want me to find it?" The second agent said, "Yes. If you find this thing, we'll pay you 12 million." Ben's eyes widened and said, "12 million? 12?!" The second agent nodded. Ben said, "This is a dream come true." The first agent said, "So what do you say, Ben?" Ben said, "I'll get right on it."
The agents left the area as Ben walked toward Moses. Moses said, "What the hell was that?" Ben said, "I've been given a job." Moses said, "They didn't arrest you?" Ben shook his head. Moses said, "That's sweet man! What's the job?" Ben looked at Moses with an exciting smirk appearing on his face.
Ben went back inside his apartment and began unpacking his clothes from the suitcase. He grabbed a bag pack and began to load the things he might need during this trip.
He got inside his car and took off out of town.
Ben parked his car beside a fancy restaurant. He got out and instantly a valet walked over to him. Ben looked at him and the valet apologized for not knowing who he was. Ben said, "It's okay." He entered the restaurant.
Ben entered the busy Pujol restaurant. He looked around hoping to find her until a blonde haired white American girl accidentally bumped into him with her tray full of dirty dishes in her hand. She said, "Great!" She bent down to pick up the broken dishes. Ben looked at her surprised and bent down to meet eye level with her. As she picked up aggressively, she looked at Ben and stopped instantly. She said, "Oh my god." Ben smiled with joy and said, "Hello, Bridget Clark."
Bridget went out for her break and went to talk to Ben outside. She said, "How've you been?" Ben said, "That's actually why I'm here." She looked at him strangely. Ben said, "I've been given a way to get extra money for my YouTube channel." Bridget said, "Oh boy." Ben said, "Check this out, the Mexican government is willing to pay me 12 million to find a hidden ancient alien piece of tech." Bridget said, "Do you know where it is." Ben nodded and took out a sheet of paper with numbers on it. Bridget grabbed it and said, "It's coordinates." Ben said, "I remembered how well you were at geography and map stuff. So I was hoping you could help me find it. You'll get 39 thousand. I swear." Bridget frowned and said, "Are you crazy, Ben??? These coordinates aren't even close to Mexico City. It's far out there. I don't even think it's in the country." Ben said, "So what? We can travel." Bridget said, "You do not understand! This is dangerous. Why would the Mexican government give you something like this if they know they can do it? Because it's a set up." Ben said, "You don't know what you're talking." Bridget handed him the coordinates back and said, "To hell with that, Ben. I love you but I don't love you that much. You're on your own." Ben stood there disappointedly and left.
Bridget walked back inside her restaurant and began to get back to work until suddenly, she realized that 39 thousand here could get her whatever she wanted. It's more than what she'll make here in nine weeks. Bridget looked up realizing she made a huge mistake.
Ben walked over to his car. "You sure know how to change a girls mind," Ben stopped and smiled. He turned to see Bridge standing there with a smile on her. Ben said, "You would know." Bridget said, "I'll tell you what. You give me 40 thousand and I'll be with you're the whole way through." Ben smiled and said, "Let's get moving."
Bridget and Ben got inside the car. Ben looked at her up and down and said, "Want to go home?" Bridget asked, "For what?" Ben looked at her again and she said, "Oh yes, of course. Let's go." Ben smirked and said, "All right." He took off.
Ben and Bridget took off following the coordinates. Bridget sat in the back of the car with a large map. She looked at the coordinates and then back at the map.
Ben asked, "Got anything?" Bridget said, "It's difficult to say. I'm checking and rechecking but it all leads to this one place near a mountain." Ben said, "Circle it and we'll get right there." At that moment, Ben's cell phone ring. He took it out and answered it, "Hello?" It was Moses. He said, "Yo, Ben. I'm going to send you an address. I need to see you quickly." Ben said, "Moses? Why didn't you use your cell phone?" Moses said, "I can't talk over the phone. Just get here." Before Ben could end the call, Moses did it himself. Ben sat his cell phone down and said, "We gotta make a detour. Moses is needs to see me." Bridget leaned toward Ben and said, "I didn't know you still spoke to Moses?" Ben smirked and said, "You'll be surprised by a lot of things. Hold on." Ben quickly slammed on the brakes and steered the car around. He drove in a different direction. He took out his cell phone when Moses sent him his new address. Ben Google Mapped the address and followed the GSP locator.
That night, Ben arrived outside Moses hidden house in a shady part of Mexico. He and Bridget got out and walked over to the door.
Ben looked at Bridget nervously and knocked on the door. Quickly, a man opened the door and aimed a gun at Ben. He asked, "Who the hell are you?" Ben said, "Moses Herrera asked me to come."
At that moment, Moses stepped over and said, "Come in hombre, come in." Ben nodded and Moses saw Bridget also and hugged her after so long.
Ben sat down with Moses. Moses said, "I see you're with Bridget again." Ben turned to see Bridget in the kitchen cooking with Moses girlfriend. Ben looked back to Moses and said, "Hell no dude. I just need her help." Moses chuckled and said, "Help with what?" Ben said, "I can't read a map." Moses said, "What?" Ben said, "I can't read a map." Moses froze for a second and suddenly burst into laughter. Ben said, "What's so funny?" Moses said, "You! You can't even read a map. That's what your sorry ass gets for dropping out of high school." Ben said, "I love the free life. Besides, I'm getting paid just as much as you are." Moses said, "True." Ben said, "So what do you have for me?" Moses grabbed a file and handed it to Ben. He said, "My boys told me your piece of alien tech is 12 miles from this area. But we caught this thing snooping around it. Turn the page." Ben turned the page and saw a very tall and menacing looking green alien. Ben said, "What the hell?" Moses said, "I don't know what the Mexican government got you into, but bruh, you're in for a real shit show." Ben looked at the picture of the alien terrorized.
Moses said, "It's too late to drive. I'll have you guys stay here for the night." Ben said, "That would be awesome."
Moses showed Ben and Bridget to the room. The room was small and only had one mattress. Ben said, "Awesome!" He jumped on the bed. Bridget said, "Do you have another room? Or mattress?" Moses said, "No, all the rooms are full." Bridget sighed. Ben patted on the space beside him. Bridget put her bags down and lay next to Ben staring up at the ceiling. Ben said, "Can you at least try to make this a little less awkward?" Bridget said, "I'm lying down next to a guy I have no relation to. How is that not awkward?" Ben sat up and looked at her. He said, "I don't know. It's only awkward if you make it so." Bridget glanced at him. He smirked at her and said, "Now tell me, is this still awkward?" Bridget said, "Maybe...just a little." Ben lay on his back and said, "Good night, Bridget. We start back on the road bright and early tomorrow."
The next day, Ben and Bridget were back on the road headed toward the coordinates. Bridget said, "From the looks of it, we're getting close." Ben nodded and said, "Good. I want to make a quick pit stop." Ben saw a mini mart ahead and drove toward it.
Ben parked the car and turned off the car. Bridget looked at her and said, "I'll go in. Want anything?" Ben said, "Sure, some Doritos." Bridget stopped and looked at him surprised. She said, "No way, you eat Doritos too?" Ben smiled and almost blushed. Bridget said, "That stuff is disgusting. But okay." Ben's smile faded away as Bridget got out getting some snacks.
Bridget stopped the snacks in front of the cashier and took out her wallet. She looked around and saw some men walking around the store. Bridget continued to stare at them and saw that one of them accidentally took his hands out of his pocket and his jacket lifted up partially to show a laser gun hiding in his pants. Bridget had no idea what it was but when she looked up, the other man was glaring at her. Bridget looked away quickly and paid for their stuff.
Bridget rushed out of the store and began running toward Ben. Ben saw her and got out of the car instantly until the men walked out behind her and grabbed her arm. Ben yelled, "HEY!" He began to run toward them. The second men injected something into her, knocking her out cold. They picked her up and began run with her. Ben chased after them.
The two men ran behind the store and when Ben ran over, they were gone. Ben looked around trying to find out where they could have gone. He looked around and heard something but didn't know what it was. Suddenly the loud roaring of an engine turned on and Ben looked to see a space craft become visible to his eyes. Ben looked at it side to side and saw the space craft lifting up into the air. Ben shook his head in confusion and ran over to the car to see if he could follow them.
Ben started his car and following the space craft.
The laser cannons aimed down at him. Ben said, "Oh sh..." The lasers flew down at the car. Ben dodged the lasers as best as he could but one flew directly into the hood of the car. Smoke flew out of the hole in the hood in Ben's car slowly stopped. Ben slammed on his wheel yelling in anger.
Ben got out of the car and watched as the space craft disappeared from his sights.
Moses and his girlfriend were sitting on the couching holding each other gleefully until his cell phone began to buzz. He wanted to ignore it but the feeling just annoyed him. He pulled it out and saw it was Ben. He answered quickly knowing something was up. "Yo," Moses said cautiously. Ben said, "We ran into some aliens." Moses said, "What?!" Ben said, "Yeah, I don't know what happened but they must know we're onto them." Moses said, "That's impossible." Ben said, "They took her, bro." Moses said, "Please don't tell me they got away in a space craft?" Ben was quiet. Moses said, "Well at least tell me you know where they went." Ben said, "They disappeared. They destroyed my car and everything." Moses said, "You need me to come pick you up?" Ben said, "Definitely. This place gives me the creeps." Moses said, "We'll be right there." Ben said, "Thanks."
Moses ended the call. His girlfriend said, "What's going on?" Moses said, "Ben needs our help." His girlfriend asked, "Again?!" Moses grabbed his coat and the two rushed out.
Ben sat in the lobby of a car repairmen shop. Moses and his girl arrived a few minutes later. Ben was joyful to see them. They walked inside and saw them repairing his car. Ben said, "They destroyed her man." Moses said, "You've got bigger problems. Bridget. How are you going to find her?" Ben said, "I know. I know." Moses said, "Do you think those aliens are somehow connected to the ones we caught pictures of?" Ben looked at him surprised and said, "Maybe." He suddenly had an idea and rushed over to his car. The repairmen looked at him in anger as he reached inside the car and grabbed the map.
He looked at it and saw that Bridget had circled the point where the coordinates all came together. A smile grew on his face and said, "I'm coming for you."
In a space ship hiding near a mountain, the aliens who captured Bridget stormed inside with her in hand. They entered the command room with their leader pacing by the window. The aliens stopped and said, "Leader Minch, we've got a problem." Minch stopped pacing and didn't even make eye contact with them. The first alien said, "This girl caught us in the store. We didn't know whether to kill her or..." Minch looked directly at Bridget and said, "Was she with anyone?" The second alien said, "Yes, a boy." Minch said, "Don't kill her. You kill her and people will be looking for her." The first alien said, "So let her go?" Minch said, "Whip your memory and send her back out there. I don't want anyone getting in the way of my mission." The aliens looked at one another and took her out of his sight.
Minch looked outside and saw his aliens walking back toward the ship.
When the team arrived inside the ship, they walked over to apologize to Minch. He said, "Still nothing?" One of them nodded. Minch said, "Do not worry. We'll move into a different position tomorrow. Get some rest." The aliens nodded and left. Minch deeply was disappointed at the news and wanted the alien piece badly. But he knew, it would be a struggle to find.
Later on, Ben and Moses take off for alien tech.
The travel for almost six hours long, but by the time they reached the mountain it was dark.
Moses stopped the car and saw the mountain to their right. Ben sat the travel they had to take in order to get there." Moses took out his flash light and said, "We're going to need this."
The two began on the travel. Ben held the map with a flash light in his mouth while Moses flashed the light around the area. Ben said, "We should a few miles away from the piece." Moses said, "Hopefully. I hate this alien shit man." Ben looked at Moses laughing until they heard something. The two stopped and ducked down turning off the flash lights instantly. They looked around and saw what looked like a man walking. Moses said, "Holy shit dude." Ben asked, "What?" Moses said, "I think that's an alien dude." Ben looked harder and saw whatever it was holding a laser gun. Ben said, "Shit." Moses said, "How are we going to do this?" Ben said, "Distract it. They can't see in the dark." Moses agreed and said, "Wait, who's going to distract it??"
Moses walked over to the alien alone. The alien aimed a light in his face and said, "Who the hell are you?" Moses was extremely nervous. He said, "Uhh, I'm an alien of course. Fellow alien. I'm dressed up like a human." The alien looked at him oddly and said, "Then what's your name?" Moses said, "Hova." The alien smirked and said, "That's my name." Moses didn't know what else to do, so he knocked the alien out in a punch. Ben walked over to him and said, "I was supposed to do that." Moses said, "I was freaking out man. It's horrible how they name these aliens." Ben shook his head and the two continued forward until they realized, an alien space ship was dead ahead. Moses said, "Well that explains the alien." Ben said, "Bridget might be in there." Moses said, "You're going in?" Ben said, "If I don't, they'll kill her."
Moses and Ben sat waiting for an alien to step inside the ship when it did; they rush in before the door closed. Moses said, "Really man, tell me how you feel about Bridget." Ben laughed and said, "I don't know dude, we always like each other but we never had the guts to let one another know." Moses said, "This is your chance man. If you fail now you'll probably never get the chance again." Ben said, "So?" Moses said, "So...? Bro you've been single since the seventh grade. You need a woman. You're a millionaire. Any girl in Mexico would want you." Ben looked forward and said, "Yeah well, I don't want any girl..." He stopped after realizing the truth. But at that moment, an alien walked over to the door and it opened instantly. Moses said, "Go! Go! Go!" The two stood up and ran toward the door as it began to close.
Moses said, "We're not going to make it." Ben said, "Like hell we won't!" He jumped forward and slid under. Ben looked at Moses and tried to hurry him over, but the door closed before Moses could enter. Ben wanted to yell but it would give up his position.
Moses stood outside scared. He turned around and hid around the ship until the door reopened.
Ben stood up and realized he was all alone. He looked around and began running around hoping to find Bridget.
Inside the experimentation room, the two aliens put a device chip on Bridget's forehead. One alien said, "This might sting a little." Bridget was afraid to hear those words.
Ben was sneaking around when he accidentally ran into an alien. Ben didn't know what to do so he punched it in the face took off trying to get away. The alien chased after Ben trying to get some back up.
Ben found a series of doors and tried to get inside each of them. But unfortunately they were all locked until reached the seventh one and he hid inside. He calmed down after feeling the relief of knowing they wouldn't find him until he turned around and saw he was in the experimentation room with Bridget and the aliens. They stared at him shocked. Ben stood up and grabbed a syringe on the table beside him. He stabbed the alien in the eyes and back kicked the second alien into a wall head first. Bridget looked at him happily and said, "Ben!" Ben walked over to Bridget and took the chip off her head. She said, "We have to get out of here." Ben unstrapped her from the table and walked over to the door. He looked around and saw that there were no aliens around. The two sneaked out of the room and ran down the hall. They stopped and looked at the door ahead. Ben said, "That's our only escape." Bridget said, "Seriously?" Ben nodded. Bridget said, "How do we get out?" Ben said, "Only aliens can open it." Bridget said, "Are you kidding me?" Ben shook his head and said, "Once we get out, we have to run like hell."
In the command room, Minch received a hologram call. He answered it. It was the alien who caught Ben. He told Minch about the situation. Minch looked up and said, "Get the rest of the aliens inside."
At that moment, the door opened and the rest of the aliens rushed inside. They were headed in a different direction. Ben and Bridget moved from the hiding spot and as they reached the door, Moses was just sneaking in. He ran into the accidentally and was happy to see them. Before they could greet one another, lasers were shot at them. Without looking, they ran out of the space ship getting back to the car quickly.
The aliens chased them out of the ship and shot at them.
Moses said, "Now I know how The Chosen Ones feel!" He ducked as lasers flew at him.
They reached the end of the trail and went to the car. Bridget turned to see that the aliens weren't following them anymore.
The three got inside the car and Moses left the area with tons of speed. Moses said, "They're probably going to be coming at us with those goddamn space crafts." Bridget looked forward and said, "No, they're too afraid to show themselves." Ben looked at her surprised by this information and asked, "How do you know this?" Bridget said, "Their leader said so. They don't want anyone to take away their chances of finding the alien technology piece." Ben said, "That does make a lot of sense." Moses said, "So, what now?" Ben said, "We have to go back. Find a way around the ship and get after that alien piece before they do."
The next day, Moses drove the two back to the mountain.
They continued through the forest retracing their steps. They figured since it was day light it would be much easier to spot the ship and anyone else moving through the forest.
They made their way around the ship and continued moving forward.
Bridget was looking at the map while leading the two. The search took almost four hours until they reached the spot on the map. Bridget said, "Here it is." The area looked completely normal. There seemed to be no sign of the alien tech anywhere. Ben said, "Call me crazy, but what if the technology isn't in the mountain... but on it." Moses said, "Shit!" Ben said, "We'll just have to get shovels." Moses said, "Do I look like I carry shovels in my car?" Ben looked up in disappointment. He said, "Well, we'll have to go to a hardware store and buy some." Bridget folded the map and said, "Fine with me." She began leaving them behind. Moses followed behind her with Ben staying behind looking at the area.
A shovel was stabbed into the dirt. After they had bought shovels they returned back to the area and began digging at the dirt around them hoping to find the piece of tech somewhere.
After much digging, the sun began to fall. Moses stood there tired and said, "I can't work much longer. I'm going to fall out." Ben said, "Please, we have to keep digging." Bridget said, "Ben's right. We have too. Stopping now would show the aliens that they're not the only ones searching and have them search swiftly." Moses lifted his shovel up and slammed it down at the ground harshly until he hit something. Everyone stopped and Moses was about to do it again until Ben stopped him and began digging the dirty up with his bare hands. Moses said, "Jeez man chill, you're going to break a nail."
It was at that moment, when Ben saw a glowing yellow light. Ben smiled gloriously and whipped the dirt away slowly. In front of him was the alien technology that would turn the tide on this new alien war.
While the three are celebrating over their achievement, an alien catches this and runs back to the ship to alert Minch.
Minch was walking through the ship when the doors opened and the alien rushed inside out of breath. He said, "Sir, get back up! The humans! They've found the Clogzgo!" Minch glared at the alien in anger.
Ben put the Clogzgo in his jacket pocket and the three began leaving the site. Bridget suddenly heard something behind her. She turned and looked for the sound but found nothing. Bridget looked to Ben and said, "I think we should run." Ben looked at her and asked, "What?" Bridget said, "I think..." At that moment, aliens came toward them with laser guns ready to fire upon them. The three stopped to put their hands up. Minch walked toward them and said, "I hear you have something I've been looking for." Ben looked at him and smirked. He said, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Minch said, "I see." He walked over to Ben and punched him in the gut. Ben fell to his knees. Minch stood above him and said, "You have the Clogzgo. I want it." Ben said, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Minch slapped him out of rage. Ben looked up at him and spit his blood on Minch's feet. Ben said, "There is no Clogzberry or whatever it's called. My friends and I were just hiking." Minch said, "You were on my ship yesterday. And so was she. We know who you are. But we don't know why you're looking for the Clogzgo." Ben said, "I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I have no idea what you're talking about." Minch nodded and turned to his aliens. He said, "Take them aboard the ship. We're going back home. Maybe if we can't get it out of you. Someone else can." The aliens lifted Ben up and began walking them back to the ship.
Ben whispered to Bridget, "Get Moses and yourself out of here. It's me they'll want." Bridget looked at Ben and nodded. Ben winked and at that moment Ben rammed into the alien in front of them. All the attention was aimed at him. The aliens ran to attack Ben.
Bridget grabbed Moses and the two began to run away. Bridget turned around and saw that Ben was being beaten. Bridget said, "I can't leave him." Moses looked at her and said, "I'm not staying." He dashed off. Bridget turned to the battle and ran into it.
Ben punched an alien down to the ground. Another ran directly in front of him. The alien ran to grab him, but Ben threw his knee into his gut and head butted him. Ben turned to see an alien shooting at him. Ben ducked and rolled as the lasers hit other aliens. When the alien realized what he was doing, Ben punched him in the face also.
At that moment, Bridget slapped an alien in the back of the head with a branch. Ben looked at her insanely and said, "I told you to leave!"
Minch watched the two and said, "Kill the girl and wound the boy." The alien followed the orders.
Bridget saw an alien running toward Ben. He kicked him in between the legs until another alien shoved her to the ground. Ben ran to her rescue and elbowed the alien in the face. At alien aimed a laser gun at the back of Ben's head. He said, "Stop." That alien was then shot but a laser gun Bridget stole. Ben turned to her with a lovely feeling. Ben and Bridget stood side by side and Bridget began shooting any alien that close to them. Ben said, "We need to leave!" The two made a run for it into the woods. Minch watched them in anger and yelled, "AFTER THEM!" He followed the aliens as they chased after Ben.
Bridget looked beside her and saw an alien catching up.
Bridget aimed her laser gun at the alien. The alien knocked the laser gun out of her hand instantly. Bridget looked forward not knowing what to do until she looked above her and saw a hanging branch. She smiled with joy and jumped up to grab it. The branch broke off when she grabbed it and at that moment she slammed the branch on top of the aliens head.
Bridget looked at Ben and he smirked the whole time.
Minch stopped running and took out his gun. He switched it to stun and aimed it directly at the back of Bridget. He shot her first sending her to the ground. Ben turned to her and realized he couldn't leave her. He got down on his knees and surrendered.
The aliens surrounded the two and Minch walked over to them. He said, "Say good bye to your life." Ben looked up at him in anger.
Ben and Bridget were shoved into a prison cell.
Ben looked at Bridget, who was starting to move easily again, "We need to get out of here." Bridget said, "Please tell me house." Ben looked around the cell and suddenly looked at the hinges of the door. It was lose and rusted. Ben smirked and said, "I'm going to charge at the door. When I do, I need you to push me." Bridget stared at him for a while and said, "What?" Ben said, "I'm going to break the door down. It's weak." Bridget said, "How many times are we going to need to hit it?" Ben looked at it and said, "I don't know. Enough times for it to break." Bridget rolled her eyes and said, "Fine." Ben stepped back with Bridget behind him and at that moment the two rushed toward the door intensely. Bridget shoved Ben forward and he rammed into the door pushing it a bit.
Ben lay on the floor rubbing his pain. Bridget said, "Holy shit Ben, you're a genius." Ben looked up and said, "Let's not do this again."
Ben rammed toward the door again bending it a bit. Bridget looked at it and said, "Again!"
Ben looked at the door wanting to cry over the pain. Bridget said, "Come up, sick it up YouTube boy!" Ben ran at the door again but this time, the door fell down after the hit.
Ben lay on the door rolling back and forth crying. Bridget walked out of the cell and looked around. She turned to Ben and said, "Come, get up you pussy!"
Ben and Bridget began roaming the ship trying to get to the landing bay. Ben said, "I'm starting to wish we had some weapons right about now." Bridget said, "If we can get their now, we'll have a weapon. A big weapon." Ben looked at Bridget and said, "Let's move!"
The two continued running until they saw two big doors. They hid and thought about a plan. Ben said, "What are the odds those doors lead to the landing bay?" Bridget looked at them and said, "Uhh, 23." Ben smirked and said, "Even if it is, what about find a space craft?" Bridget said, "We improvise." Ben said, "Improvise what? Our deaths?" Bridget smirked and said, "Let's go."
The two began to walk toward the doors until an alien spotted them. Ben and Bridget looked at him terrified. Ben said, "I'll handle him, find us a way out." Bridget nodded and the doors opened for her to get in. Ben ran toward the alien.
Ben was kicked in the chest by the alien. He fell to his back. The alien ran toward him and Ben instantly elbowed him in the face. The alien backed away and then swung his laser gun at Ben. Ben ducked and punched the alien in the face knocking him out instantly. Ben nodded and said, "That's what's up!"
Bridget was snooping around and saw one space craft at the end of the bay. She was suddenly grabbed by the shoulder. Bridget turned terrified to see Ben. She said, "Oh my god!" Ben said, "You found one. Good. Let's move!"
They began running toward the space craft in the landing bay. As they got near, an alien stepped outside the space craft. He looked at them surprised and said, "What do we have here? Two humans roaming the ship. Seems to me like you need to be taught a lesson." Ben said, "I'll handle him. You get to the space craft." The alien said, "You better stop lying. You're not going anywhere." Ben ran at the alien. He reached for his neck but the alien grabbed his hands and moved them away. Ben looked at the alien shocked and realized he didn't have much strength. The alien used Ben's own hands to beat him in the face. He laughed and said, "Stop hitting yourself." He then threw Ben against the space craft and said, "What makes you think, you can't defeat me?" Ben looked at him and said, "Goddamn your breath smells like a dead animal." The alien shoved his knee into Ben's gut and shoved him to the ground. Ben began to get up when he started coughing blood. The alien lifted him up and said, "There's only death." She slammed Ben to the floor fiercely. The alien grinned and laughed. Ben looked up and was kicked in the face. Ben landed on his back and looked at the alien.
Bridget ran inside the space craft and instantly turned it on without trying. She said, "How the hell do you work this thing." She lifted the space craft up in the air.
The alien and Ben watched this in shock. The alien said, "How in the hell did she learn how to fly that thing?" Ben and the alien looked at each other shrugged.
Bridget saw the alien looking at her and began shooting at him. The alien jumped out of the way and Ben saw the lasers flying toward him. Ben quickly rolled out of the way as lasers flew past him. He looked up at Bridget and said, "What is she doing?"
While Bridget was shooting at the alien, she began to destroy everything else in the area.
More aliens rushed inside the landing bay and began shooting at the space craft. She said, "Look, if Sasha Ectova and The Chosen Ones can fly this thing! So can I!" She began shooting at the aliens increasingly.
Ben stood up and began running away from the alien fire. He waved down the space craft. Bridget saw him and lowered down toward him. She opened the door and allowed Ben to jump inside. He looked at her and said, "Feeling at home?"
Minch watched the whole thing not worried by what happened. An alien rushed in to deliver the news but saw he was already watching. Minch turned to him and said, "Yes, I know." The alien said, "But you didn't stop them." Minch walked toward the alien and said, "We have the Clogzgo. We we're going to deliver it to Jola. As promised."
Bridget was flying the space craft away from the ship when Ben realized. "The alien tech," he said checking his body. "They have it!" Bridget looked at him and said, "We barely made it out of their with our lives. You want to go back!" Ben said, "Yes, that's 12 million back their! And the end to this war!" Bridget said, "You're just a Youtuber! You're not a Chosen One and damn sure aren't a Hero!" Ben stood there hurt by her words. Bridget realized what she said was wrong. She looked forward and said, "Look, the Heroes of the World will come. They'll handle this and get it back. They now what to do. We don't have any guns or anything."
Outside, the ground began to rumble and Minch's ship began to lift up into the air. Bridget and Ben looked outside to see it lifting up. Ben said, "I don't know about you, but the Heroes aren't going to get to it in time." Bridget nodded agreeing with what he said. She quickly turned the space craft back toward the ship. "It's going to be dangerous," said Bridget as she neared the ship. "Are you sure?" Ben walked over to the door of the space craft. Ben looked at her and said, "Nope."
Inside the space ship, one pilot saw the space craft flying toward them. He said, "Sir... they're coming back." Minch said, "For the Clogzgo. Take them out!"
Laser cannons began to aim at the space craft. The aliens fired at them almost instantly.
Ben realized he needed something to get inside the ship. He looked at a cabinet beside him and took out a handle. He looked at strangely and pressed a button. A laser blade shot out of it. He smiled and pressed the button to open the doors. He turned to Bridget and the two smiled at each other as he flew out of the space craft.
Ben landed on the roof of the ship. He looked around him and saw he was sliding off the ship. He ejected the laser blade from the handle and stabbed it into the ship. Ben held on tight as he began to cut a hole in the ship.
He pushed the hole open and climbed into the ship.
Ben landed on the floor and looked around unaware of which part of the ship he was in. He stood up and began to run forward.
Minch stood watching Ben breach the ship. He yelled, "I WANT ALIENS TO THAT LEVEL RIGHT AWAY!" He turned to an alien leaving out, "Get to the Clogzgo. Bring it to me." The alien nodded and rushed out to kill Ben.
Ben began roaming the ship to find the alien tech.
Minch watched Ben roam around and saw he was getting close to the Clogzgo. Minch began to grow impatient.
Ben suddenly stopped when he heard the sound of running. He realized his presence on board the ship was known.
The aliens continued searching for Ben, but they didn't know that they had already passed him. He was hiding from the group.
Ben sneaked out of hiding and at that moment, he was grabbed by an alien and thrown into the wall. Ben saw the alien walk toward. He aimed his laser gun at him and Ben kicked the laser gun away from him. The alien looked at Ben shocked and as he reached to grab him, Ben stabbed the alien in the ribs. The alien grunted and fell to the floor dying. Ben stood up watching the alien die.
Minch rubbed his face out of fear and said, "Find a way to get in touch with those aliens." The pilots agreed and tried to contact one of the aliens that were sent to kill Ben.
One alien got a call on his hologram. He took out and answered it to see Minch's projection in front of him. He said, "You passed the human!"
The alien stopped. Minch said, "He's behind you. He just killed one of your own!" The alien looked up in rage and rushed to kill Ben.
Ben began walking through the halls carrying the laser gun he stole. A laser was shot at him instantly and he ducked down to take cover behind a wall. The alien yelled, "YOU BETTER COME OUT WHERE I CAN SEE YOU!" Ben said, "Are you aliens like Stormtroopers?" The alien said, "I don't understand!" Ben said, "Because you suck at aiming!" He peaked out and shot at the alien. The alien took cover. He said, "If I wanted you dead, I'd have shot you already. No, this is a murder I want to commit with my bare hands. I'll do so!" He rushed out running to Ben while firing at him.
When Ben moved out to shoot him, the alien kicked the gun out of his hands. He looked at Ben and punched him in the face. He grabbed him and punched him in the face again. Ben fell to his back in pain.
The alien walked over to Ben and wrapped his two hands around his head. Ben grabbed the alien's arms trying to free himself. The alien began squeezing his head.
Minch watched the murdering of Ben with intensity. He said, "Come. Yes! Kill him!" Ben grabbed the aliens arm tightly and pulled him toward his head clashing them together. The alien was shocked by this action. Ben stood up and kicked the alien in the gut. The alien looked up at Ben and he was kicked in the face. As Ben was about to finish the job, he looked up to see a room with a glowing substance. Ben realized what it was and walked toward it.
He opened the door slightly and saw the alien tech lying on a table protected by glass. Ben walked over to it and smashed it open.
Ben ran out of the room and took out his cell phone.
Bridget was flying the space craft near the ship as it began taking off into space. Her cell phone ring. She took it out to see Ben calling. She answered. Ben said, "Come and get me!" Bridget said, "Are you headed to the hole?" Ben said, "Yes!" Bridget heard noise in the background. Bridget said, "What's that?"
Ben was being chased by four other aliens along with Minch. They were after him.'
Ben made it to the hole and waved Bridget down. He suddenly realized, the sky was getting darker. Ben said, "Oh god!" Bridget yelled, "YOU HAVE TO JUMP!"
Ben looked at Minch coming and crawled through the whole. Ben looked down at the ground below. It scared him. Ben swallowed his fear and before Minch could grab him, he jumped out of the ship and down toward the ground.
Bridget flies the space craft up beside him and opens the doors. Ben is sucked inside quickly and Bridget quickly closes the doors. Bridget turned to him. Ben looked at her and revealed the Clogzgo in his hands. Bridget smirked instantly.
Moses had just arrived back at his place. He rushed inside nervously and called his girlfriend name. She walked out of bathroom to aid him. He said, "We need to get out of here." At that moment, the sound of an engine was heard from outside. Moses turned to it hoping it wasn't what he thought it was.
Moses and his girlfriend walked outside to see Ben and Bridget walked out of the stolen space craft. Moses looked at him shocked. Moses shouted, "YOU SURVIVED!" Ben said, "Of course I did." Moses said, "How did you fly that thing?" Ben looked at Bridget. Moses said, "And the alien piece?" Ben took it out of his jacket pocket and showed it to him. Ben said, "He tried very hard to get this thing. That's why I'm going to need you all to get on this space craft before..." Moses and his girlfriend looked up at the sky terrified. Ben turned around slowly to see what they feared. Minch's space ship began flying toward them. Moses said, "No way." Ben yelled, "GET INSIDE NOW!"
Laser cannons aimed down at them.
Everyone rushed onto the space craft as lasers fired at them.
Moses' house was destroyed by the fire.
Bridget lifted the space craft up as lasers hit it.
Ben said, "Doesn't this thing have shields?" Bridget said, "If it did, I wouldn't know."
The space craft instantly began to fly away.
Inside the ship, Minch watched as they tried to get away. He said, "They won't escape. We'll catch up to them soon enough!"
Moses said, "I know this is crazy, but why don't we try firing at them." Bridget said, "Because I don't know how to control that either." Moses rolled his eyes and said, "Do you know how to get us out of here." Bridget didn't answer. Ben looked forward and said, "This possibly may have been a big mistake."
Minch sat down in his chair. He said, "Shoot down their engines!"
The pilots began to aim there laser cannons at the engines of the space craft.
Minch said, "Fire on my command."
Red lights began to flash in front of Bridget's. Bridget said, "We're being aimed on." Ben said, "I've got a plan. But it's not a good one."
Bridget said, "What are you thinking?" Ben said, "Turn back to the ship."
Bridget quickly toward the space craft around. Ben said, "Go straight for the window." Bridget said, "What?" Ben said, "Just do it!" Bridget pulled the lever back and the space craft quickly flew toward the commanding room of the ship.
Minch saw it coming and said, "They're going to commit suicide." The pilot said, "What do we do?" Minch said, "Shoot them out of the sky."
The alien pilots aimed directly at the space craft and began shooting it with everything they had.
Lasers began hitting the space craft rapidly. Ben yelled as lasers broke through the glass. Ben said, "Get down!" As everyone got down, a laser hit Ben in the shoulder. He hit the ground in pain while holding his wound. Bridget wanted to help Ben, but he refused. Bridget continued on.
Minch realized how close they were getting, and without warning anyone else, he got up and rushed out of the commanding room.
Bridget flew the space craft into the commanding room.
Ben lay on the floor of the destroyed space craft. He looked around and saw Moses and his girlfriend knocked out also. Bridget sat in the chair now wounded too badly. Bridget turned to Ben and saw him losing blood. She ran over to him and checked his wound. Ben said, "We've got to get off this thing before it blows." Bridget nodded and before she could help Ben, she ran to wake Moses and his girlfriend.
The four walked off the destroyed space craft and entered the command room. Ben looked around and said, "Sit me down over there." Bridget walked him over to Minch's chair. She sat him down on it.
Moses said, "Now what?" Ben said, "I need to wrap this wound up and then we move back to the landing bay." Moses said, "And where's that?" Ben said, "Across the ship. We'll find a new space craft."
Minch was running through the ship.
Bridget wrapped Ben's wound up and they began making their way to the landing bay.
Minch made it to the escape pods. He opened the door and sneaked inside one. He pressed the button and the pod shot out of the ship and toward Mexico City.
The four reached the landing bay and saw all space crafts were gone. Moses yelled, "DAMMIT! WE'RE SCREWED!" Ben said, "Moses, calm down man." Moses looked at Ben crazily, "Are you kidding me?! You've put my girlfriend endanger. You nearly killed yourself! And now you're trying to calm me down. This is insane Ben. These people tricked you because they knew they wouldn't be able to handle it like you did." Ben looked at Bridget. Ben said, "I know that this job is a little too much. But you have to understand. We're too far in. we can't just run from it. It's time to end this thing. And we have to end it with taking down that alien leader."
Moses' girlfriend said, "I don't know if this is a good time but I saw some sort of pod like rooms as we passed by." Ben said, "Great, that would have been lovely to tell us while we were running our asses off back there." Moses said, "Hey man, ease off!" He turned to his girlfriend and said, "Why didn't you tell us this while we were running?!" Moses' girlfriend said, "Because I thought there would be space craft." Bridget said, "Let's go then!"
Moses' girlfriend led them to the pod level and saw one was missing. Ben said, "Minch." Bridget said, "Where did he go?" Moses looked at the pod he left in and saw that a street in Mexico City was in the history log. Moses said, "Mexico City?" Ben said, "What?" Moses looked up at him and said, "Why would he go to Mexico City?" Bridget said, "He's trying to escape, maybe." Ben said, "That doesn't matter, we need to get down their now!"
The escape pods flew out of the ship and toward Mexico City.
Minch was walking through down trying to get to the waterfront so he could find a boat or something to get him away from the city.
As he was walking, two police officers caught him walking and aimed guns at him. Minch stopped running and turned to the police. They got ready to arrest him until Minch took out his two laser guns and shot the police officers instantly. They hit the ground dead. The people screamed and ran in terror.
Minch took out his hologram. He tried contacting someone for help until four pods hit the ground. Minch turned to it oddly and the doors bust open. Ben and his friends jumped out of the pods.
Minch and Ben made eye contact and Minch began running toward him in anger. Ben stood there ready for his attack. Ben looked at Bridget and said, "I'll handle him."
Minch yelled as he got ready to attack Ben. Ben stood there expecting that attack. He clinched his fist wondering which move to make and where to hit him at. Ben looked up at him and while all this thinking was going on, Minch jumped forward at him and tackled him to the ground. Ben shoved Minch off him and kicked Minch in the face. Minch began to stand up but Ben kicked him against the pod. Minch looked at him and grabbed both of his laser guns. He aimed them at Ben and shot at him. Ben ducked as lasers flew over his head and rushed toward off. Minch continued shooting as he got firmly on his feet and followed Ben.
Minch stopped following Ben and aimed one laser gun directly at Ben's wrapped wound. He closed his eye and shot Ben through the shoulder. Ben fell to his face. Ben tried to get up but Minch caught up to him and stomped his face to the ground. Minch kicked Ben onto his back and aimed his laser gun directly at his head. Ben continued to get up but Minch stomped him back down. Minch said, "Want to try and get up again, human?" Ben looked at him painfully. Minch said, "You fight only to lose." Ben looked at him clearly and said, "I'm not going to fight any longer." Minch's hologram began to ring and Jola's projection appeared. Jola said, "You have the Clogzgo?" Ben yelled, "NO! I DO!" Minch slammed his foot on Ben's chest. Jola said, "Who was that?" Minch said, "No one." Ben yelled, "MY NAME IS BENICIO MENDOZA!" Jola said, "Give him the hologram." Minch looked at Ben in anger and helped him get on his feet. Ben stared at Jola for the first time. Jola said, "You have the Clogzgo?" Ben said, "Yes. I'm guessing you're the leader." Jola said, "You guess right." Ben said, "I am going to use the Clogzgo to take you down." Jola laughed and said, "You think you can stop what's coming. You must realize, there are consequences to threatening me." Ben was speechless. Jola said, "I'm not far from your planet and when I get here I swear I will rip your head from your lifeless body." Ben was terrified. Jola said, "Keep the Clogzgo, it won't help you stop me!" Jola ended the hologram call.
Ben and Minch glared at one another until Jola called back. "And also," he said aggressively. "Minch, don't come back. Jump off a cliff. Stab yourself. I don't give a damn. Just make sure you're dead." Minch was also in shock. Jola ended the call for the last time. Minch looked at Ben sadden. Minch said, "You don't know what's coming." Ben said, "Neither will you. Seeing how you have to kill yourself." Minch said, "Jola will conqueror this planet..." Ben interrupted him and said, "Jola? Like Cola?" Minch looked at him oddly. Ben said, "Cola won't be able to conqueror this planet. He may cause some damage here and there and kill a few people... but he won't conqueror this planet." Minch said, "What makes you say that?" Ben said, "Because, I've seen a lot of movies... good luck with killing yourself." Ben turned around and walked away from Minch until he heard a laser gun shot. Ben flinched and turned around to see Minch on the ground dead holding his own laser gun. Ben looked back to his friends walked over to see them with excitement.
Ben walked over to Bridget first and grabbed her hand. She said, "I heard everything..." Ben smirked and said, "I want to take you out." Bridget looked up at Ben shocked. Ben put his hand on her face and kissed her instantly.
Back in Ben's apartment, Moses helped Ben pack his bags. Moses said, "Are you sure you want to leave?" Ben said, "Yeah, there's nothing here for me anymore. Besides, I have some family where I'm headed so there won't be a mistake." Moses said, "I could come if you want?" Ben said, "Maybe... later on. After I'm settled in." Moses smirked and the two hugged. Ben zipped up his suit case and the two walked out of the now empty apartment. Moses said, "You know, once word gets out that the famous Mexican youtuber apartment is now vacant, the whole city will want to get their hands on it." Ben laughed and patted Moses on the back.
The two began walking toward Moses' car until two agents stepped out of a black car and walked toward them. Ben sighed as they got close. One agent said, "You have something of ours." Ben said, "Yeah." He reached into his pocket and handed them the alien tech. The second agent was shocked. Ben said, "That thing was very difficult to get." The first agent said, "Oh I can only imagine." Ben nodded and said, "Right." He left the agents standing there with the Clogzgo.
Ben and Moses got in the car and Moses said, "You know I can get some of my guys to get that thing back." Ben said, "I don't want it. You heard that alien... not even that thing can stop him." Moses looked at Ben thinking about the whole thing and started his car.
Moses walked Ben over to his flight gate. Moses said, "I'm going to miss you bro." Ben said, "Same here man." The two hugged one last time and Ben walked over to the gate before he got a text on his cell phone. He looked at the text and it was from Bridget; I'LL BE WITH YOU SOON! There was a heart emoji next to it and Ben felt extremely excited as he walked onto the plane headed to Los Angeles, California.

In Ben's brand new apartment in Los Angeles, there was a knock on the door. Ben was trying to pack his stuff when he heard the knock. He walked toward the door and opened it to see a person who barely recognized. He said, "May I help you?" The British Chosen One Christopher Pace stepped inside and said, "Yes, my name is Christopher Pace." Ben said, "Holy shit, you're a Chosen One!" Christopher nodded with a smirk. Ben said, "Dude come in." Christopher said, "This isn't that type of visit." Ben said, "Oh... then what is it?" Christopher said, "I recently heard that you went looking for an alien piece of technology known as the Clogzgo, am I correct?" Ben said, "Absolutely." Christopher said, "Good that means you can help me figure out what time this alien armada is coming to planet earth." Ben said, "Wait what?" Christopher said, "That's right. I've come warn you of a massive attack on earth." Ben said, "What do you want me to do?" Christopher said, "Help me figure out the exact date and time that this army will get here." Ben said, "I don't have the resources to do that." Christopher said, "Really?" He pulled out his cell phone and swiped through Ben's videos. Ben stood there realizing Christopher had done his homework and said, "Fine, let's get started."

Ben MendozaWhere stories live. Discover now